View Full Version : Intermittent Stabbing/Shocking Pains in Soles of Feet

1st November 2006, 09:02 PM

Anyone? I'm having some intermittent electrical stabbing type pains at certain points in the bottoms of my feet. These are quite painful but last only seconds. They are occurring once or twice per day and are not dibilitating but are somewhat annoying. It goes away by itself and I try to send some love/light to that area after it happens just to make sure things are flowing well. Is this typical when opening energy pathways? Anyone else experience similar 'pains'?



2nd November 2006, 09:36 PM
Are you doing NEW? I had a heck of a time when starting NEW with my feet. Shocking, stabbing pain is a mild description. I had major energy blocks (related to a past life). I kept slowly using NEW, and eventually the blocks cleared. Take it a little at a time, don't rush it. And, it is common to have energy symptoms even when not consciously working on it.

2nd November 2006, 10:19 PM
While I don't have that kind of symptoms, I had mild spasms in my feet after my first 1 or 2 sessions of NEW. It usually happened after the sessions, and I was trying to relax. My feet would spasm out.

Oh, and when I started working on my legs, I had my hands laying on my legs. Every time I moved my awareness through the area where my hands were located, my hands shocked. They shocked in succession, as if a 'spark' jumped from my leg in my hand, through my torso and out to my leg in the other hand.

Just take your time, and try to focus a bit more on those areas.

Aunt Clair
3rd November 2006, 03:18 AM
... I'm having some intermittent electrical stabbing type pains at certain points in the bottoms of my feet. These are quite painful but last only seconds. They are occurring once or twice per day and are not dibilitating but are somewhat annoying. It goes away by itself and I try to send some love/light to that area after it happens just to make sure things are flowing well. Is this typical when opening energy pathways? Anyone else experience similar 'pains'?Thanks,sterlingindingo
Yes this is normal . You are opening blocks and now the energy will begin to flow in and out of the feet around the obstructions which can be irritating . I suggest to continue with NEW . I would suggest also to deep cleanse and force energy out of the heel , the instep and the ball of the foot daily . Then bring energy into those same areas up to the heart and out the hands and fingertips . Try also to bounce a ball of energy up and out of the energy centres on the feet to the knee and as far below ground as that distance . CLose eyes and visually push out energy from the heart thru the feet especially the heels see it coming out as black and brown shades of colour . When it becomes clear and bright then you have it flowing well without blocks . You can feel and see the energy better in a light trance with eyes closed in a dim room . Look thru the brow centre at the area around your feet as you do your energy exercises . Also shield beneath the home when you are done .

5th November 2006, 12:04 PM
The feet have several major energy gates according to Chi Gung and acupuncture theory - though it doesn't feel like theory to me! ;)

At your heel, in the center of the sole, in the depression at the ball of the foot/ in the front of the foot (the "Bubbling Well"). All toe joints and the points of the toes. Of special importance is the Bubbling Well point, which is called that way because Earth Chi can be felt bubbling upwards at this point.

Cleaning these points will stabilise and regulate the Chi flow in your feet. Maybe the flow at the Bubbling Well was severely blocked within you. Short spasms of energy flow could be quite powerful. Where did you feel your sensations?

5th November 2006, 12:14 PM
Putting your hands on your thighs during your practice can amount to "shortcircuiting" your energy flow, and if you are blocked strong enough, Chi will go the way of least resistance. Since arms are usually less blocked than legs in our sedentiary culture...

I don't know if this will have any ill effect or simply clean up your arm channels instead of your thighs I don't know. But a standard way to avoid is clasp you hands in mid-air (right on top), or holding your hands away from your body, or letting them hang limply on your side, or hold them in front of your belly in a circular fashion (circle of the arms that is, rounded out in hand posture).

This strongly sound like "Fire to the Devil" - in Chi Gung this is leading energy into the wrong channel. The legs with their massive muscles have a much higher Chi demand than the arms or the hands. If you short-circuit a leg flow into the arms these may hurt your nerves - that would explain the shock sensation. It'd be best to avoid that if possible, just to be on the safe side.

The natural energy flow through the abdomen into the hips and legs (Central Channel) and on the left and right body sides (Left and Right Channels, duh! ;) ;) ) is surely preferrable.

5th November 2006, 08:51 PM
I'll make sure to place my hands in a different posture.

6th November 2006, 02:20 AM
Thanks everyone. They seem to have resolved. I always (when meditating) hang my arms down by my sides. I tried forcing the sludge out of the bottom like Aunt Claire said which seemed to work. Coincidentally, someone else in the house woke up with aching cramping feet. I didn't get the part about shileding beneath the home though. Is this some sort of protective measure?

Aunt Clair
6th November 2006, 07:13 AM
Putting your hands on your thighs during your practice can amount to "shortcircuiting" your energy flow, and if you are blocked strong enough, Chi will go the way of least resistance. Since arms are usually less blocked than legs in our sedentiary culture...
the poses we use in meditation and energy exercises to help to unblock and ease the flow of energy
Throne Pose
knees spread , bare feet , palms up , head supported upright
Thoth Pose
leaning forward at 45 degree angle while sitting
feet under hips heels up bare ball of feet and toes on floor
Steles of Seth
elbows on knees to open the flow from forelegs to forearms
bow head forward spine curled knees up to chest feet perched toes down
Monk Pose
lying with knees to elbows so forelegs and forearms make contact
Lion Pose
Draw energy up palms and soles on the ground , back arched
http://forums.riverofenlightenment.com/ ... 627.0.html (http://forums.riverofenlightenment.com/index.php/topic,627.0.html)

Aunt Clair
6th November 2006, 07:26 AM
I tried forcing the sludge out of the bottom like Aunt Clair said which seemed to work. Coincidentally, someone else in the house woke up with aching cramping feet. I didn't get the part about shielding beneath the home though. Is this some sort of protective measure?
When we deep cleanse and purge energy from the body it may sit stagnant and impure in the subetheric of the home . In homes with negativity the subetheric anchors the home like a swamp producing more neg energy . It should be tended to also .

6th November 2006, 09:37 AM
Throne Pose
knees spread , bare feet , palms up , head supported upright

Yeah, I forgot to add - palms up may help as well, since in the center of the palm is the major energy gate. Usually when you have a palms up posture your finger tips go slightly upwards as well, which excludes short-circuiting as well through the finger tips.

Nice to hear your problems are gone! :)