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25th October 2006, 03:18 PM
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25th October 2006, 03:48 PM
I can relate to your experience. When I was about 12, I suddenly KNEW EVERYTHING. I don't remember anything significant that brought this on. I simply had to think about anything and everything about that subject would be there right in my head. I went several months through this while I thought I was going crazy! Somehow I was able to drive it all back from me - much like you saying you "had to know", I was saying "take it away from me".
I'm now 33 and I realize that I have access to this knowledge sporadically, not overwhelmingly as it was.
Someone contacted me a few years ago and said that some of us are "Knowledge Walkers" - everything is available to us. If we're lucky, we have guidance.
It may sound crazy to you but I'm trying to get all that knowledge back. I have been working on spiritual development for years and think that I can handle it better than I did before.
I have found a few books that relate to this type of Knowing. Google Rose Rosetree. She has a website and some books that talk about this. I have her book Aura Reading and I am going to get her book, Empath (something).
these are the first books I've found on this KNOWING. Feel free to PM me if you want to talk more, maybe I can help you.
26th October 2006, 09:20 PM
I don't know or have your condition personally, but you may want to read up on "Kundalini syndrome". It happens e.g. to spiritual practitioners that involuntarily trigger a Kundalini spike and cannot handle it.
I do not know if it is this or not, but maybe a balancing practise like meditative T'ai Chi and Chi Gung can help you. Acupuncture is rather external and no continuous help for the energy bodies. Practices that teach balance and proper grounding may help you to anchor you properly from your "head in the skies". :wink:
26th October 2006, 11:42 PM
You could try Alchemical Hypnotherapy. It's a spiritual kind of hypnotherapy that aims to contact your higher self in order to bring about emotional transformation. You can read some testimonials and find out more information about it here:
27th October 2006, 06:59 AM
When thinking longer about your "symptoms" several things spring to my mind:
There are two major inner energy work systems, one from the Indian Chakra system and one of the Taoist system. The first one is involved with activating the Kundalini circuit, the second one is worked on in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), acupuncture, Chi/Nei Gung and T'ai Chi. They overlap but do not necessarily match.
According to Chinese Taoism there are three major expressions or refinements of your life energy Chi - Jing Chi (physical) stored in the lower tantien behind the navel, Xin Chi (emotional) stored in the middle tantien at the solarplexus and Shen Chi (mental) stored in the upper tantien behind the third eye.
In a healthy, balanced, developed being, Shen gently controls and Xin and Jing. This puts you in charge of your emotions, calms your mind and strengthens your body.
Forcing or overdeveloping the middle and upper tantien energy can unbalance a person. Overdeveloped Xin makes you a playball of your emotions, and overdeveloped Shen makes you detached. To avoid this, all energies need balancing and common development.
Meditators in China tended to get brittle bodies during their long sittings, till Chi Gung practice were introduced to help put balance into the equation by developing body and emotion. What I've read mentioned that Buddha himself warned about meditators doing too much meditation without developing compassion (= Xin emotion). This produces cool and lofty people and neurotic states.
Your "symptoms" sound like an overdevelopment in the spiritual/Shen department. Psychic capabilities are commonly associated with the Third Eye chakra or the Third Eye point in your forehead, spiritual knowledge and glimpses of omniscience with the Crown chakra or the Bai Hui point at the top of your head.
Maybe having inadvertently opened this chakras to a great extent puts a drain on your body. Your health and/or your emotional stability may suffer, because you have not yet a strong enough foundation to supply the necessary energy.
In Taoism, energy refinement or "internal alchemy" converts Jing into Xin (a healthy body to balance the emotions), Xin to Shen (balanced emotions calm the mind), and Shen to Wu Chi (a calm mind may empty to the original emptiness before everything came to be, become enlightened and more profound).
Maybe, and this is only my opinion, you drain your natural supply of your natural conversion too fast, and unbalance your emotions, feel empty, drained, unhappy, unbalanced. Paranoia derives from fear, is an emotion.
If you enter a steady and regular Chi Gung practice you could build on your physical and emotional fundament, and return yourself to balance.
I recommend Bruce Frantzis "Opening the Energy Gates of Your Body", a very gentle and grounded type of Nei Gung practice, that helps body and emotions. It's comparatively easy to learn, not clouded in mystery or mythical stuff, and well-suited in terminology and explanations to Westerners. I practise it myself.
My recommendation stems from the fact that this gives you a tool to feel yourself and your state better, do something about it, and not rely on other people to do this. You will start to feel the needs of your energy bodies, and what to do about it.
Maybe what you experienced is a rather difficult gift and test. If you can handle it, you have a rather quick growth, but to handle it, mature with it and regain stability is no small feat. I do not know whether this is the case, but I wish you the best of luck.
27th October 2006, 06:41 PM
Hi spiral,
I agree with much of what Korpo has said. You had a crown chakra opening that sent you into an extreme unbalanced energy state. I had something very, very similar happen to me. The buzzing, oh that can be overwhelming. You aren't going crazy, it's a very real phenomenum. I know next to nothing about the pracices that Korpo has recommended. But, if you want to try something that is quite easy to do, take a look at Robert Bruce's New Energy Ways (NEW). I think that working on developing the rest of your energy body and bringing it into balance will help you. I would avoid doing any work on your third eye or crown chakras. The rest of your energy body needs to catch up. That's what helped me, but it doesn't happen overnight. You have to be persistent and work at it.
Also, grounding yourself is very important. Do things that are very physical such as exercising, eating red meat and heavy portions of food, chocolate sometimes helps, and practice grounding energy exercises. Until you can actually feel energy (with a practice such as NEW), imagine heavy liquid metal pouring in from the top of your head, down through your body and down into the earth. Imagine you are a tree with deep roots into the earth. Pull that earth energy up into your body to ground you.
These are things I do when I start having those out of control, light headed, buzzing, etc. feelings. I also have learned to respsect and be happy for the opening that I had. It's a rare event, and one many people would like to have. You just have to learn to take control of it, and use your psychic abilities for the highest good. It takes time, but it's worth it.
New Energy Ways (NEW):
27th October 2006, 09:48 PM
I have some points to add:
1) Since acupuncture gave you some relief, Taoist practice may be something you can work with to help you.
2) PainterHypnoGirl seems to have encountered the phenomenon, so she is surely more qualified to do recommendations than me, but I think:
a) I don't think the food stuff will help. It will give you improper energy to build your body on. Buddhists and Taoists think meat is a more impure source of energy than a vegetable diet - and that beyond the moral/ethic background.
b) I'm not sure that NEW will work for everyone alike. Certain martial arts can drive you mad or can give you what you need. Yoga can do good or harm. It strongly depends on your makeup and sensitivities. Since you have some sensibility for energy phenomena, or psychic stuff, I hope you can recognize early on if a practise benefits you or adds to the damage. NEW is a great way to start learning to feel energy. If it gives you relief, by all means stick with it, it is easy enough. If it makes you nervous or excited, even when practised with care, regularly and only to safe degree, then switch to something that does not work with visualisations and upward energy flows at all, like Bruce Frantzis' Water Chi Gung. Whatever works for you is fine. I tried both, resonate myself better with Taoism, but some are Yoga bretzels, some are Buddhist sitters, some are Shamanic drummers, and some are T'ai Chi flowing meditators - whatever you can handle best. Just start up a regular practise you can build your body on!
My best wishes and good luck!
28th October 2006, 12:15 AM
Hi Korpo,
I would love it if you would start a new thread and post about some of the energy modalities you have used, how they work, and what you actually do to learn them. I know some things are fairly esoteric, and not usually passed on in such a manner. I'm more interested in just an overview of them...not a "how to".
Regarding using food for grounding, if someone is a vegetarian or has moral codes regarding food, I can understand. But, there are many who do not, so for them, meat would be fine. It is my understanding that the harshness of the heavier foods (even ones with chemicals) is used for grounding because of the need to return to the "reality" of the body. The worse the food is, the better it is for grounding. It certainly worked for me. It's sort of like someone slapping you to bring you back to your senses. Shock value. :D Once someone has worked on balancing energy and the chakras, and the crisis has passed, a purer diet would be recommended to work with the higher, finer energies. My body and I are currently in a battle regarding eating meat. I think my body is starting to win, because after about 2 bites of meat, I get nauseous. :lol:
28th October 2006, 06:13 PM
I want to say thanks for all of the helpful, insightful suggestions. And thank you Korpo for the good wishes. I have started some balancing work and I can already feel a difference. My hope is to turn what happened to me into a good thing. I have also been considering hypnotherapy, because I feel like my psyche was traumatized and fragmented by this incident and I need to reintegrate. I'm interested in any thoughts on the benefits of hypnotherapy, or whether chi gung should be sufficient.
28th October 2006, 06:31 PM
I would wait on the hypnotherapy until you get very grounded in your body. Any altered state work is probably going to make things more difficult. Robert Bruce's golden rule is that any time you experience problems, stop all altered state work until you have come back to normal.
I know this very well from experience. I am still having to take breaks from altered state work (trance/meditation) when my crown chakra gets too active. If I don't, everything gets pretty bad again. When I'm in that type of crisis, I even have to stop energy work. What happens to me is that when I pull energy "up" and try to stop it at the heart or throat chakra areas, the energy just flies past them into the higher chakras uncontrolled. So, then, not only am I light headed and buzzing, I usually get a massive headache to go along with it. If I pull energy "down", it usually helps. But, as soon as I take my focus off of pulling it down, it flies up again on it's own. Then, I have to start all over with grounding again and stopping all altered state and energy work.
For some reason yesterday, my crown started acting up again with lightheadedness, free flowing energy out my crown, buzzing, and ringing in the ears. I kind of ignored it and went about my day. By last night, I had a massive headache. When I semi woke up this morning, I reflexively attempted OBE. This has become a habit with me, without me even thinking about it. I didn't stop it, then my husband came in to wake me up. Now, I have an even worse headache. Ouch! Time to take my own advice. :D
29th October 2006, 09:42 PM
Hello, both of you!
About vegetarianism:
You know, I'd been eating meat until about 3-4 months ago. And then I stopped. Same with smoking some years ago. When I found a good enough reason to stop, I switched over. Maybe this works so well because I'm overdoing things. I found out I was enjoying neither so much for it to be worth damaging myself. I stopped smoking to stop damaging my health and I stopped smoking to stop damaging my karma. It already gnawed at my conscience, as I actually quite like animals. My surroundings are half vegs and half not, and I'm not being judgemental about it, since I have to live decades before I'm longer off than on. ;)
But from a health standpoint you cannot constantly go on a heavy food diet, and my guess is you cannot take in a lot of meat without becoming overloaded in the long run. But it could be an excellent short-term measure, for example when your head is abuzz and you cannot sleep or calm down.
About hypnotherapy:
I'm entirely unsure about this. spiral became like his now because he requested it. This sound like he triggered some subconscious layer within himself to unleash what he experienced. Hypnotherapy could be a way to get into contact with that layer, and hypnosis is not entirely what can be considered an altered state. It is the only state we discern from normal (like sleep, dreaming, meditation, drug-induced ones, etc.) that is not associated with a different brainwave pattern from normal functioning. Hypnosis can be steered by the hypnotist in degree of depth, and can open a controlled communication with the subconscious.
On the other hand it is unlikely to find a skilled hypnotherapist with intimate knowledge about the kind of problem spiral is facing. And Painterhypnogirl is right, staying as grounded as possible is important. If hypnosis triggers any "episodes" without you feeling more in control afterwards it's clearly the wrong way. Start a diary and try to record how you feel and reread it again and again after some sessions if there is an upward trend, how you felt, how you feel now, and especially if you then are more in control than you are now. Warn your hypnotist early on that he is to be cautious. And stick to an approved, medical hypnotist of good standing (as with any other specialist doctor).
About upward/downward energy flows:
When energy flows downward it can be cooling and grounding, and when it flows upward it can trigger agitation, Bruce Frantzis, whose methods I currently try to practise with some diligence warns that before you work with upward flows to get really good at sinking Chi downward. Upward Chi flow produce heat and agitation, and can damage the nervous system. This does not say to avoid them - the body naturally sends energy up the spine (the Functional Channel vessel of acupuncture) and down the front of your body, for example.
The "problem" with energy work is that you multiply such flows. Some book I've read recently, I guess it was "The Roots of Chinese Qigong",states that normally energy circulates in a pattern more close to 24 hours on that circuit. When you do Microcosmic Orbit meditation like practised after Mantak Chia' (he is even in the bibliography of MAP) you can reach a circulation time of some minutes. Chi travels along the nerves. This can easily strain the nerves, and what usually saves beginners is that their energy systems are so clogged up or so healthy that everything works out fine. But sensitive individuals, people with a brittle nervous systems, or people that can easily mobilise a lot of Chi in one go by good concentration can get into trouble with the upward flows.
Spiritual work especially in the Kundalini tradition does often involve such upward flows. Voluntarily or involuntarily. They try to open mind and heart (Shen and Xin) for spiritual gain and forget about the body. Eastern Asian practices do much less so: Tibetan monks do 10,000 prostrations ritually before engaging in sitting practise (not every time! ;) ), Chinese Chan monks (precursor of Japanese Zen) practice Chi Gung and Taoists Chi Gung and T'ai Chi. This got lost in Zen, and Zen is the practise of Eastern buddhism that went west...
Learning to properly sink Chi is a safety precaution, it grounds you, teaches you to sink unneeded energy below your body without the chance to trigger the states you may not want. Pushing energy upward beyond the crown may do exactly the opposite, I'm not aware. Chi Gung is body work, though there are variants that are not. Variants that prefer sinking Chi can help develop the body, calm the emotions, and build the fundament before any mental/spiritual work takes place.
From my personal tries I can say pulling energy up feels strong, energetic and like you are doing the right thing - until you get agitated, nervous and don't know how to change that. It was like that for me. I ceased all upward-directed practise and feel fine since.
The goal down the road is to balance the Earth Yang energy from the ground with the Heavenly Yin from above, in the lower Tantien behind your navel. Then you can profit from both energies, and receive balanced and pure energy that will only benefit you. But until you reach such a fragile equilibrium and can maintain it, a lot of work is to be done. Agitated Yang can excitedly bubble and shoot upward. Strong control and sinking skills is necessary to control that, I mean at least strong enough to balance it at a level you can handle.
Learning to establish part of your consciousness at or better below your feet is a good skill to ground you. I can trigger downward Chi flow to some extent because of this, it seems rather similar to activating an electro-magnetic pole to suck the Chi down. It's some small "split" of consciousness, as it does not use up much mental effort, and allows me to still work on blockages in my body, which need attention. For me it only took enough training to feel how downward moving Chi felt, how drawing it below me felt, to be able to do that with only part of my attention. And I'm not really that good - I was rather clumsy and unsensitive some months ago. It just try to refeel what the downward movement felt like and there it is again.
This is the great advantage of techniques that rely on "stuff felt" rather than visualisations - you can reproduce a feeling much easier than an image. I think it uses up less concentration. I'm doing it when writing this and already I feel a bit chilly. ;) NEW has some parts of "feel don't imagine", but the Nei Gung I try is really adamant about it.Maybe because Frantzis is mainly a martial artist.
But visualisations are a rather mental or crown/third eye activity, maybe that can actually prevent downward flows because of exciting those. But that is now pure speculation!
Read you later!
29th October 2006, 10:51 PM
Uhmmmm...Korpo, I am a hypnotherapist. :D It is altered state work and is usually measured in the alpha and theta ranges. If it's done in the beta range, it's not hypnotherapy, it's "talk" therapy.
30th October 2006, 01:33 PM
So, that's strange. I recently read that - most likely in "The Holographic Universe" from Michael Talbot. So that's an error in that book, then? Well, ok. :)
Unlike other altered states of consciousness, hypnosis is not associated with any unusual EEG patterns
(page 145. search revealed)
Does this perhaps change with depth of hypnosis?
30th October 2006, 02:18 PM
Kundalini syndrome (
Maybe you feel like that or you do not. Just a possibility.
30th October 2006, 07:43 PM
Kundalini syndrome sounds quite similar to what I experienced in many respects, only I didn't experience any of the physical symptoms (tremors, energy up the spine etc.) Good to have a name to call it though, makes it easier to wrap my head around it. I posted on Psychic Self Defence a thread called Pandora's box - interested in your thoughts.
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