View Full Version : Healing a skin disease?

16th October 2006, 03:46 PM
I'm currently reading the Astral Dynamics book and I'm up to the MBA / Tactile imaging part. I read a bit further before trying the exercises and I noticed that Bruce mentions unblocking blocked chakras and healing.

First, a little history(If you don't care, skip down to the </history> tag):
As a kid I had a rash on my butt(Nasty place), so my parents took me to the doctor and he gave them some ointment for it. However, I appeared to be allergic for the one of the ingredients. What started out as an inconvience on my bum, spread to an excema covering alot of places on my body.

After all sorts of treatments, it eventually went away after a treatment with sea water(A collegeau of my dad brought a bottle of sea water of every other day, and after applying the sea water for a few weeks, the excema disappeared).

After my puberty begun, the excema returned, and this time worse. Lots of failed attempts later, I eventually picked up meditation. While meditation did not fix the problem, it allowed me to cope better with stress, and the symptoms(Itch, burn and sore crispy skin) were much milder.

Right now, my rash is horrible. I did a bit of googling and discovered that the sub-navel chakra is reponsible for the skin.

The real question here is: Would I be able to heal my skin issues by raising my energy levels to a point where I can start stimulating this particular chakra? And if not, what suggestions do you have for me to develop my energy bodies so I might attempt to get rid of my rash?

EDIT: Also, completely different kind of question: How long did it take you guys to develop reasonable MBA/TI skills? Because of my meditation history, I'm quite capable of moving my body awareness to parts of my body, however, the line takes a bit more effort. And, it's all considerable more difficult since I have to stop myself from using my eyes, which I used to do during meditation.

16th October 2006, 03:52 PM
Do you live anywhere close to the beach, or can get more seawater? I've always had skin problems, from allergies to weird infections that no one gets to skin cancer. A dermatologist I once went to said salt water or ocean water was good for the skin. Swimming on the beach every day helped clear up my acne (however being out in the sun too much didn't benefit me). Maybe a salt bath could be medicinal for your rash.

16th October 2006, 06:27 PM
I know for sure salt water baths work. However,

a) I don't live close to the sea
b) I don't own a car, so I'd have to go with public transportation, which means I would be travelling at least 1.5 to 2 hours(Which is quite a lot for a Dutch man) to either go to the beach or get back home.
c) The local temperatures aren't high enough to go swimming
d) I don't even have the time to travel that much every 2 to 3 days.

I'm currently considering acupuncture, as my dermatologist basicly said to me that I have Atopic Excema, which means they have no idea what's causing it. I used to get recipes for ointments to supress the rash, but supression still means it's there.

16th October 2006, 08:10 PM
An effect that has come from meditation and energy work is that my acne has decreased to the point of almost disappearing completely. And I used to have quite serious problems with it. But after years of daily meditation and energy work the problems has almost faded.

It's a complex process because for me it requiered healing on the physical , emotional, mental and spiritual levels. All those levels affected my skin and had a role in giving me acne. I mainly had it on my upper back and chest.

An interesting thing is that my most blocked chakra is my heart. And my acne problmes has never been serious on my face (third eye relatively unblocked) but on the back of my neck (throat chakra the second most blocked). And a healer I visited said my third eye and crown was good at taking in energy from above. And I have always been quite mentally sharp, for example I had an easy time at school, easy to learn. So I believe my third eye center was/is well developed (I'm visual) and my heart chakra and emotions is not as developed. Seem to be a connection there for me.

So I believe that a problem that manifests in the physical has causes on the other levels too.

A scientific rapport I heard of saif that the biggest trigger for heart attacks is anger. Interesting at least.

All for now, peace and love.


16th October 2006, 08:12 PM
I love these technical terms:
atopic=we don't know
ideopathic=we don't know

Have you tried making your own salt bath, using table salt? If you use table salt it also has iodine which is normally present in salt water.

I also had atopic dermatitis, but mine went away with a fungicide (ketoconazole). However, the dr. said it really wasn't due to a fungus, (?) it was that some types of dermatitis also react to that particular fungicide.
But now I'll stop; I'll leave the discussion to someone who actually have some energy-based ideas.

16th October 2006, 08:18 PM
An effect that has come from meditation and energy work is that my acne has decreased to the point of almost disappearing completely. And I used to have quite serious problems with it. But after years of daily meditation and energy work the problems has almost faded.

It's a complex process because for me it requiered healing on the physical , emotional, mental and spiritual levels. All those levels affected my skin and had a role in giving me acne. I mainly had it on my upper back and chest.

An interesting thing is that my most blocked chakra is my heart. And my acne problmes has never been serious on my face (third eye relatively unblocked) but on the back of my neck (throat chakra the second most blocked). And a healer I visited said my third eye and crown was good at taking in energy from above. And I have always been quite mentally sharp, for example I had an easy time at school, easy to learn. So I believe my third eye center was/is well developed (I'm visual) and my heart chakra and emotions is not as developed. Seem to be a connection there for me.

So I believe that a problem that manifests in the physical has causes on the other levels too.

A scientific rapport I heard of saif that the biggest trigger for heart attacks is anger. Interesting at least.

All for now, peace and love.


Carolyn Myss (I just know I messed up her name) Has written a few books about healing based on chakra systems. They are very good. I can't remember the one in particular I read (could it be chakra healing?) :roll: Maybe I need some work for my memory. :roll: Anyway, it was full of good information.

Aunt Clair
17th October 2006, 01:06 AM
I like the idea of making your own salt bath as CFT suggests .Homeopathic remedies trialed in a small area topically and a change of diet might help . I would consider changing bed clothes ie blankets , sheets , pjs as some contact allergen could be the source . Even your laundry soap or shower soap could do this . I also think that healing with energy is a good idea and think you might like using pink rose petals on raw skin and salt energy on weeping rashes that need to dry up . You can learn to manifest a particular kind of energy with practice , there is a link here ;
http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewto ... highlight= (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=4781&highlight=)

30th May 2009, 09:33 AM
I am like the Queen of skin disease... so sounds wrong but anyways... I would probably say

you have one of two things.. either eczema which is super common or a type of dermatitis

which you can get from almost anything that could have irritated your skin..(which works

well with your old dust theory) Try anything with oatmeal in the cream to stop the itching,

Aveeno anti-itch cream works really well. If you scratch it it may get worse and spread or

scare. Ask your mom or relatives if they ever had eczema.. it seems to be one of those

things that run through the family. Try to stay away from anything that would dry out your

skin like hot showers or any chemicals including cleaning supplies.. (just use gloves)
If you think it is cellulitis I would go see a doctor, school nurse or pharmacist..

cellulitis is a bit more serious but definitly easy to treat. Those web doc websites seem

to be a load of crap but that doesn't mean they are wrong or should shrug them off

Good luck with your skin.. if I think of anything else I'll let you know...