View Full Version : Some questions about my NEW experience

14th September 2006, 09:00 AM
Hi :)

I'm relatevly new to this forum and Robert's work. I started practicing NEW two weeks ago, the first week was mostly only sensing my mobile awereness, and the second week was more serious since I started the early exersizes for arms and legs development. I can say I feel the energy sensations quite well since the first time I started, but I have two questions:
1) As noted in the Robert's book, my right side is much less responsive than my left side. I spent a couple of days working only on the right leg and arm, and when working only on them, I can feel them very good, but when I try to split my awereness my left side is very dominant, and kind of fogs the right side and I can feel almost nothing there.. what do you suggest - should I continue working more on the right side until I can feel both sides evenly when splitting awareness, or should I continue spilting awareness even though I feel almost nothing from my right side?
2) Since I started NEW I often feel a slight throbbing in my hearth chakra, which is very pronounced while I'm doing the exercises - I suppose this is normal and is kind of blokage cleaning or something, but decided to mention it here... :)

10x for your opinions ;)

14th September 2006, 02:29 PM
1.) If splitting awareness doesn't work for you then don't do it :) Wait until you can fell both sides well. :)
2.) Probably blockage cleansing. R. Bruce mentioned different feelings connected with blockage cleansing. :)
Another possibility: Maybe you're in love :oops: :D

All is good, all is well. :D

14th September 2006, 10:04 PM
10x :)

Another possibility: Maybe you're in love :oops: :D

unfortunatelly it's the opposite - I recently broke up with my girlfriend... and you are right - it can have something to do with this, too. but as I mentioned it started when I started practicing the exercises

14th September 2006, 10:35 PM
My left side is more dominant as well. Eventually it kind of evens out a bit. This is what works for me. Continue splitting your awareness and sending the flow of energy through both sides. If it's hard for you to concentrate on both sides as a whole then break it down into smaller sections. For instance, try just the legs. If it's still difficult then focus just on your feet. Eventually you will feel the otherside beginning to open up. You might not realize it but there's probably blockages on your left side too or were. By continuing to send energy to the area it eventually goes through the area and the flow is more stable. It's like working a muscle. Just keep at it but work gently. You have to think of your body as a whole. The left side will help with sending energy through the right side.

Mithril Dragoness
15th September 2006, 12:57 AM
Yes, energy blockage is nothing to be worried about...it is absolutely natural. All one needs is more work to clear it all up and "get the machine running cleanly" so to speak.
Glad you are doing well! I wish I had your dedication...but I'm working on that part.

17th September 2006, 05:04 PM
thanks for the comments! 8)

Mithril Dragoness
19th September 2006, 01:25 AM
You're welcome! Always!