View Full Version : Dream Interpretation
12th September 2006, 12:49 PM
new to these forums and so this will be my first post.
I am an avid seeker of the "ultimate truth" and have dabbled in astral projection, lucid dreaming etc without any real success.
I do however frequently have very powerful dreams, one of the most recent being a very strange experience and I am wondering whether it could have a particular meaning...
I am dreaming of a sheep of all things and all of a sudden this sheep starts to forcefully (but from a distance) drain the energy from my body out of the top of my head. This energy is being drawn up through my back and even though I am asleep the pain/aching in my back muscles seems so real.
Following this event, I manage to regain control and somehow draw the energy back to me.
I have never tried energy work, so I am not even sure what it would feel like to try to manipulate it.
I do feel that this dream could have some meaning, anybody have any ideas?
12th September 2006, 01:20 PM
Well, if I was any good at dream interpretation, this is what I would say:
The sheep symbolizes religious persuasion, mainly Christianity (the lamb, and a sacrificial symbol at that) , and your perception of it as draining your power symbolizes either your past experience or fear of religion taking away your thinking power, in other words, you either have had a negative experience with religion, or are afraid of involving yourself too deeply in it, afraid to lose your right to your own thoughts and your free will.
Of course, knowing nothing about your life this is just a wild guess.
caveat lector?
12th September 2006, 03:06 PM
Nice take CF! I have a take on it too, here's my spin:
When I first began to get into the Astral Projections and OBE's (and even now) sometimes I have what I call a visual aid, or a sign post of sorts. So, when I see (or in your case feel) the pulling sensation, (especially out through the crown) I know it's an exit. I then realize what it is and go with the 'flow' so to speak... and then I'm out.
What I think happened is that you began to feel yourself leaving your body through the head and pulled back due to fear.
But, like I said, that's just my spin on it.
12th September 2006, 06:06 PM
hmm...i might agree with the obe if the sheep was not involved. If you were just exiting, why would there be another entity present that was 'pulling' you out? I'm suspicious of the sheep :wink: sheep=harmless, therefore, 'just relax and let it happen'. I think something was trying to feed on your energy while you were vulnerable to it during sleep. Just a passing energy feeder. You became more lucid and took back control of your energy. This often happens to me during sleep, similar to the dream you described, and I am working on ways to stop it happening. If it IS an exit, I'm being counterproductive :lol:
16th September 2006, 06:53 PM
A wolf in sheeps clothing perhaps?
Anyone you know that could fall into that catagory?
Are you perhaps worried that they are actively working against you?
16th September 2006, 11:32 PM
sheep are a common focus in almost all ritual practices from time immemorial. They are probably the most sacrificed animal for no other reason than that they were/are relatively tame (easy to grab a hold of).
In that light I'd follow CF's interpretation and say that you are uneasy about religion because most echo practices and beliefs/attitudes that you don't necessarily agree with. You are trying to find a way. read about the tale buddha told about the sheep who had been beheaded 499 times!! :wink:
17th September 2006, 12:53 AM
I don't study this stuff too avidly, but when I saw sheep the first thing I thought of was that thing about sheep jumping over fences to make people sleep. And you WERE asleep when it happened...could that tie into anything?
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