View Full Version : Post Lucid Dreaming

2nd August 2019, 12:19 AM
Hi Group,
I had a strange experience.
My projections have been a little off; but, my Real Time projections have been oK.
This started out as an Astral projection; but, I think I fell asleep and it turned into a very Lucid dream. In this dream, in which I knew I was dreaming, I met a girl. The "dream" took place in what I'd say was in about the 1800's frontier. I don't know where. But everyone spoke like they did back then--except for me--I spoke normally. We told eachother we liked eachother and spoke for awhile in "her" time period.
When it was time to wake up, I was a little sorry that it was just a Lucid dream. I was talking aloud to her both before and after I awoke. As I was awakening, the girl did not disappear. I went about my business getting ready for work and all the time she and I were talking and she was visible. Not as a ghostly image, but, actually engaging in a conversation with me, all the while being visible. I was wondering if I was nuts. But she and I were talking to eachother and she was visible all the while I was getting ready to go to work. Finally it was time to leave and I said I have to leave. We said good bye and she disappeared.
She hasn't returned and I'm taking this as a Lucid dream that continued for awhile after I awoke.

Anyway, I thought I'd share this.

4th August 2019, 12:43 PM
Hey Grant, that is quite the experience. I've been amazed at how there is always something new to discover or experience the more we continue down these paths. So just to rule this out as a possibility, this wasn't a false awakening was it? After you said goodbye did you continue off to work and had full continuity of waking life from that point? Many lucid dreamers will think they've woken up and go about their normal routines only to discover at some point they are still in the dream. I'm guessing though if this was the case you'd have posted about it, but just wanted to double check. Otherwise, that's very interesting. Was it another traveler from another time period who happened to sync up with you in some way. I've been thinking lately if it'd be possible to have an awake and LD moment at the same time. If these are based on brainwave states, would it be possible to keep part of yourself in the dream while being awake, enough to create a kind of overlay on your waking world. Plenty of reports out there of meditation experts being in a deep Delta state yet still somewhat functional, even more reports of folks in Theta and being much more functional. I think there are endless possibilities that we possess that have not been discovered yet.

14th August 2019, 10:21 AM
Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow —
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.(by Edgar Allen Poe)

14th August 2019, 03:57 PM
(by Edgar Allen Poe)
What a great synchronicity.

I am working on a metal song that quotes and refers to this 'dream in a dream' poem by E.A.P.

So great! No coincidence for me.

And nice to have you back here Korpo! Long time no see ... er ... read!

14th August 2019, 08:46 PM
Hiya! :)

Synchronicities... they do tend to happen a lot. :lol:

28th August 2019, 06:58 PM
That's really interesting. It reminds me of a projection I had years ago where I flew down to an old plantation in the southern united states. I'm met by a slave and he is talking to me as another / friend slave on the plantation. It has stuck with me all of these years later.

8th September 2019, 04:48 PM
Hi, Sorry for the late response.
I was awake and did go off to work. Perhaps, as you said, it might have been an overlap. That seems real plausible. Lately, my Lucid dreams have extended somewhat into my waking, but only for a few seconds or so and I realize what it is. That other one lasted for about 20 minutes or so.

I don't think she was another traveler, she was from that time period. Perhaps she was projecting and I projected to her time period; but, not on purpose. I just happened to go there and we meet in that realm. I don't think she knew she was projecting. Everything was just matter of fact as it was in real time. When I woke, she was still visible and we were talking to eachother; I don't know if she knew she was in my time. She did not seem to notice or remark about the modern conveniences of my/our time vs hers. On the other hand, I was wondering why she did not disappear when I awoke, until I actually left to go to work. I think an Overlap did occurred. I will look for this in the future and report about it.
Thanks Grant