View Full Version : opening kundalini
26th August 2006, 02:00 AM
31st August 2006, 01:58 AM
my friend recently opened his kundalini and ever since then he says he has felt negative spirits trying to attach to him at his house almost 3 hours a day and he has to fight them off all the time and he is getting real tired of it, he also says he sees lights attaching to peoples houses from the sky and that these lights seem to be negative, i wont go into what all he says he sees but it seems like is having an extremely hard time with it.....even to the point of being suicidal. is there any way to "close" your kundalini, i want my friend to stop seeing and experiecing this stuff, i think opening his kundalini made him really sensitive to the point of seeing and feeling way too much around him
Nwb, I doubt your friend is in kundalini (though I agree that everyone has it opened but most to only a very small and almost unnoticable extent) for beings who are in kundalini are in truth or enlightened state. And being that enlightened beings are higher energy and planal sphere if you will, they have a tendency to "repel" negs and other such creatures. However one who Is not enlightened or not accepting the truth, realizing, and making positive choices in regards to it is having low energy and abiding in a lower planal sphere. Therfor your friend has negs and is in illusion.
When having kundalini one is having an awakening of some sort in which case the truth of what they are seeing and feeling can shock and hurt them very badly (if you look in the case of Robert Bruce you will see). Lastly when one is awakened to kundalini and the truth they are also awakened to abilities and powers within themself in which they may use to defend themselves quite well with.
Lastly, if your friend really is having kundalini opened and for some strange reason is having negs attack him, then what he would need to do is be more spiritual and to focus through meditation and constant daily practice in his activities on the truth and the realization of that. Lastly the acting comes through choice, but he should realize that, otherwise if one just makes choice alone or if one just thinks alone, that becomes like a negative stagnation if you will. as well as this, I have found kundalini to be mostly a pleasant experience by doing it this way, and as well if he would like to close it he will find a way if he is in truth and searching for truthand making choices based on truth.
good luck
P.S. Robert sometimes has negs because he actively seeks them out to experiment and most people have negs because (I think) mostly that they are like a magnet to them with their low energy and un-realization or un-spiritualist
31st August 2006, 02:37 AM
There are many instances, actually, of people opening their kundalini too quickly (that is, before they are spiritually equipped to handle it). It used to be something that happened to gurus after years of meditative practice, but...this is the hyperspeed-instant gratification-age after all. Check out some of the blogs on ORMUS use--people eating white gold to do this, etc, and they end up going crazy. There are alot of quick methods out there on the net now to open your kundalini and alot of folks are having similar reactions to it as your friend. It isn't something to play with! Mostly in the stories I've heard about, it has taken people approx. 2 years to get a handle on the situation and be more functional again. I'd say your friend needs to connect with an advanced-level healer who can work with him and help him during this time. I heard RB refer to his own kundalini experience as being a bit shocking on one of his interviews dwnloadable from his site. Perhaps he'd have some advice as to how your friend can protect himself. What I've heard on the non-astral side is that whatever you think will manifest immediately, so you had better have a handle on your mind and especially on your fear. You can't 'close' it once it's open! Don't play, kids!! :lol:
31st August 2006, 04:52 AM
You can't 'close' it once it's open! Don't play, kids!!
Yes you can and I have done it. The energy and goddess work both ways, receding and expanding. I am just now starting to release it again after a little over a year and a half worth of spiritual explorations. The thing about kundalini is that it can suddenly errupt when you achieve a higher state of being, no matter wether that state of being be temporary which is the danger you seem to be speaking of. For example, someone could watch the matrix "in our fast paced world" or see a simple video like the one a user posted recently on these forums in which a man is doing some extreme energy work. People change their minds all the time, both consciously and unconsciously. One moment you can be accepting and welcoming of the truth (kundalini) the next the exact opposite. Just depends on the circumstances. But in my opinion the technology is a blessing for the most part and can be an extreme tool in spiritual growth and attainment, just make sure to make the right choices until then.
31st August 2006, 04:58 AM
When you talk about kundalini, are you talking about raising your energy and consciousness in general or are you talking about a specific experience of feeling a snake enter your perineum and push its way up through your body followed by a mind-blowing rush of energy?
31st August 2006, 05:06 AM
When you talk about kundalini, are you talking about raising your energy and consciousness in general or are you talking about a specific experience of feeling a snake enter your perineum and push its way up through your body followed by a mind-blowing rush of energy?
Both, but I cant say I like the description of the latter much.
31st August 2006, 05:15 AM
That was RB's description, from an interview I listened to. I haven't experienced it, myself.
31st August 2006, 05:35 AM
That was RB's description, from an interview I listened to. I haven't experienced it, myself.
I felt the energy "blasting through me as described it, though probably not as powerful as what robert bruce felt or even the ones that were powerful not the same type of energy if you will. But besides that I have felt some pretty heavy pressures and pains in my root area, most of which I think were blockages. Many times I can raise the energy on my own, and others I will ask and sort of coax kundalini to rise up. The first is what I would call more subtle and condensed energy, while the latter seems to be more widespread. In the case of the first though it seems to take a good amount of willpower to be able to do this, or a good amount of understanding at least, among other things. As far as a snake rushing up, no I cant say it felt much like that, at times huge long lumps of energy that was dangerously close to being physical yes, but cant much say for a big snake jumping out of my ass lol, but who knows, could happen to me sooner or later :wink:
Edit: when I had my own "shock moment" of kundalini I didnt feel much in terms of energy, but it was like I was in another world and was oblivious and unresponding to what was going on around me. For me it was like total awe but at the same time nothing, almost like a void. Who knows, however, what, if anything, was going on in my subconscious aspects.
31st August 2006, 05:50 AM
Well, not to distract from the original post on this thread, so I won't go on any further after this, but this is very interesting to me because it sounds like there are actually two different experiences going on here...because the snake experience is reported by others, and it's always the same thing, and it appears to be very dramatic and lifechanging, and 'at-once', rather than gradual. Personally, I am not going to go looking to create the snake experience :lol:
31st August 2006, 06:33 AM
Well, not to distract from the original post on this thread, so I won't go on any further after this, but this is very interesting to me because it sounds like there are actually two different experiences going on here...because the snake experience is reported by others, and it's always the same thing, and it appears to be very dramatic and lifechanging, and 'at-once', rather than gradual. Personally, I am not going to go looking to create the snake experience :lol:
Well, like I said I find kundalini to be mostly pleasurable, and mostly I let it come of its own accord through indirect means like spirituality and contemplating truth rather than trying to manually make it occur. The dramatization seems mostly to be when the kundalini energy is showing truth and that when the one being shown finds it hard to accept and may start to panic or try to refuse it which is self destructive hence where it becomes painful. I am not going to pretend that kundalini isnt sometimes painful for no apparent or realized reason when you do it by natural occurance, but I will say that it is quite a bit rarer to be so. This is what I truly assert though that all men and women are having kundalini portal open and active but in degrees and that the level of which there is activation depends on the self, mainly the level of spiritual attainment. As well as that there are things in truth itself which are called illusions that can block this spiritual attainment and kundalini as well, both directly and indrectly.
31st August 2006, 11:01 PM
Again, I'm not convinced he can 'turn off' what he is now experiencing, but rather adapt as quickly as possible to his new-found awareness by 1) getting some support from someone who has already been through this extreme type of awakening and stabilized and 2) implementing some strict mind-control techniques immediately. Buddhists are great for this, they have really got alot of excellent exercises to learn how to control one's mind and thus one's manifestations...someone peaceful and positive like Thich Nhat Hanh, or a book like "Wherever You Go, There You Are" by Jon Kabat-Zinn are really accessible. And I would encourage your friend to look at the 'ORMUS' movement threads on the web because he will find others who have done what he has done and he may find some comfort in connecting/hearing the stories of others who are suffering what he is.
best of luck to your friend
light, love, chi
1st September 2006, 06:16 PM
I too opened the master circuit to early and the way I found out of it and becoming stabilized was learning how to integrate the experience in myself and my life by doing a lot of daily meditation and reflection.
Though it was terrfiying at times I don't regret opening up kundalini because the positive effects is widely greater than the neagtive ones.
The only way out is through, in my opinion.
Love, light and power
1st September 2006, 10:32 PM
Would you be willing to say a little bit about what your experiences were like? Did you have the snake vision as part of your experience?
4th September 2006, 07:19 PM
My experience was a feeling of tremendous energy running up my body. I was in deep trance, being put there by a hypnotherapist and I saw circles in the sky. I asked him about that and he said it had something to do with interplanetary things, not sure what he meant but I was being told by a healer with who I contacted my spririt guide, that I come from a different planet than earth and my guide told me I have incarnated on earth 150 times and this was my last incarnation on earth. So when I put things together I believe that those circles has something to do with my true homeplanet. Not sure though :)
And when I had this enormous energy flow inside of me I noticed something similar to sweat but not sweat was being secreted from my body and I smelled it and it smelled really good. Really not sure what it was though.
The energy flow was all of my chakras from root to crown being put on hyperspeed. After that event the energy flow decreased and it have peaked a number of times but not to that hyperspeed, sometimes close to it though. I have been meditating a lot to bring the energy flow under control (a real challenge) and now it is under control. And I notice it increases from day to day and I know I will be able to have a enormous amunt energy circulating my system and be in full control of it all. But how long it will take is a question I don't know the answer to.
Peace love and power
4th September 2006, 07:30 PM
I haven't Experienced an Kundalini experience as strong as the ones I've seen mentioned. My own experience was strong though. Shaktiapt, Kundalini sent strong hot energy to my heart for a few weeks. It was sorta like a constant heartburn. Regardless of my good eating habits and excersise. :D
5th September 2006, 05:52 PM
Kundalini seems to be existing on a large scale, from soft to extremely powerful.
18th September 2006, 08:08 PM
Thanks for sharing, Christian. It sounds like a profound experience. I am certain I have read of that 'secretion' you mentioned. Perhaps in Hinduism? I bet Tom would know.
I would like to know more about kundalini. I had an awakening/consciousness altering experience two years ago that completely ruined my life. It took me two years to recover from it. It was completely devestating, not positive at all! It came from a 'transmission' from a martial arts 'master', who then abandoned me in a psychotic state. It was awful, actually. Extremely traumatic. I guess that is why I never recommend people 'go looking' for kundalini experiences.
I don't think I have full kundalini by any means. I am not sure how to interpret it. It wasn't a snake. It was actually quite frightening. I think my teacher at the time described it as "the door to insanity being thrown open". Of course, one is supposed to be at the level where one can handle it. Having had alot of trauma in my life, I literally began to relive it, and could not separate the present from the past. It f*d me up severely, and I felt completely destroyed and humiliated by the devestation it caused in my life and career. I had to leave my job and my life and go into total retreat to recover. It took me two years to restabilize. I lost pretty much everything--friends, work connections, even my home and job. I have had to rebuild my life and sense of self all over again.
Since then, I have gone straight back to the basics. Daily meditation, yoga, lovingkindness, solitude, journalling, etc. I am just now beginning to learn astral projection. I have not returned to my martial arts practice.
Anyways, it was hard. I guess I just needed to throw that out there. People go looking for bliss. I would like people to be aware that there may be things erupt for them that may be extremely difficult to deal with.
19th September 2006, 04:35 PM
I don't either have full kundalini activation. Living with it would be too much for me right now. I work on increasing the energy gradually to be able to live with fully activated kundalini. I believe one can live with fully activated kundalini but that takes a great amount of practice and time. Not to mention the energy skills needed. So if I'm doing things right and am heading in the right direction maybe full kundalini activation is possible in this lifetime. But no need to hurry, follow the flow and things will develop naturally.
Recovering from my kundalini episode took three years for me. Or should I say learning to deal with energy at all, balancing my energy flow and be able to handle the greater amount of energy.
For me my kundalini peak experience felt like someone was running a great amount of electricity through my torso and out the top of my head. Really really great amounts of energy.
I too have some traumas in my past life and working on healing them has helped balancing the energy a bit. But the thing that has helped undoubtly the most is my daily energy meditations.
Kundalini should be worked on gradually and it's important to be able to stop when the energy becomes to much and not push oneself.
I don't regret awakening kundalini because it turned out to be a source of happines and bliss in my life and a great way of healing myself. So it's possible to have a psychosis from dealing with kundalini, I had. But I must add that I was mentally unstable at the time, before awakening kundalini. I still ask myself the question "What would the situation have been like if I wasn't mentally unstable at that time?" I guess I will never know. But that question starts to fade because now I'm well and am looking forward to a life in happines, peace and harmony.
Love, Christian
19th September 2006, 07:00 PM
Thank you for sharing, Christian, that's very affirming to hear. I too, have found wellness after an extremely challenging time, and that is a good place to be. I think the experience caused me to commit even more deeply to my practices, and forced me to strive toward finding new ones that would help me cope with the new energy in my system.
I wasn't mentally unstable at the time of awakening, I thought I was really prepared. :roll: I was practicing gung fu 5 hours a day, meditation, worked with a healer, done physical detoxing, you name it. I was the strongest physically and mentally I've ever been. That's why I went looking, and I did go looking, and push it, demand it even, from my lineage. The psychosis was hiding in my subconscious from past traumas I had blocked out with PTSD amnesia.
I received the transmission over the period of 3 weeks, with a senior student who was highly unstable, and a master who definitely wasn't on a healing path. I think they meant well, but were unprepared to deal with what happened to me, and so they abandoned me altogether, which was a complete betrayal. I was stuck in a foreign country without enough money to get back home and ended up sleeping on people's couches, in someone's garage at one point, in two different Buddhist monasteries, then housesitting, worktrading, etc. Very unstable living conditions.
When the energy flooded my system, it wasn't one single event. It rose steadily for 3 weeks until it hit a total crisis point. I had all the energy rush up to my head and then couldn't ground it back down. I think there were significant blocks in my frontal orbit that prevented the energy from completing the cycle naturally. All that energy in my head caused the psychosis. Amplified thoughts & emotions, full-blown empathic & psychic abilities, etc. I had to learn to cope with all this meant.
That crisis led me to discover many new healing systems, and I have increased power, focus and skill now, as well as enhanced psychic ability. I am finding alot of peace and healing through the Healing Tao exercises. I also left my yang-style combative martial arts for chi gung--all in all, I think my experience was karmic--I believe I am evolving from a warrior into a healer. I do not regret my experience either.
Thanks for sharing your Light
21st September 2006, 04:25 PM
Thanks for sharing Pilar. I too find it affirming to hear about your experiences. Seems we share some.
I too believe my peak kundalini experience is related to karma and also to my development through incarnations.
I remember being around six years old and having a very profound experience, feeling love and energy circulating my system. Then a trauma happened that took this away from me (I saw my chakras closing down internally.) I sense smiliratities between kundalini energy and that loving energy (it probably was kundalini in a more natural and healed system).
My path is to heal myself and return to that natual loving state. And I think that the things that has happened in the past seven years is to awake me to my true path. And it feels so right thinking, feeling and living this and for me it's so true. The bad experiences definitely had a deeper meaning to them. I couldn't see it when it happened but time has showed me so.
Kundalini can destroy you as you've and I've experienced. Kundalini is natural to its nature, I would say the force of gods, and the wisest thing is to develop slowly and not force things. It's all about to go with the flow. Tuning in on kundalini with love and respect and you have an unlimited source for healing, energy and development.
Interesting about blocking out traumas. I have a big trauma in my past (the one above) and I did block it out completely. I discovered it before my kundalini peak experience but it definitely played a big role in my negative experiences from the increased energy.
Grounding the energy back down is so important I think. I too have had problems with too much energy in my head.
Light, love and power, Christian.
21st September 2006, 08:36 PM
Yes, perhaps the kundalini energy was necessary to awaken the trauma so it could be healed, because once it is locked down in the subconscious it cannot be accessed. Or maybe the depth of trauma requires the extreme of kundalini to balance it. At any rate, the trauma and the energy seem to be two sides of one reality.
The story of your pre- and post-trauma states is interesting. When I first began my healing journey 9 years ago, one of the things I first did was attend an energy-healing workshop. It used crystals and healing hands to transmit energy to the chakra centres. We used the crystals as pendulums to test the chakras first, to see if they were open, partially open, closed, spinning counter/clockwise, etc. And then tested again after the session. I remember at that time that the teacher was quite surprised to find my chakras were all closed to some extent. I wonder what it would be like to get a reading done now....
I visited one of my teachers yesterday, who helped me recover from the breakdown two years ago. She asked me--now can you understand what your purpose is overall, what you came here to do, and why you had those traumatic experiences (i.e. why they were a necessary part of the journey)?
That's the next phase, I guess. The answer to that question will propel one truly forward, to a place where the trauma is no longer an active force at all!
Aunt Clair
22nd September 2006, 04:30 PM
nwb: "my friend recently opened his kundalini and ever since then he says he has felt negative spirits trying to attach to him at his house almost 3 hours a day and he has to fight them off all the time and he is getting real tired of it, he also says he sees lights attaching to peoples houses from the sky and that these lights seem to be negative, i wont go into what all he says he sees but it seems like is having an extremely hard time with it.....even to the point of being suicidal. is there any way to "close" your kundalini, i want my friend to stop seeing and experiecing this stuff, i think opening his kundalini made him really sensitive to the point of seeing and feeling way too much around him
1. How is your friend today ?
2. There are 2 major kandas which open in the male earth stone . One is white and opens up the other is black and opens down . They are on either side of the same energy centre called the Throne of God . The white kanda is the plate that opens the tree of life and the white cobra of Kundalini .
The black plate opens the tree of death and the black cobra of Kundalini .
The black cobra is essential but the order of the opening is crucial . First open the white tree and when the jewels of the sepiroth are in bloom the roots of the white tree can be cleaned out thru the qlippoths . If we open the averse tree first it affects us adversely .
If your friend is still in trevail have him write to the serious neg abuse forum here at AD and if he needs help I will be glad to help if I can ,also .
I require a photo of him looking at the camera with no one else in the photo . A circle of my peers works as shaman exorcists . We will help if we can .
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