View Full Version : Question about thought forms

16th November 2018, 11:16 PM
Dear Mr Robert Bruce,
First I would like to thank you for your books, they really helped me a lot.
Back to the topic.

I was thinking of "creating" a protective sword thought form for a long term(as a life long "partner" to make it easier to visualize anytime)
Yet, a couple "occult system" warns against long term thought forms because they could go "rogue" or become "energy vampires"

In your books I did not read anything about forming thought forms for a "long term" so I would like to ask your opinion.
Also, what do you think about about forming more complex/intelligent thought forms?

Kind Regards,

Robert Bruce
18th January 2022, 06:59 AM
The advice to not create lasting thought forms (also called TULPAS) comes from the experience of one person. I forget her name.

She said that a thought form being she created became evil and turned on her after a couple of months.

This advice applies to creating Tulpas, or servitors, and not objects.

Other magicians of note do not give the same warnings.

I have experimented with this over the years and have never had a problem.

So its best to experiment and discover such things through personal experience.
