View Full Version : Is there any advised routine to practice energy work?

4th November 2018, 08:25 PM
Hello all,

This question is intended for Robert but I will appreciate everyone's input and would like to know how your daily routine exercises to practice energy work.

Robert in your book (Astral Dynamics, 2nd Ed) you have given numerous exercises in chapters 8 and 9 to do energy work. I understand that you are trying to be as thorough as possible and to reach a wide audience and also help people to have energy blocks, however, is there any recommended set of exercises that beginners should do. Like are we supposed to start out with the brushing exercise, then do the wrapping method? is there an order we should follow? Is any exercise more effective than the other? Do we need to rotate the set of exercises?

You also mention at the end of chapter 9 that we should get a handle on strengthening our physical energy body before we move on to primary energy centers, how long do you suggest we practice energy work before moving on to working on primary energy centers?

I hope I didn't overwhelm you with my questions, I would really appreciate your input. Thank you for putting all the good work out there.

Robert Bruce
14th November 2018, 03:02 AM
I deal with some of these questions in my book, Energy Work.

The best daily regimen is to exercise your entire body....hands, arms, feet, legs, spine, head, and then do the full body circuit for a few minutes, and finally work for about one minute on each chakra. This does not take very long, probably 15 minutes total.

What else you do depends on what time is available.
