View Full Version : Earth's Energy Shift And Physical Symtpoms

23rd October 2018, 04:46 PM
The last month i came a long some youtube videos and web articles,talking about an energy shift,affecting humans at various levels.
I'm not into new age theories,but i can't denny that i noticed a lot of these symtpoms on me,relatives,friends and even strangers..

I 'm not sure about it,but i feel that there's definitely something going on.I'm gathering infos from everywhere i can,including forums and testimonials.
A lot of people are starting to experience these symptoms.

Two articles about these symptoms.


Google ''ascension shift symptoms'' or you tube it and read what others comment..

23rd October 2018, 04:53 PM
Sorry for the typos.I don't know how to fix the thread title.

24th October 2018, 01:09 AM
I can feel that too. Christ consciousness has returned for another cycle in my life; everyone is aware. I am liking it.

25th October 2018, 02:34 AM
Sorry for the typos.I don't know how to fix the thread title. Click edit, go to the second button "Go Advanced", click it and where the title is it should give you a box where you can correct it, except it looks correct to me.