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10th September 2018, 08:15 AM
OBEs and medication

I am interested in OBEs. I have been practicing William Buhlman’s visualisation technique for a few weeks.
Recently I came across Bruce and Mercer’s book Mastering Astral Projection. I have been following the daily instructions in this book for a week. I have also been reading Astral Dynamics.

The dilemma I have is that it is very hard for me to remember my dreams whatsoever. The reason for this is that i am on medication. I am a very big believer in taking medication. I gives me a very good quality of life, which I am thankful for. The downside is that I can barely remember dreams as if I didn’t have any.

At night I take my medication. I can function for 1 hour. Then I fall asleep. I rarely at all wake up during the night.
When I wake up in the morning, I am pretty sure I dream but I cannot remember anything of my dreams at all. I believe this is the medication’s work. The only hope I have is that something I see during the day triggers a dream memory.

I was wondering if there was anyone else who has had this problem and knows how to remedy it.
I am very dedicated to astral projection and I would like to be able to remember my dreams. So that I can remember OBEs.


10th September 2018, 10:49 PM
Have a pen and paper on your nightstand. When you wake up in the morning write down 3 keywords about what you remember, even if it's just an impression. Later in the day see if you can flesh out those impressions with whatever comes to mind. Try it and see what happens.