View Full Version : How to Dreamwalk

23rd July 2018, 11:02 PM
Hello, I am interested in other people`s experiences with Dreamwalking and I want to share mine.

A few months ago I realized I was dreaming and wished to be where a certain person was. I then was teleported to a field with a few trees and a big house in the distance. The environment felt different then before. I went to the house and found the person I was looking for having a party.

Unfortunately I cannot ask that person about the dream if it still is in memory that is. Do you guys think I dreamwalked? It definitely felt like it.

Try out the technique I used and see if it works. Of course the person you want to find has to sleep as well, maybe even dream as well at the same time. So it could be quite difficult to pull this off.. I am not (yet) dreaming lucid very often, so I do not have many shots at this right now. I need to stop smoking weed. Cannot even really remember one of my dreams when I smoke that stuff.

If dreamwalking is possible, could you see effects of it in the astral realm? How would they look like?

Hope to hear from you guys,

24th July 2018, 05:33 PM
I have had shared dreams before, but they have only been spontaneous. I don't know of any method except becoming lucid and then looking for the person. Perhaps if two people plan to have the experience, there is more probability that they both remember the experience.
Ps. IMO all dreams occur in the astral realm, just in different levels (I don't mean physical levels, perhaps vibrational levels or levels of consciousness.) So I think the astral realm is constantly influenced by all dreams, not just lucid ones- i.e. it being the collective unconscious.

24th July 2018, 11:41 PM
IMO all dreams occur in the astral realm, just in different levels (I don't mean physical levels, perhaps vibrational levels or levels of consciousness.) So I think the astral realm is constantly influenced by all dreams, not just lucid ones- i.e. it being the collective unconscious.
Me too. My dreaming stays with me in waking life as though the collective has agreed on meaning... Usually different to the meaning of the dream but pertinent nonetheless. Especially sex dreams.