View Full Version : Which RB book is best for energy work?

22nd July 2018, 10:45 AM
I have been reading and doing the NEW articles/exercises on the website, the awareness stuff is simple for me but interesting, In the past I was less "precise" in awareness though. I keep getting sympathetic energy flows elsewhere - focus on my hands and I get waves up my legs, etc. Guess I have established/open paths, often a thought is all that is needed. The healing energy flow exercise is quite enjoyable and attracts my Cat like a magnet. :)
It's interesting for me as I have always brought energy down, through higher Chakra into my Crown Chakra for energy work.
Being so long since I did systematic clearing work (Zenith clearings) It would be good to work through the NEW system I feel.
Which book is best for energy work and the NEW system, for personal growth and opening abilities, I read mention of it being written about in several books?
OBE and Kundalina work possibly later, but ATM I need to get the basics sorted and deal with whatever is limiting my abilities :)

23rd July 2018, 03:48 PM
I like to start out with the free information from the website (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/content.php?130-new-energy-ways) to get the basic stuff down first, and then get Energy Work, which gives you more specialization.

23rd July 2018, 08:37 PM
Thanks, going to work through that, though I initially thought it a dead link as it didn't load right away.