View Full Version : Healer in Sydney

29th June 2018, 01:32 PM

I have a suspected entity or negative energy on me since I was a boy and I don’t know how to combat it?

Robert Bruce
1st July 2018, 04:11 PM
Sorry, I do not know anyone like this in Sydney.

I'd google this as most people like this have websites, etc.

The only person I could recommend for serious neg issues is John of God, in Brazil.

Have you read my book, The Practical Psychic Self-Defense Handbook?

If yes, what countermeasures have you tried, with what results?

peace, robert

14th September 2018, 07:47 PM
Hi Robert I sorted this out

I immersed my Lakshmi idol in water since then I haven’t run into any issues.

yes I have your book and employ some of these measures.

However my problem is a little more systemic then basic entity issues, I have done some soul searching and progressed on the spiritual path

now I need your help and want to do a consultation with you this Tuesday the 18th however prior I want to send a one page summary of what’s going on with me, where can I send it?

14th September 2018, 07:55 PM
Hi also this negative entity I kept on talking about, it’s a terrible aspect of the mother goddess that is sticking to me like glue. I actually saw her standing right infront of me when i did an initation ritual to a group called the ‘ram sharanam’ she even spoke. So as entity’s go I’m pretty sure she will only leave when I’ve learnt what she’s come here to teach me unless I die before that.

I will I’ll tell you about it maybe on the following consultation

14th September 2018, 10:31 PM
you can runn reiki energy like running water i do it all the time i just send signals to my higher self by hand gestures to let him know that i want active reiki because i know he is always looking threw my consciousness

I also do energy bounces keep things under control and that's like running water but electrical running pulses

14th September 2018, 11:35 PM
Reiki is high on my list of things to learn. What you said might be a bit above my head. I just began visualising my higher self 5 years ago and I hear him very very rarely...when I do it’s always a loving rhythmic moment.

i keep running water in my house since reading psychic self defence.

I want want to find gurus in Bowen therapy, Reiki, singing, yoga and the Vedas

first and foremost I want to learn to raise my kundalini , however before I do this I need to clear some negativity. This is the first item to cross off my list

14th September 2018, 11:47 PM
if you do it everyday especially raising vibration daily healing issues come to the surface daily so it's like a healing marriage working with reiki angels even if you can't see, they are still there invisibly for many years to work with higher self and the angels make a commitment to turn up

you can kick negs out if you do energy work for 1-2 hours per day each day for like 2 years thats the thoery

you can kick negs out threw the kundalini course. You will be just too high frequency for negs find it toxic to be exposed too kundalini energy, it will end

energy work is a path towards kundalini development

- a long term commitment