View Full Version : Higher self fusion

25th June 2018, 05:29 AM
Dear Robert, I have been reading a book called the Urantia book. The foundation that produces the book says that the beings who materialized the pages say its an actual revelation for the 20th century.

The book describes that our destiny is to fuse with our higher self. Which is actually called a thought adjuster, a literal fractal of god that is bestowed on us at our first moral choosing usually around the age of 5 years old.


“107:0.5 (1176.5) It is the Adjuster who creates within man that unquenchable yearning and incessant longing to be like God, to attain Paradise, and there before the actual person of Deity to worship the infinite source of the divine gift. The Adjuster is the living presence which actually links the mortal son with his Paradise Father and draws him nearer and nearer to the Father. The Adjuster is our compensatory equalization of the enormous universe tension which is created by the distance of man’s removal from God and by the degree of his partiality in contrast with the universality of the eternal Father.”

In the book it describes ou higher self/thought adjuster as pre-personality. It is of the father, and in every sense of the word God itself. But it does not have personality because god is a transcendent personality. And fusion is a process we’re we eventually gain such communication with our higher self that it eventually ends with us literally fusing in fiery divine light. We gain true divinity, and our higher self gains personality. We in a sense are transformed into a new being.

If this happens in the body on earth than you will be translated in a divine flash of light and fused with your higher self. Usually the process happens when a person dies and gains consciousness in the next phase of existence.

But it is possible to fuse here on earth, and those that are close to fusion are people who we probably would have called “masters” in the past.

Do you think raising and mastering kundalini is needed for contacting and fusing with our higher self. Or is the process of working with the catch basket also a way to strip away limits to fully communicating with our higher self.