View Full Version : Distance From Body When OOBE

4th June 2018, 09:12 PM
I'm re-reading Astral Dynamics and I have a question about the "Real-Time Zone."
"They are free to travel at will anywhere in the physical universe, at any speed, and can defy gravity. They can move through solid matter at will, although they may perceive some texture and varying degrees of resistance."

However, when I astral project, I'm only able to explore my small house, with the exception of my bedroom. If I stay too long in my bedroom I get pulled back into my body.
So once I project I have to immediately "go." I have to travel out of my bedroom. When I wake up the vividness of the experience is strong and it's clear I had an OOBE.
However, if I go outside my house, the vividness of the experiences decreases to the point I could have just imagined everything. It's more of a dream.

I was wondering if this is common for other people?
The farther you go from your body the experiences becomes less vivid and more of the imagination?

8th June 2018, 06:38 AM
Is it where you are at or how long you are out that makes it less vivid?

9th June 2018, 02:16 PM
Is it where you are at or how long you are out that makes it less vivid?

When I first make conscious attempts to AP I'm not able to stay out that long. However, with practice, I can stay out for a long time. It soon gets to a point where I feel bored and intentionally go back into my body. After one does it 100 times it gets boring. When I go outside it soon turns into a lucid dream and is less vivid.

So, to answer your question, it's where I'm at that makes it less vivid. And that place is outside of my house.
I was wondering if other projectors find this to be true.

9th June 2018, 05:06 PM
Hi David. First off I agree with you about needing to get away from your physical body once out. My adventures in my house in what Robert calls Real Time Zone varied in length but were always fully recalled.
For some reason my outside adventures never went further than my back garden ( so I cannt realy help you there) and on that occasion as I floated downstairs out through my french doors I was aware that 2 ???? Were linking my arms and we just floated across the lawn but then back through a different door back inside but on this occasion I was aware of the most beautiful sweetest smell of the grass.
I'm just wondering if maybe you should be moving on now from RTZ .