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View Full Version : top countermeasure designers wanted can be employed by robert bruce's institute (coming soon)

13th May 2018, 10:41 PM
robert we need countermeasure designers to help revolutionize psychic self defence in the future and shape the future of countermeasure technologies.

Like the first microsoft computers became so advanced but over time the computer designers made quantum leaps, talking about computers now a days.

Thats what we need when it comes to countermeasures evolution

Same with the future of enhancing countermeasures

robert i need you to employ creative minds for your anti neg charity

They can do all the creative work and send it directly too the institute but get payed for there work as a internet job or moving directly to australia and touch base with the institute and work in real life for dear Robert:angelic:

14th May 2018, 07:21 PM
what i am trying to say by top countermeasure designers using the present countermeasure from robert bruces PSSD book in creative ways such as running essential oils instead of running water for example

Fusing two countermeasures togther as one is a good countermeasure designer example

25th August 2018, 10:50 PM
when are you making charity RB?

Robert Bruce
26th August 2018, 11:51 AM
I love the spirit in your words....nice

It will happen when it is meant to happen.

Running essential oils instead of water...this would have to trialed in real life field conditions....eg., actual neg attacks.

From my understanding, running any fluid, including sewerage, will have the same emf effect.

But this is good science...propose a hypothesis, and defend it in rigorous debate. I love it.

peace, robert

26th August 2018, 09:17 PM
pumping blood is running water

especially if you are running the blood pumps faster and faster creating faster flow robert

the faster the flow of blood the stronger the running water effect

love you robert:heart:

being sexually active creating running fire just like running water that burns stagnant energies and may burn negative energies of negs especially real sexually active types that reach orgasms point super fire-ry based types

raising vibration raises the vibration of sacral energies making it poisonous to negs

26th August 2018, 11:33 PM
Running essential oils instead of water...this would have to trialed in real life field conditions....eg., actual neg attacks.

the institute can work as scientific spirituality where neg victims can be tested as lab rats for the countermeasure revolution or development

they can get paid that money they earn can go towards buying countermeasures for there own protection purposes

There should be neg victim rest homes equipped with countermeasure for neg victim relief to rest in peace

i am quite passionate about protection from negs and would be a great help to the institute

Robert Bruce
27th August 2018, 12:57 AM
The problem with using exotic substances to replace water are obvious. First, the volume of running water denotes its efficiency as a countermeasure, and secondly the expense of using something other than water.

We are still researching how best to start the institute. The first step is to found a NFP (not for profit). Once we have that, we are capable of accepting donations and etc. This, because people will not give large amounts of money to you unless they can also claim it as a tax deduction. Then we will create a virtual design and put this online as a prospectus. Once we have this underway, we'll start looking for suitable land, etc.


27th August 2018, 03:44 AM
The problem with using exotic substances to replace water are obvious. First, the volume of running water denotes its efficiency as a countermeasure, and secondly the expense of using something other than water.

Robert it doesn't have to be fully 100% essential oils. Like a 500ml bottle of quality rose oil added to treat boss demon attachment very rapid acting countermeasure that can be added to running water . This countermeasure can be a luxury for rich neg victims. Robert you got to look at it from the positive side

The running essential oils is extra extra strong countermeasures a very intense psychic protection talking from personal experience as a ex neg victim

It's very rear for boss demons to be attached anyway because the divine force has been raising the vibration of earth the planet so boss demons are extra low vibration and cannot align with the vibration of this world

27th August 2018, 03:45 AM
Robert as a charity you should accept donations

27th August 2018, 03:58 AM
you got to understand with using such powerful countermeasures you got to protected from psychic attacks while physically awake because with such powerful countermeasures it can make negs or demons completely handicapped

27th August 2018, 10:06 PM
I love the spirit in your words....nice

thankyou for appreciating me. I have got allot to offer i am working with oracle cards and tapping into divine information and it's rubbing into my forum personality. I am turning into a mystic just like you

31st January 2019, 05:54 AM
when is it going to happen RB? can you put a time on it