View Full Version : Question regarding wandering vs OBE

30th March 2018, 02:27 PM
hi guys. I'm new to this forum and I don't know how to post a new subject about my issue so I've decided to post here. I've red "Franz Bardon - Initiation into Hermetics" book and I found and interesting subject about Conscious Separation of the Astral Body from the Physical Body. Bardon talks about a silver line (Silver cord) when he separates astral body from the mental and physical body and he is very clearly describes it, when somebody in this stage during OBE touches our physical body we are going to DIE automatically, because the electromagnetic fluid in the person who touches us is stronger during OBE. I've also heard about similar things from orthodox jews who practice some kind of OBE in practical kabbalah, that we shouldn't be connected with other people who are uninitiated because if they touch us we die. Anyway Bardon talks a two different type of separation. When we just exit out of the body he calls it mental woundering which is not dangerous. We can also experience real time zone and astral travel with that mental body separation, but the main different compared to Bardon's astral sepration is that during mental wandering the astral body remains in the body. However during astral body separation both mental and astral body is separated from the physical body, thats why it is so dangerous. After days of analysing the Bardon description of astral travel and other descriptions like Mr. Bruce's one, I belive Bardon calls the etheric body to mental body. Which means if I translate it into Mr. Bruce's concept means that both the etheric and astral body is removed from the body. However according to my experience and knowledge is absolutely inpossible and it would automatically generate physical death whether anybody touches our body or not. What do you think about this subject?

2nd April 2018, 04:08 PM
I agree that this does not happen. Robert agrees too, he's said it in his subforum.