View Full Version : Ultrasonic Neg Repeller

3rd March 2018, 09:56 PM
I have been using cheap table top ultrasonic humidifiers with Frankincense oil to repel negs, and it seems to be working fairly well in the room it is used in.

I can't work out if it is the Frankincense oil that is doing all the neg repelling work or the ultrasound waves.

Has anyone had any experience with repelling negs with ultrasound only? Or using similar ultrasonic humidifiers with oils?

9th June 2018, 04:20 AM
I haven't heard of ultrasound. Can you send me the link to the product?

I am dealing with a very nasty demonic possession and as a last resort I've been looking into this product. It's pretty pricey but the manufacturer swears that it repels demons and negs. After the hell I've been through it kind of sounds too good to be true, but I'll try anything at this point.



9th June 2018, 06:19 PM
Hi Angel10023,

I have carefully examined the Pyroenergen product, and believe this product to be a simple high voltage electric supply. It is definitely not worth the huge amount of money being asked, and could be created by many electronics hobbyists for less than $50. It might work, and it might not, but at that cost, it's a big financial risk.

Earthing can have a very powerful effect when it comes to getting rid of negs, and is almost completely free. Earthing bed sheets supply the body with an abundance of electrons for many hours per night when we sleep. I would recommend staying earthed/grounded for as many hours a day as possible.

Going out in bright sun light helps also, and is free...

Have you used all of the counter measures in the "Practical Psychic Self-defence Handbook"? If not, please get hold of a copy of this book and implement as many of the counter measures as possible.

These are some links to earthing bedsheets, and other earthing products:

I have been trialling ultrasonic humidifiers with frankincense oil. This seems to help a lot. I have added a link below to one of them, but there are many variations on this ultrasonic humidifier/diffuser, and all of them should work just fine. The strongest neg repelling affect seems to be within 1 meter of the device.

https://www.ebay.com/itm/Mini-USB-Car-Home-Essential-Oil-Ultrasonic-Air-Humidifier-Aroma-Therapy-Diffuser/272714282601?hash=item3f7f09b669:m:m_iJGJm10CkVHa7 uav6R3qw

I have also been testing the effectiveness of a USB ultrasonic bug repeller, to see if the ultrasond alone can repel negs, and it seems to have a good effect, but for a very short range indeed. I have had to put it very close to myself to repel negs in my personal space (almost had to wear it...). I have put a link below to one of these:


Hope this helps.


10th June 2018, 03:10 AM
Interesting. Thanks Jexx I will check all of this out. Just curious, how do you know the Pyroenergen is just a high voltage electric supply? It mentions on the site that it utilizes some type of static electricity, but will not go into further detail. Is static electricity the same as high voltage? Do you think electricity will have any affect on these things? Unfortunately for me they are inside my body, not around me. I'm not sure what your case is, but I would probably have to shock my body for it to have any effect.

10th June 2018, 02:52 PM
Hi Angel10023,

I have been an electronics technician for over 30 years, this allowed me to work out a bunch of stuff about the Pyroenergen product. While it is true that the product tries not to let on too much about how it works, they gave enough away in in their descriptive text and the images of the product to allow me to work out what the product was.

I have listed what I learned about the product below:

1) It outputs a high voltage that can give you an electric shock if you touch a ground source including their own ground output connector when using the device

2) They quoted "It uses D.C voltage and not A.C voltage like it's cheaper competitors" (D.C voltage is not static electricity its "Direct Current"). Having said that it does not matter if it is a true static field or DC high voltage field, the affect is the same, and both are easy to generate.

3) It uses a standard A.C mains plug to power it, and the mains plug does not have an earth connection, so the voltage is generated from a mains AC supply, and is not relative to a true ground/earth connection.

4) It has a positive and negative high voltage output connector

5) It can be discharged from it's high voltage output to it's high voltage ground connector, which means it has a high voltage capacitor or similar device on it's output

All of this gives me a fairly good understanding of what is inside this unit, and trust me it is not worth anything near $1,299 (even if it is a true static electric field generator).

On the subject of whether it will work. It might work, but only because negs have a strong electromagnetic aspect to them. Grounding/Earthing connects the body to the planet, which is negatively charged (the unit output is also negatively charged). Earthing is very good for our health, but slowly drains the energy of the negs away to earth. When the the negs realise their energy is getting too drained away, they will not want to stay connected to you (they will also become weaker the longer they stay attached to you while you are earthed). The unit gives off a negative high voltage and the earth gives a negative small voltage. The earth drains the negs energy away, but I am not sure the unit does, but as they both give negative charges, and I know long term earthing works, so maybe this unit might work, maybe....

Shocking your body with high voltage electric/static fields might get them off you (maybe), it would interesting to know if that works, but they might not stay off you, unless you stay connected to the device. Maybe you could also ground/earth yourself when not "shocking yourself" with high voltage electric fields?

I might build one of these units and see if it works for me. I have had more than my fair share of neg attacks, and some of them have been pretty bad. I am pleased to say that I am now able to deal with them when they occur. Robert Bruce’s book (mentioned earlier) has been the most valuable resource for dealing with neg attacks, his counter measures have worked very well for me...

Some counter measures you could do right away include:

* Running water, including showering for along time, bathing in running water (streams, rivers, anything, as long as the water is moving), use garden hose for running/moving water

* Sun bath in strong sunlight

* Earthing yourself for a long as possible each day (there are many ways)

* Keep you house lights on and bright, open the curtains and let as much light on a possible

* Remove all clutter from your living space, make it as clean, tidy, bright and comfortable as possible (negs hate this)

Hope this helps


10th June 2018, 09:24 PM
Thank you so much Jexx for all of the info. You clearly know your stuff and it is much appreciated. I am going to try the earthing as well. That is so interesting that all of this drains their energy. I have a lot of pretty large demons in me so I know it will take a lot to drain them, but I'm willing to try. Thanks!

Hi Angel10023,

I have been an electronics technician for over 30 years, this allowed me to work out a bunch of stuff about the Pyroenergen product. While it is true that the product tries not to let on too much about how it works, they gave enough away in in their descriptive text and the images of the product to allow me to work out what the product was.

I have listed what I learned about the product below:

1) It outputs a high voltage that can give you an electric shock if you touch a ground source including their own ground output connector when using the device

2) They quoted "It uses D.C voltage and not A.C voltage like it's cheaper competitors" (D.C voltage is not static electricity its "Direct Current"). Having said that it does not matter if it is a true static field or DC high voltage field, the affect is the same, and both are easy to generate.

3) It uses a standard A.C mains plug to power it, and the mains plug does not have an earth connection, so the voltage is generated from a mains AC supply, and is not relative to a true ground/earth connection.

4) It has a positive and negative high voltage output connector

5) It can be discharged from it's high voltage output to it's high voltage ground connector, which means it has a high voltage capacitor or similar device on it's output

All of this gives me a fairly good understanding of what is inside this unit, and trust me it is not worth anything near $1,299 (even if it is a true static electric field generator).

On the subject of whether it will work. It might work, but only because negs have a strong electromagnetic aspect to them. Grounding/Earthing connects the body to the planet, which is negatively charged (the unit output is also negatively charged). Earthing is very good for our health, but slowly drains the energy of the negs away to earth. When the the negs realise their energy is getting too drained away, they will not want to stay connected to you (they will also become weaker the longer they stay attached to you while you are earthed). The unit gives off a negative high voltage and the earth gives a negative small voltage. The earth drains the negs energy away, but I am not sure the unit does, but as they both give negative charges, and I know long term earthing works, so maybe this unit might work, maybe....

Shocking your body with high voltage electric/static fields might get them off you (maybe), it would interesting to know if that works, but they might not stay off you, unless you stay connected to the device. Maybe you could also ground/earth yourself when not "shocking yourself" with high voltage electric fields?

I might build one of these units and see if it works for me. I have had more than my fair share of neg attacks, and some of them have been pretty bad. I am pleased to say that I am now able to deal with them when they occur. Robert Bruce’s book (mentioned earlier) has been the most valuable resource for dealing with neg attacks, his counter measures have worked very well for me...

Some counter measures you could do right away include:

* Running water, including showering for along time, bathing in running water (streams, rivers, anything, as long as the water is moving), use garden hose for running/moving water

* Sun bath in strong sunlight

* Earthing yourself for a long as possible each day (there are many ways)

* Keep you house lights on and bright, open the curtains and let as much light on a possible

* Remove all clutter from your living space, make it as clean, tidy, bright and comfortable as possible (negs hate this)

Hope this helps


13th June 2018, 06:34 AM

I, also, came across this site with a lot of different gadgets...how do you think these compare to the proenergen? My mind is a mess so it is hard for me to concentrate and compare these devices. Thanks!



13th June 2018, 02:04 PM
What seems obvious to me is that any humidifier with the ability to put oils in it (such as the usual eucalyptus oil, or as in the neg-related application, frankincense oil) should do the trick without the big money aspect. Anything directly marketed for neg suppression will be more expensive, because the marketers are targeting susceptible (i.e. desperate) people.

13th June 2018, 07:41 PM
Hi CFTraveler,

You are totally right!! I have tried many different ultrasonic humidifiers/diffusers with frankincense oils and they all worked great!!

I intentionally bought a range of different types, and they were all less than $20, some of the USB devices were less than $8. I purchased them all from Ebay. I only used the ones that say they can take essential oils, but they all seem work on the same basic design (I suspect all of them can take oils, even if they don't state it specifically).

If you give this a try, please let us know how it worked out for you. Myself and two other people that I know have used ultrasonic humidifiers with frankincense oil and enjoyed great results.

13th June 2018, 08:27 PM
Hi Angel10023,

I have had a good look at the devices at you mentioned from EntityRemovalTech. Two of them seem plausible to me, because they use elements of counter measures that are known to work. These two promising devices are the "Ion Ray Gun" and "Multi Wave Oscillator". That said, there are very cheap and effective alternatives if you want to try these ideas.

The "Ion Ray Gun" ionizes the air using a high voltage circuit which can be found in almost every commercial ionizer product. More effective and safer ionizers can be purchased for a very kind price from many places. I have pasted a link to one such negative ionizer product below:


Strong radio frequency magnetic waves might well work, but strong magnets are an inexpensive and powerful alternative. Small but very powerful Neodymium magnets can be purchased for a very kind price indeed. You can buy these from Ebay, Amazon, Radio Shack, and many other places. There are also many varieties of wearable magnets that come in a variety of types (Bracelets, necklaces...etc).

13th June 2018, 08:30 PM
Thanks Jexx. I will look back on your old posts to see what you purchased. I'm just curious were you dealing with an entity attachment or possession, or an attack? I am possessed..meaning I have entities inside of me mind controlling me, suffocating me, draining my soul energy and making my life a living hell. I'm not sure if a humidifier will do anything to make these things leave my body. I was looking at some of these other devices because you apply them directly to your body.

13th June 2018, 08:35 PM
jexx..Just saw your post...looks like we are online at the same time. thanks for your reply. Did you look at this one? It talks about radio frequency and the user said that it was the only thing that actually helped him from a nasty attachment from a tentacle monster. I don't know ANYTHING about radios and frequencies. I looked up some of the devices he recommended, but they just look like computer parts to me...I wouldn't even know how to work them or what to do with them?


13th June 2018, 08:47 PM
I just bought the air ionizer and ultrasonic humidifier on ebay. i don't think that they will be strong enough to clear anything out of my body, but they might prevent more attacks?

13th June 2018, 11:47 PM
Hi Angel10023,

The ultrasonic humidifier and frankincense oil will help prevent further attacks and attachments. The ultrasound also seems to bother negs, even if they are inside you. Loud positive uplifting music also really bothers negs, and repels them. Anything that makes them not want to stay near, in and around you is a step in the right direction.

Sometime ago I had a negative entity inside me, attached to my chakras. When it spoke clearly in the my mind in a voice that was not mine I was shocked and horrified. It had been attaching to me during sleep, and got a good hold on me. It took long term grounding/earthing and several other counter measures to get it out and away from me, but took a lot more effort with counter measures to stop it trying to reattach while I was asleep. I have also experienced a temporary possession where I lost control of my body and speech for a short time, which was also shocking and worrying. Fortunately that does not happen to me anymore, but I have to be on guard, as I still get negs bothering me on a regular basis since I started practicing Kundalini raising.

The things that I know from direct experience that help with possession are:

1) Long term earthing/grounding => Staying earthed for as many hours of the day as possible, for a long as it takes

2) Running water under, around or over you for long period of time (I have also used Robert Bruce's garden hose trick with grounding to sort out a really strong neg)

3) Bright light => Sunshine, bright house lighting, leaving the lights on when sleeping (might need an eye mask to sleep)

4) Neon Violet Light (mentally projected bright neon violet burning flame to burn them out!!)

Hope this helps

Best Wishes


14th June 2018, 04:09 AM
All good to know. Thanks Jexx.

I just purchased grounding sheets, as well and I am going to start up again with the salt baths. I'm going to try the magnets, as well. I told you I bought the ion humidifier. I'm still interested in purchasing one of the other more expensive machines or radio frequency generators, but I'm not sure which one yet.
I doubt the garden hose thing will work because these things are pretty entrenched in me, but I'll give it a try. I'm not sure I clearly understand it though. You have to step over the garden hose once or do you keep stepping back and forth?
It's interesting that on other sites I've read that electricity increases spirit activity. I came across Stuart Wilde's site and he mentioned to stay away from the earth and out of the sun because spirits come up from the earth. All of that seems to be the opposite of what I've read on here.

Hi Angel10023,

The ultrasonic humidifier and frankincense oil will help prevent further attacks and attachments. The ultrasound also seems to bother negs, even if they are inside you. Loud positive uplifting music also really bothers negs, and repels them. Anything that makes them not want to stay near, in and around you is a step in the right direction.

Sometime ago I had a negative entity inside me, attached to my chakras. When it spoke clearly in the my mind in a voice that was not mine I was shocked and horrified. It had been attaching to me during sleep, and got a good hold on me. It took long term grounding/earthing and several other counter measures to get it out and away from me, but took a lot more effort with counter measures to stop it trying to reattach while I was asleep. I have also experienced a temporary possession where I lost control of my body and speech for a short time, which was also shocking and worrying. Fortunately that does not happen to me anymore, but I have to be on guard, as I still get negs bothering me on a regular basis since I started practicing Kundalini raising.

The things that I know from direct experience that help with possession are:

1) Long term earthing/grounding => Staying earthed for as many hours of the day as possible, for a long as it takes

2) Running water under, around or over you for long period of time (I have also used Robert Bruce's garden hose trick with grounding to sort out a really strong neg)

3) Bright light => Sunshine, bright house lighting, leaving the lights on when sleeping (might need an eye mask to sleep)

4) Neon Violet Light (mentally projected bright neon violet burning flame to burn them out!!)

Hope this helps

Best Wishes


15th June 2018, 01:37 AM
AND...heres another one..It looks like a wooden box to me.


16th June 2018, 12:04 AM
Hi Angel10023,

The "Boondee Ghost Repellent" device that you posted a link to is worse than a wooden box. It's a total shameless con job and ripoff. This poor quality wooden box contains a cheap camera and some LED's, which is a pointless waste of time and a huge amount of money. Shame on them.

16th June 2018, 12:17 AM
Hi Angel10023,

Regarding sunlight and Stuart Wilde's ideas. My direct experience and other good sources of information strongly show that avoiding sunlight is playing right into the negs hands. Sunlight, especially sun bathing in strong sunlight, de-vitalizes the energy of negs. This is one of the strongest freely available counter measures. Please try this yourself and discover this truth with your own personal experience as I and others have done.

16th June 2018, 01:26 AM
Thanks Jexx. I figured the box was bs! I will continue to sunbathe...I figure you are right because now everytime I try to they tell me not to.

18th June 2018, 06:03 AM
Came across TMS...It's magnetic energy used to treat mental illness...wonder if this works on negs?


18th June 2018, 07:35 PM
Hi Angel10023,

TMS might help. Strong magnetic fields are well known to mess with Negs, because negs have an electromagnetic aspect to them, so a TMS machine which uses strong magnetic pulses might affect the negs. You would have to try it to know for sure.

TMS is generally only available via hospitals and other medical facilities, and usually fairly hard to get access to. This said, the TMS machines are not hard to create, as they use a surprisingly simple circuit for such a handy medical device. There may be options available on the internet.

An alternative magnetic counter measure worth consideration would be the use of strong wearable magnets, which are available from many sources, and at very modest cost. There are many on Ebay and Amazon, and come in many varieties, including wrist bands, necklaces...etc. You could also experiment with the use of small powerful rare earth magnets (also readily available on Ebay, Amazon, Radio Shack...etc)

Hope this helps.

Best Wishes


20th June 2018, 08:48 AM
Thanks Jexx. I've been talking to others and doing a lot of online research and so far these are the devices that people claim to have had an effect on Negs. I don't know if any of them would work on something as large as what I have in me..but this is the list. I'd like to hear feedback or comments from anyone that knows about any of these devices or has used them and what they think. Thanks

1. multi-wave oscillator
2. pyro energen
3. Rife - Spooky2 - there are different parts you can purchase and different frequencies you can play with and there is a 'radionics' add on you can buy separate - I, honestly, wouldn't even begin to know how to use this device and what parts or frequencies would work
4. Metatron, and knock off hunter 4025 (its apparently a box with electromagnets) I was just told about this and I am looking into it more

20th June 2018, 08:05 PM
The air ionizer I bought for $10 just came and it doesn't look like much. It pretty small and lightweight and the instructions were in Chinese. I don't think this will do much

22nd June 2018, 01:26 PM

22nd June 2018, 07:25 PM
Hi Angel10023,

The ionizer should put out a lot more negative ions that the rather dangerous "Ion Ray Gun" at the link you sent earlier, and at a fraction of the price. It probably wont break the demon possession on it's own, but is one more counter measure (even if a small one).

Have you got hold of a copy of Robert Bruce's book yet (The Practical Psychic Self Defense Handbook: A Survival Guide). This book is what you really need. It explains exactly how break out of a demon possession. The information in this book is your very best chance of ending your possession problem. I have used the countermeasures in that book and can honestly say that they worked very well. I have pasted a link to the book below:


The earthing/grounding bed sheet you have invested in is one of the best counter measures (also in the book).

Best Wishes


25th June 2018, 01:22 AM
Thanks Jexx. I've read all through this forum and I think I've heard pretty much everything in the book so far, but I am definitely getting the book anyway. The ionizer link you sent me I purchased. I think it was like $10....but it is really really tiny and flimsy. It doesn't look like much of anything to me. Should I be investing in a larger product? I really hope the earthing sheets do something to help. What is in me is pure evil. It won't let me pray, meditate or believe in God anymore so it has become impossible for me to break out of this hell. I just don't know if these countermeasures are enough at this point. The demons in and around me are huge.

26th June 2018, 06:53 PM
I have been using cheap table top ultrasonic humidifiers with Frankincense oil to repel negs, and it seems to be working fairly well in the room it is used in.

I can't work out if it is the Frankincense oil that is doing all the neg repelling work or the ultrasound waves.

Has anyone had any experience with repelling negs with ultrasound only? Or using similar ultrasonic humidifiers with oils?

I just got the ultrasonic humidifier that I ordered from the link you sent me. It is really tiny and plugs into my computer not the wall. I filled it with frankincense oil and it's been sitting there for about an hour, but it's not doing anything. I don't see an on/off switch or anything. I don't smell oil coming out of it. The instructions are in chinese....did I miss something here? Thanks.

26th June 2018, 11:59 PM
Hi Angel10023,

There is a small touch sensitive on/off symbol on the side of the ultrasonic diffuser/humidifier, use this to activate the unit by touching your finger on it (small circle with another circle and a line inside it). The unit should light up from the inside using colorful LED lights.

I use a mix of water and oil (not a lot of oil is needed). It is important for there to be enough water. There needs to be enough water for it to come in contact with the stem that protrudes down from the top of the device.

Don't worry about the size, even the small ones put out a very useful amount of fragrance.

When it is working, a small visible plume of vapour can be seen coming out of the top of the unit.

This particular unit is USB powered, which means it can be plugged into a computer, or mains powered USB adapter, or even an in car USB adapter.

Hope this helps

Best Wishes


27th June 2018, 07:24 AM
Hi Angel10023,

There is a small touch sensitive on/off symbol on the side of the ultrasonic diffuser/humidifier, use this to activate the unit by touching your finger on it (small circle with another circle and a line inside it). The unit should light up from the inside using colorful LED lights.

I use a mix of water and oil (not a lot of oil is needed). It is important for there to be enough water. There needs to be enough water for it to come in contact with the stem that protrudes down from the top of the device.

Don't worry about the size, even the small ones put out a very useful amount of fragrance.

When it is working, a small visible plume of vapour can be seen coming out of the top of the unit.

This particular unit is USB powered, which means it can be plugged into a computer, or mains powered USB adapter, or even an in car USB adapter.

Hope this helps

Best Wishes


Thanks Jexx! I NEVER would have figured that out. Did everything you said...still doesn't work. I think it's broken. O well. It was only $10

26th July 2018, 04:06 AM
Hey - Just an update.

-I've been sleeping on earthing sheets & pillowcase since June - tested all of my outlets and they are good -
-I purchased a multi tech air purifier 8500 from surround air that was $85.00. It has an ion function and claims to output billions of negative ions..the highest output I could find from all the online devices I looked at. Been running that non stop next to my bed for about 3 weeks.
-Continuing with the salt baths everyday and getting out in the sun
-Started working with a distance healer 3 weeks ago that specializes in black magic cases (what I am unfortunately dealing with)
-Moved to a new house last month...portals were opened at my previous property by the magician that cursed me. I hired many many people who claimed that they closed them..who knows.
So far I've noticed no changes in my possession. I am still being tormented and in fact the past two weeks have been the worst yet, if you can believe it.

-Upon further research, I found that the pyro energen machine and rife static II have been used with some success against negative entity attachments. It has to do with the negative static electricity. I don't think it was ever used to combat a possession as large as mine, but if it helps even a little, I would be grateful. I found a site that teaches you how to make a knock off for about $100 and I am working on getting one now. Will update.
-I was blessed to get in contact with the major distributor of the Metatron machine. Due to my rare situation they agreed to have me come in for a professional session. It turns out I don't live far from their US headquarters. The Metatron apparently has a function built into it specifically to repair damaged auras and the Japanese know the correct codes to input for situations like mine. I feel this will be an experiment to see if these sophisticated machines will be of help to targeted individuals in the future. I'm going in August and will definitely keep you guys updated on how that goes.

Hope everyone is well!