View Full Version : Imagery Behind Eyelids?

11th October 2017, 04:45 PM
Last night while I was lying in bed, I had started to play around mentally with those lingering images behind the eyelids (I think mainly because the room I was sleeping in was not too terribly dark, so those "vision spots" were still behind my eyelids). What happened though was those formless spots slowly starting getting texturized, as if billowing smoke or moving sand. It slowly turned into a city landscape and morphed into individualized people I could see walking in the street, not too detailed but enough to notice the physics of their walk, even though they were more like clay individuals.
I can't recall much from there, but I was really intrigued how my mind was making clear images for me behind my eyelids, as if I was watching a screen with hardly any work from my mind, like watching a show. The most surprising moment was an imagine of a dandelion in my mind and I could look around it mentally and see every detail, almost in greater detail than I could in real life. I have never had a strong astral projection experience before at all but this "imagery" really surprised me and came out of the blue. My mind was relaxed enough and I wasn't trying to put myself in deep meditation or a relaxed state.
Any idea what this could mean? Thanks!

19th October 2017, 05:17 AM
thanks for sharing. That sounds more like a remote viewing than an AP.

19th October 2017, 05:51 AM
you can convert a remote viewing into a obe

23rd October 2017, 04:49 AM
looks like you experienced some closed eye hallucinations or hypnagogic imagery. Either way from everything i have read you could have gone to oobe or lucid dream. But i remember reading this that was posted by devilsavacado on reddit:

I'd be curious to hear from any others with similar experiences/abilities.
During my freshman year of university, I got really into The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley. I (sort of) discovered the book through a vision actually. I was laying in bed one night and the image of a book flashed and I heard (inside my head) a voice say "The doors are coming." I remembered a tripper recommending to me some years back to read TDOP so I went to the library the day after my vision and checked it out. Reading that book really blew my mind and inspired me to try and induce more visions through meditation.

After a few weeks, I developed a really effective technique. Basically what I do is lay in bed and stare into the backs of my eye lids as if they were portals into outer space. The key is to really believe that you are looking into a three-dimensional plane. The first thing you'll notice is that what you see when you close your eyes is not complete darkness. Look closely and you'll see all sorts of stuff going on.

1st Stage: A star field emerges and you feel as if you are moving very fast through it (think Star Wars). This can be a subtle or extremely vivid effect depending on how well you are tripping.

2nd Stage: Splashes of colors begin to appear, most notably green and blue. They seem to resemble shapes at times, or just make random patterns.

3rd Stage: Precise geometric patterns show up. I've seen some really crisp, complex designs in very hot colors and have even witnessed geometric animals such as a bird which flew horizontally across my plane of vision, flapping it's wings.

4th Stage: Realistic images sometimes pop up, though this is trickier to induce. I've seen faces of strangers, random objects, words, etc.

5th Stage: The best realistic visions are of intensely beautiful landscapes and human feats of architecture (bridges, skyscrapers, etc.) These images resemble our own world only magnified, like some sort of parallel fantasy universe.

6th Stage: By far the trippiest thing which occurs. Four shape-changing orbs of white light appear in each corner of my field of vision. The more I concentrate on them, the more they intensify. One time in all my experiences with these lights, they started to become super super intense and fill up my entire field of vision. I felt warm and tingly all throughout my body, more comforting than any drug I've taken. It felt like a full body orgasm. This freaked me out so much that I opened my eyes, and to my surprise I was still able to see them the four orbs hovering above my bed. They gradually faded away after I came back to my senses.
I've fallen out of practice in recent years, but I'm looking to get back into "training." I asked a spiritually open girl what she thought the four lights were, and she explained to me that they were sort of like my guardian angels.

enjoy, anyone care to comment.

I think this kind of stuff, just shows the hidden giants that we all posses inside our brain.

Robert Bruce
24th October 2017, 02:33 AM
This sounds like training and testing experience.

It will help if you do a running commentary in your mind on what you are seeing and doing.

The next step will be to try to take control over what you are seeing. EG., 'Show me the statue of liberty' or 'show me this person' etc.

Learning some form of remote viewing would be most helpful for you...giving structure and the ability to analyze what you are experiencing.


9th November 2017, 09:52 AM
This sounds like training and testing experience.

It will help if you do a running commentary in your mind on what you are seeing and doing.

The next step will be to try to take control over what you are seeing. EG., 'Show me the statue of liberty' or 'show me this person' etc.

Learning some form of remote viewing would be most helpful for you...giving structure and the ability to analyze what you are experiencing.


As I remember these 2 steps are the 2 first GATES of 7 Total GATES of becoming a witch in the book " The Art of dreaming " by Carlos Castaneda !
The similarities are amazing...This is the book about teachings of Dun Juan the Aztec Naval of south America .