View Full Version : Effects of sleeping aids on astral travel, lucid dreaming, psychic self-defence etc.

16th September 2017, 01:15 PM
If one takes sleeping aids either herbal, over the counter or prescription, does it reduce your capacity to protect yourself astrally or however while you are sleeping? Sometimes I wake up from a fight in a dream, but if I was to take something to help me sleep, would I not wake up and be negatively affected? Not really sure how to word this question properly, sorry.

18th September 2017, 06:03 AM
I find taking melatonin supplements get me to the hynogogic state sooner. I haven't traveled with it, but I've found it helps open etheric communication and past life recall

19th September 2017, 07:28 PM
Even though I don't take supplements for sleeping, I have projected after taking analgesics for a headache, no problem.

20th September 2017, 12:26 PM
I find taking melatonin supplements get me to the hynogogic state sooner. I haven't traveled with it, but I've found it helps open etheric communication and past life recall

Thanks! I will try that.

20th September 2017, 12:27 PM
Thanks! I have wondered what differrent medications whether OTC or prescription would have on our energy and whether it's safe to work in the spiritual realms when using something, even headache pills.

21st September 2017, 05:03 PM
I have had 'in dream' drowsiness while under the influence of strong analgesics, so there may be something to the quality of your experience. I don't think you're any less protected, just less 'there', so to speak.

24th September 2017, 05:56 AM
In terms of supplements I can also testify on the benefits of silica gel. It definitely amplifies your body's "crystal radio".