View Full Version : Recommended book on magick for beginner?

12th September 2017, 03:39 PM
I spent a few years in ceremonial magick, working my way through Kraig's Modern Magick, but I must admit I never got anything out of it. It is a lot of work, with no feedback whatsoever, and it feels like driving a car blindfolded, relying on someone else's instructions.

Recently, I stumbled across Rob's Magic Blog (https://robjo.wordpress.com), and admit I am pretty intimidated by the level of knowledge claimed there, and much of what is written strikes a chord with me, for instance his opinion on ritual magick (https://robjo.wordpress.com/2010/10/15/ritual-magick-is-superfluous/). BTW, does anyone out there know Rob? Anyways, while he frowns upon books and rituals, and emphasizes first-hand experience, he is less than clear on how to develop the relevant skills, which is exactly where I need help. The blog mentioned seems to be pretty much defunct by now, so I will ask you guys.

Is there any reliable curriculum on developing magick skills out there? Any book you can recommend, which guides me towards laying out a foundation, from where I can expand/learn/discover my skill set?

16th September 2017, 09:01 PM
Best book I know would be Franz Bardons books
If you look for a magic school Google boel mystery school they are great too

19th September 2017, 11:23 AM
Best book I know would be Franz Bardons books
If you look for a magic school Google boel mystery school they are great too

Bardon is on my short list. I'm not sure about the BOEL mystery school, as their free one-year online course looks theoretical, and hands out a cheesy looking certificate. Do you have experience with BOEL?

27th September 2017, 07:59 PM
Their course is not yet complete but brings you 3 months of theorie. If you join as a member and pass the initial test you get a private mentor which will teach you and follow your progress . If u have luck and in your area are other students or a existing circle you can study together .
To become a member you got to fill out a questionnaire and pay 40 euro a year

I found them very serious and good teachers

28th September 2017, 10:10 AM
Their course is not yet complete but brings you 3 months of theorie. If you join as a member and pass the initial test you get a private mentor which will teach you and follow your progress . If u have luck and in your area are other students or a existing circle you can study together .
To become a member you got to fill out a questionnaire and pay 40 euro a year

I found them very serious and good teachers

I'm skeptical about correspondence courses that claim to teach skills, and as there are definitely no other practitioners in my area, I will be very much on my own. BTW, are you sure about the EUR40/year? Their correspondence course is listed for EUR 180/year! Did you take the correspondence course?

7th October 2017, 03:38 PM
The membership was only 40 euro which would give u a private tutor

Aunt Clair
17th January 2018, 03:36 AM
Franz Bardon's Initiation into Hermetics is the best handbook, I believe. Rawn Clark's Companion Text to IIH is useful . Donald Michael Kraig's Modern Magick - offers some pragmatic helps, too.

I am re-reading Modern Magick in reaction to replying to this thread. I just performed the golden ball relaxation ritual in the first few pages. And it occurs to me that visualisation is so important but feeling energy is much easier and more vital to understand magick. I suggest all should read Robert Bruce's book Energy Work, first.

If one can learn how to manipulate energy and feel it then one will understand the power of Magick to transmute and move energies.

Here is a link to Energy Arms Loops with Arms and Legs. The energy arms technique was taught to me by Robert Bruce. It is a great way to help someone prime their hands and feel energy for the first time. It is a great way to prime the body before healing, also;http://forums.riverofenlightenment.com/index.php/topic,2551.new.html#new

It must be so difficult for a neophyte to attempt rituals without being able to see or feel the energy moving through their own body. I think it is a mistake that all of us do not start here with energy work and Robert Bruce's work is fundamental to this goal.

Start with Robert Bruce's Energy Work and perform his energy arms loop. Feel the energy moving through your body from your heart down the arms across the palms. Then know that this is real and then begin rituals to change those energies and move them as you will.

Then read other books on how to use energy to heal, to evoke, to attain wisdoms, to ascend your vibration to improve your consciousness and your soul. If we do not have this prerequisite, how can we wonder when so many who strive to become magickians never progress through the end of one text but remain armchair wannabe magickians. We can all become magickians but we can not hope to confirm our progress without an ability to feel our workings. We require a modicum of being able to see at least in dreams and in projection.And to see we must move energies up to the brow centre to awaken our field of astral vision, to open our third eye we use fire energy. Pure golden fire energy is not the primary flame of the beginner. We begin with slow moving duller colder energies. We can learn to make fire orange and then yellow and then golden and sublime. That is what we require to open the third eye and all the network around that third eye to see clairvoyantly beyond the dream, to see when we will as we will.

The moving and transmuting of elemental energies is the basis of Hermetic Magick. Hermetic Magick is an ancient pathworking which expands the consciousness and helps the magickian to meet with their higher soul to become one with it and go beyond it to a wiser kinder self. We unwrap the wisdoms from the curriculum of the universes. We become for a brief time at one with the Godhead. We visit the astral temples. We attain guidance from Mahatma. We learn to help the consciousness of the all to which we are connected , we learn to be part of the solution, to heal, to learn, to teach, to inspire, to protect and to serve and to ascend our vibration and our consciousness.

5th March 2018, 12:25 AM
Hello""' Aunt Clair it's me astral practitioner what made me post you a message because i get visions time time of help for example a vision of cleaning for example like a frying pan in movie motion in my third eye before i fall asleep

I am getting mixed messages. That's why I posted a message only. I feel you still play a role in my life as a guide

I feel like i am become banished out of your life however this psychic connection makes me confused getting mixed messages of interest in me

I just want to ask you if it's really you that enters my psychic or it's someone or something else
I want to get that off my back that question

I feel like I am banished from you life but i feel like you have been contacting me psychically, that’s why I posted

8th March 2018, 06:24 PM
I think the best bet is ''new avatar power'' by geoff grey cob.
No tools or fancy rituals,Just the instructions to get into a light trance state and then you recite the invocations to the angelic beings to deliver your wish,
I've seen results my self and this book is famous on occult forums//

Something tells me that you allready know about it,but if you're not,then you should give it a try...

8th March 2018, 06:29 PM
also i heard good things about damon brand's books.https://galleryofmagick.com/
His systems are also easy to follow and his books are beginner friendly