View Full Version : The Void / 3D Blackness

21st August 2017, 12:01 PM
Hello Robert,

What is your experience(s) with or views on 'The Void' / 3-D velvety Blackness (as Monroe called it).

A multitude of OBE and NDE experiencers have been 'there'.

What is your theory and experience with it? Are you 'there' (in this state) often while projecting? Or do you get around it?

Is it the same as exit blindness (I do not believe so)?

Some see a completely black void and others (like me) rather see black with greyish/light swirls or pinpoints of light moving. What is your version you see?

Some fear it, for others (like me) it is a 'nice' place of manifestation or a launchpad for further astral plane travel (a kind of jump portal or hub if you will).

Thank you and best regards

23rd December 2017, 03:46 PM

Robert, I'd like to write an article about The Void next year and therefore would love to read your opinion for quoting it if I may, need only be in a few sentences.

Many thanks.

24th December 2017, 01:21 PM
Fancy that, I just realised the void half an hour ago and i read this. This is in the real world mind you, but yep it is beyond space in linear time. Jah is here as well. !

26th October 2018, 07:03 PM
*Bump* :D

Hello Robert. I checked and I noticed in the field for your answer to my question there is still a ... well, yeah .... Void ... :wink:

Robert Bruce
29th October 2018, 01:11 AM
*Bump* :D

Hello Robert. I checked and I noticed in the field for your answer to my question there is still a ... well, yeah .... Void ... :wink:

Apologies for the delay. I'll reply now.

peace, robert

Robert Bruce
29th October 2018, 01:37 AM
This place, if it can even be called that, called The Void, seems to be a dimensional area with no structure or content.

Because of the lack of information concerning this phenomenon, anything I might say is purely speculative.

I have found myself there a dozen or so times, but not for many years. It is quiet and dark and non threatening.

Astral projectors will occasionally find themselves in the void. They are aware that they are out of body, but that is all. There is zero sensory input. It is just very quiet and dark.

There is no sense of anything...no sense of whether the area you are in is vast or small and close. No sense of up or down. Nothing.

This can be likened to being in a dark float tank. Or, like being inside your mother's womb at night while she sleeps.

Total sensory deprivation. No sense of even having a body.

The void is completely non threatening. It is very peaceful there.

At times I have found myself there, I have been unable to project elsewhere, or even to deliberately return to my physical body.

The duration of void experiences vary, but time spent there is usually not very long....some minutes or so.

Void experiences are not usually frequent occurrences.

My best advice is to just relax and meditate and wait for it to end.

peace, robert

29th October 2018, 08:50 PM
Thank You! :-)