View Full Version : Using a psychic shield and crystals/stones to protect my house from negs and bad people

psionic empath
25th June 2017, 04:15 AM
A few weeks ago, my sister's crazy ex boyfriend started texting her a number of angry rants out of the blue, and she didn't respond because she knows he would get more infuriated as if she is arguing back or something. he messages quickly turned threatening, as he said things like "i hope you're ♥♥♥♥en scared" "i'm gonna bury you with my remains bitch" and "i'm not afraid to die over you." he also threatened to bur down everything she owns while he watches her. he also said one of these days he's going to throw a rock through her window that will smash her face so hard that she will be unrecognizable. long story short, he egged my sister's car as well as my mom's car. we called the police, they read the text messages, and couldn't arrest him or whatever for the eggs since we have no evidence to prove that it was him. my sis was angry and told off her ex boyfriend over text. after police had left, he came back screaming his lungs off outside of our house. we called the police again, and this time he egged just my sister's car. the most the police did was call and talk to his mom on the phone to tell him to knock it off.

i truly believe he might be a threat down the line. he has pretty bad mental illness, and has suicidal thoughts, but he also has EXTREME anger issues and has vivid fantasies of hurting people. he is also delusional. i know how his mind is because i used to be his best friend and would be at his house most of the week, while he was still sort of sane,

So i made 3 shield constructs around my house, one pink one which is programmed to transmute negative energy into positive energy and send it back to the sender. One purple shield which is for direct psychic/black magick attack, whether intentional or not. and finally, a white light shield, which focuses on keeping the property physically safe, by warding away physical beings who do not have good intention.

i have a good number of crystals and have made protection grids before, though i am now curious about using the method in which a person uses about 4 tumble stones, and sets them on each courner of the house in order to create/and/or strengthen a protective energy field around the house.

I have also created a thought form/tulpa in the form of Archangel Michael, and I have "programmed' him to follow my sister and mom around always, for protection of course.

i am curious if you guys have any good tips or suggestions about my techniques or perhaps you have a technique of your own?

27th June 2017, 12:59 PM
you have the colours and meanings of light right. i don't know what stones you are using but something like amethyst if you want to be more conscious of the problem, obsidian (from memory) if you want to deflect it.

burning sage turns negatavity (years of it potentially) in the house into something more objective and valid.

best advice i can give is, get to know the problem (his mind), the people involved, and formulate a resolution that is beyond doubt ie is based on truth and not fear. eg he might be lying to himself and see through that, rid such a lie in yourself. you'll grow thru this , most probably in such a was as to understand "higher" forms of innocence indeed even protection. you could also cast a mirror bubble around his aura. good luck o

27th June 2017, 01:56 PM
I hope she showed them to the police, to start proceedings to keep him away. Then do psychic protection such as what you've already been recommended.

27th June 2017, 04:18 PM
michael said.. get to the problem, what is his problem, he is lonely. then don't be that.

dunno if that helps? felt generous.

psionic empath
28th June 2017, 12:37 AM
unfortunately my sister didn't wan't to go through with the restraining order, because she didn't want to see his face again, she told me mom. she might have also feared retaliation, im not sure. i have practical plans in mind for if he does show up at our house again (for example we have a motion sensing alarm at the front of the house now and the 3 of us carry pepper spray. i have more ideas in mind in case he comes back. for now, on a metaphysical level, im just putting energy into the thought form shields to keep him at bay