View Full Version : My fail at using "etheric hugging" as an alternative to white light shielding and how I awkwardly discovered faeries

7th June 2017, 07:35 AM
At night I tend to get some of the astral showing up in my bedroom. With my eyes shut, I can observe shadows through my lids. Sometimes the shadows are just shadows, sometimes they are something else. It takes a lot of focus and awareness for me to tell the difference.

Having entities in my bedroom doesn't bother me. I find it moderately entertaining and engaging to try and understand what they are (if anything) and what I might learn from them.

Sometimes I might get a sense of their emotional feelings or a mental image of what they are or look like (ie spirit being, earth bound spirit, etc). Occasionally I might get a blurb or 2 of telepathic chatter.

its rare for me to get anything sinister and I normally have a routine I do that likely helps me with that regard. (I normally think the Robert Monroe / TMI mantras and I use white light shielding when I feel like I need to).

One night after I closed my eyes, I felt the presence of three shadows approaching me together in a group. I sensed a female energy coming from them and I didn't feel any sort of negative energy. Still, since it was three shadows and not a single, it made me want to instinctively use my white light shielding as a procausion. I decided not to though.

I've had a number of female entities visit before in the past that were pleasant experiences and thought this might be a similar encounter. So I thought up an alternative shortcut idea to the white light approach that might provide an etheric shielding for me and at the same time might help me with my communication with them.

My alternative idea was to focus my mental awareness on them. I'd do this in a way where I would reach out and give them a hug full of love and affection with my mental body. My thought was that if an entity was malevolent, that this act of love would drive them away in a hurry whereas if this was a benevolent spirit this act would be well received. This dualistic assumption was a key to my fail (as was another one I made earlier that will soon become apparent).

So suddenly without warning I projected my awareness on the three shadows. I envisioned me giving them this big old affectionate bear hug around all three at once with my energy body. I held this etheric embrace tightly for several seconds. (I might have even envisioned giving a smooth). Suddenly the unexpected happens ...

I feel this immediate sharp telepathic spike of reactive anger inside my brain! It felt like a verbal high decibel yell and I can only describe it as short and sharp. A millisecond later I hear something get knocked over in the bathroom like someone fleeing to get away as fast as they can. I get this strong feeling of an angry male faery presence. He apparently was the shadow entity on the left side (only the middle and right were female).
This happened so suddenly and I couldn't stop laughing uncontrollably because I found his knee jerk reaction to my embrace endearing. The reaction was both distinctly faery in nature and yet also a very masculine reaction. I envisioned that what I did caught him completely off guard and was equivalent to a surprise lick In the face by a strange dog (or in my case a strange male human). I also had the keen sense that he had a macho personality and a strong desire for having his own personal space (and this happening was way outside his comfort zone)

Two mornings later I was awakened by the same telepathic jolt I received during the other night. Just that and nothing else. Like he ran by me and yelled / slapped me awake as he ran past to show me that he was still angry about the other night. I had the feeling that he might have been teased by the other 2 about the earlier experience and wasn't happy being the focus of their teasing. I don't feel he has any long term anger for me and I'm hoping this becomes an icebreaker of sorts for me to get to know all three (assuming they are regularly tied into my neighborhood in some way).

As awkward as the experience was, if I hadn't tried this new protection idea and just used white light, I'd never would have never encountered the strong reaction of the male fairy. If not for that strong reaction, I'd never have known that faeries even existed.

And for that experience I'm grateful!