View Full Version : A constructive challenge for robert (kundalini) please, dont delete me.

18th May 2017, 10:41 AM
Upon further examination, i am of the belief that you and many other mystics (whole group of you) have not actually raised kundalini. Below is a true description of my experience (unamed mystic) of the kundalini rising, and its operation. My personal experience, scientifically approached. Try not to delete me of the forum just yet, as this will be an interesting challenge for you, and i see noting wrong with constructive critisim. Let us begin...

Kundalini, is like a person, the holy spirit etc... (You also stated it has inteligence) and it seems to me, it rises initialy itself in the beggining "of its own accord" and no human can force this, without truly being spiritually evolved. So your courses can not do anything in concerns to kundalini. True kundalini rising, is like god saying, its time....

(my experience) Kundalini, rises as two energies from the lower part near the spine, this feeling even though energetic in nature, can be felt as a strong physical feeling, of to two serpents rising (even the top heads of the energy are oval shaped similiar to a snake head) these energies both have there own circular pattern, and upon completing a full cicle "interloop each other, at the chakra points" the energy is so strong, this can be all felt physically. (See staff of hermes) The energies keep interlooping and "reach" the crown chakra, which results in an out of body experience, minus the visuals. Your sense of spatial awareness is travelling within the kundalini itself, almost as if you are the kundalini. The continue 4-5 metres out of the head, and then vanish...

phase 2
later, as the months progress, i raise energy waves, another aspect of kundalini. When a siginificant amount of energy is raised, the energy body being charged to a certain climax, a loud HSSSSSSS sound enters the head, just above the ears (sides of pineal gland entrance) this is a feeling, though energy, as if an actual physical snake is entering the skull, with the loud auditory hissing sound. Ine example, the other night i was trying to sleep, and a feeling of a "physical snake" though energy, within a split second uncoiled from the base of my spine, and shot out of the physical body directly to the back of my head, paused for a moment, and "dashed" through and into the back of my skull with a loud hissing sound exactly like a python.

Phase 3. This energy, needs to be manipulated and properly directed in oreder to awaken advanced powers. Some powers awaken on there own. To quote manly p hall.... When the mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block, is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, the mason had learned the mystery of his craft, and the seething energies of lucifer are in his hands. And before one can step onward or upword, one must learn to properly apply energy. (Im convinced hall was refereing to kundalini) as most powers are associated with this energy.

Strange phenomena. Uppon higher kundalini charging, the phenomena known as "alien greys appear" and an intimate connection takes place. As soon as one literally closses the eyes, they are immeresed in another frequency. THE KUNDALINI HAS A CONNECTION TO ALIENS. think this is my active imagination!? Think again! When an experience can be repeated again and again, and can be scientifically observed, one can conclude that this is not an hullucination. I do not drink, smoke, or take drugs. I meditate for two hourse every night, and am spiritually clean

Robert Bruce
19th May 2017, 01:05 AM
I think kundalini is dormant within the DNA of all humans, because we humans are a hybrid race that was probably engineered by ETs hundreds of millions of years ago. This may help explain the human/Kundalini/ET connection.

I rarely speak of ET's, but I have had significant interaction with ET's since my birth, with my first memory of this around the age of 3 or 4, where I was exposed to an advanced form of Hemi Sync (the best way I can describe it) that as a side effect caused me to begin experiencing frequent OBE, visions, etc. These interactions have continued throughout my life, and include several physical abductions, usually on road trips through wilderness areas.

The inclusion of kundalini potential in human DNA was probably accidental and overlooked by our engineers.

This gives all humans the potential to activate kundalini, although this is extremely rare.

It is known that kundalini can be activated naturally through intensive intellectual (Jung) and spiritual practices.

My tutorials on how to raise kundalini attempt to teach people how to create conditions within themselves that will activate kundalini.

I think that more people in our world need to activate kundalini, if we are ever going to break out of the matrix (a very apt description of our world) in which we live.


19th May 2017, 01:37 AM
I posted something in the music question, which i feel i shouldnt have. It was not polite, and i hope Cf traveler can delete it. As i would personaly like to become friends with robert instead of having friction. I get extremely passionate when expressing myself, my apologies.

In accordance with what you have stated, we are discussing an advanced level of consciousness, which us as two individuals are very fortunate to be able to experience and discuss. As this phenomena, concerns the whole human race. And these few words on this website we are discussing is one of the most spiritually enlightening revelations on the i internet, as it reveals accurate and true information regarding this topic. The so called "grey aliens" i do not claim to know exactly what these beings are, if in fact these beings are aliens, the implications are massive. As this means, higher level kundalini grants human beings access to aliens. If this in fact is true, it could be as you stated that aliens engineered humans. I am "actively" engaging with these entities, regularily. And they seem to be able to cause astral projections in human beings. I will go a step further and say, that even "intense" vibrational state where you feel like your dying could in fact be Et related.

In conjuction with this, i also believe these beings are testing our consciousness in the obe state. As one time i found 3 of them at my bedroom window just staring at me as i was astrally projecting, they caused it. One time in meditation i was raising the energy waves, when i started feeling my astral self slowely accelerating forward, towards a typical grey in my lounge room. I was moving more and more foward until my face was inches away from its face, and it was just observing me, still like a statue and i decided to end the experience as i got close enough. These beings also manipulate the astral state through what i have observed, as a bubble of hexagrams spinning anticlockwise (no idea why) ine time during an astral projection, i saw myself im some refection (mirror?) i have no idea, and i saw myself white like a ghost, humanoid/ grey smaller eyes, than a grey but rather beautifull really.

Sometimes, i get the immpression they are creating a new astral body for me that resonates with there frequency. But with all things, let us not assume. Patience, i will expand my awareness. Peace.

19th May 2017, 08:23 PM
I've only met the greys (which were actually tall 'whites' for me) in the astral once. It was when I used the command to raise my vibration to a very high point and thus 'dissolved' my astral body to appear on a higher plane/level. They were a few 'metres' off and just watching me, 3 of them. No further interaction as I chose not to engage and disappeared again. I was surprised because it was not what I had expected and I had never asked to meet ET or greys in particular.

(Btw, I had a kundalini energy experience with the moving spine / snake twice but then I did not experience ETs).

20th May 2017, 05:45 AM
I've only met the greys (which were actually tall 'whites' for me) in the astral once. It was when I used the command to raise my vibration to a very high point and thus 'dissolved' my astral body to appear on a higher plane/level. They were a few 'metres' off and just watching me, 3 of them. No further interaction as I chose not to engage and disappeared again. I was surprised because it was not what I had expected and I had never asked to meet ET or greys in particular.

(Btw, I had a kundalini energy experience with the moving spine / snake twice but then I did not experience ETs).

We usually dont expect these encounters, and yes, for some reason they do seem to come in small groups of three's. I have seen two types of greys. The first one is more common which is the typical grey alien with big black almond shape eyes. And the second is more interesting, this seems to have a much larger head and different eyes, almost lit up and glowing (tall grey?) it has an extremely strong intelectual appearance, and can be seen clarvoyantly by my side to the left part of the vision screen, it can bee seen moving and looking around at my energy body, possibly even making minor adjustments. This particular being, i get the immpression is the main overseer of my connection with these beings and have just recently discovered this entity interacts with me astrally, at times even taking me somewhere.