View Full Version : Music

17th May 2017, 01:14 AM
Hello, Robert, I have a couple of questions, one is about music. It is beneficial the practice of tactile images in relation to listen music?
The last question maybe belongs in other section, the question is, How to delete older posts or i put them in private?
Regards, i'm from another country sorry if my english it's not very good.

Robert Bruce
18th May 2017, 09:40 AM
Music is fine, but can be a distraction while learning energy work.

Am not sure you can delete older posts. A moderator would need to do that, I think. This is because, as a regular user, you do not have the forum permission level required to edit or delete posts. If you have a valid reason for this, ask a moderator to do this for you.


18th May 2017, 12:38 PM
Hi Fidel,
Ive attached a link from 2011 where CFT and BWT explains
why you may want to delete previous posts, why you maybe shouldn't ,and if you do -HOW TO.-


18th May 2017, 01:42 PM
As to music, I can tell you I don't generally use music to practice projection, but will leave it on when I do energy work.
Mainly, because you don't have to be in trance to do energy work. If you're trying to get in trance to do it (some do, it's a much more intense experience in trance), then there are a few things to observe:
The music should be a consistent melody, with regular cadence, and it should be as long as your session is going to be. If it stops and starts, or changes rhythm, or has any startling quality, it's no good. I personally like binaurals with music, because they are made to be listened to for a prolonged period of time, and there are no changes, just the same 4 or 5 notes, and slow and steady.
It should have no singing in it, and it should not be anything recognizable from your past, no 'favorite song' or anything like that.
This is because music is tied to memory, and listening to it will bring back memories, and soon you're not meditating or doing energy work, you're just reminiscing about the past.
You also don't want singing unless it's a chant in a language you don't speak (like sanskrit for me, or hindi, or japanese, although the latter does not suit me) because it will bring associations, and then you'll be thinking of whatever the association is.
So, if you do feel the need to listen to music, go to youtube, find 'relaxing music with binaurals', and there are various selections that are long enough, pleasant enough and unknown enough to do the job of helping to relax and keep your interest without overloading the mind.

19th May 2017, 01:02 AM
As to music, I can tell you I don't generally use music to practice projection, but will leave it on when I do energy work.
Mainly, because you don't have to be in trance to do energy work. If you're trying to get in trance to do it (some do, it's a much more intense experience in trance), then there are a few things to observe:
The music should be a consistent melody, with regular cadence, and it should be as long as your session is going to be. If it stops and starts, or changes rhythm, or has any startling quality, it's no good. I personally like binaurals with music, because they are made to be listened to for a prolonged period of time, and there are no changes, just the same 4 or 5 notes, and slow and steady.
It should have no singing in it, and it should not be anything recognizable from your past, no 'favorite song' or anything like that.
This is because music is tied to memory, and listening to it will bring back memories, and soon you're not meditating or doing energy work, you're just reminiscing about the past.
You also don't want singing unless it's a chant in a language you don't speak (like sanskrit for me, or hindi, or japanese, although the latter does not suit me) because it will bring associations, and then you'll be thinking of whatever the association is.
So, if you do feel the need to listen to music, go to youtube, find 'relaxing music with binaurals', and there are various selections that are long enough, pleasant enough and unknown enough to do the job of helping to relax and keep your interest without overloading the mind.

Good reply. Peace..

19th May 2017, 01:23 AM
Intermission Concessions??
