View Full Version : "Main event" kundalini (need a definite answer)

15th May 2017, 10:01 AM
Hi robert, i'll keep this short.

you describe "the main event" of kundalini rising, as only one way, 3 and a half coils and the physical feeling of a snake the size of your wrist rising through the central axis of the body, with a brilliant flash of white light with a small feeling of concussion.

My version: A strong physical feeling, of two snakes rising in circular motion through the central axis of the energy body, and interlooping every time a full circle crosses, rising through the crown chakra resulting in a type of obe, extending several metres out of the skull exactly like the staff of hermes trismigistus, syncronicity of Thoth god of wisdom egypt. The image i uploaded is an important egyptian symbol the solar disk with Two serpents (eye of the lord)

VIEW IMAGE THUMBNAIL BELOW of solar disk egyptian uploaded properly this time

I own "Astral dynamics" studied it strongly. I ordered other day "practical psychic self defense handbook" and "energy work" i respect your knowledge, thats why i ask you the following question.

im some posts you say kundalini can rise in a number of ways, but then you say there is only "one main event" the snake, so im a little confused, would my "caduceus experience" of two physical snakes rising be considered the MAIN EVENT aswell? Thats the confusion and thats my question. Maybe there are two versions of the same phenomena.

everywhere you look on the internet, including yogic interpretations i see "TWO SERPENTS" travelling in IDA & PINGALA this is the true trajectory of the kundalini i believe. No where on the internet have i heard of a person actually experiencing two physical snakes rising, besides myself.

TWO snakes, in IDA AND PINGALA... Or ONE SNAKE rising. these days, i also feel an energetic almost physical snake dash in the back of my skull and sometimes two on either side of my head just above ears, with a loud HSSSSSSS sound when i raise lots if energy. this can be felt physically and heard auditorily as a physical sensation. This HSSSS SOUND exactly like a python, is significant.

when the hissing occurs, changes are made in the energy body. Particularily in sight.

These are true experiences.
Im Sure you will reply to this interesting Post. As both of us as humans, are clearly are engaged in these realities. Im am in my tweenties, most of this has been happening the last year and a half, since doing ework. One last thing, you mentioned in previous post that my energy waves As active kundalini, in its evolving state" is this after atleast one rising or during awakening? Thanks rob, PEACE.....

Robert Bruce
25th May 2017, 12:53 AM
Kundalini can raise in a number of ways, depending on persons development and chakra configuration and psychology/personality.

I think the full serpent, as I experienced, is the optimal experience.

We know far too little about this phenomena to do it justice at this time.

We can take hints and directions from what is known, and through ancient artwork, etc. But everything must be explored and 'road tested' before it becomes real personal experience.

We also need to experiment more, to find out what is possible.
