View Full Version : Single eye?

8th May 2017, 10:01 PM
Just posted this is journal but was wondering if anyone reading this has had experience or read of a single eye before that could read your thoughts.

( from journal)
One Giant Eye?

Flying in blackness with someone to my right.I can see someone else further in front of me then suddenly I'm where this person was. Then in the distance ONE GIANT EYE BALL comes curving its way towards me trailing a long floating cord behind it which seems to extend far out of sight and stops in front of me.
There was no eyelid or skin under the eye. Just an eyeball.
I can see the pupil of the eye and it's like a chequered pattern like mesh. I feel it's scanning me and now I can sense everything it's picking up about how I'm feeling about myself. I'm understanding from this eye what it has picked up and knows .
That I do'nt like myself just now. That I feel I'm failing in my thoughts.
I knew this eye wasn't judging me just scanning me and making available it's information about me- to me.

9th May 2017, 05:49 AM
Hi Susan,

I have experienced seeing one human Eye and I was totally awake, it did scan me and gave e very strong feeling that I am Gods daughter....

This happened during the time I had contact via internet with the man calling him to be a new sort of shaman....

I have not seen the Eye that clear since ...I did leave his teachings...I have see the Eye like further away.... I Believe he time to time are scanning me still...


9th May 2017, 01:57 PM
I've in-seen an eye several times. Just watching. Not even attached to anything or anyone. Once it appeared as a serpent's eye, and as I looked closely, black scales by the hundreds emanated out from the eye itself in all directions, as if to suggest something immense. Other times it's just an eye seen through the third eye.

My take: there is no watcher, only watching. God is a verb, The Verb.


9th May 2017, 09:56 PM

10th May 2017, 02:17 PM
I have not had any dreams or projections like these, but I went through a time when every time I closed my eyes to meditate my own eyeballs would reflect 'just so' so that I would see one giant eyeball looking back at me. This passed, as everything does.
Of late, your reflection makes me think of a biblical passage in which one eye is mentioned (I can't remember the exact wording, I'm sure Tim will know it) in which you only 'can have' one vision- and I've always interpreted this to mean that your thoughts always have to be positive because it's what you're going to create- always faith and trust (in God) and the outcome can only be positive. I'm sure this can be interpreted in many ways and I'm not sure that it'll make the same sense to you it does to me, but just in case, I'm chiming in. ;)

10th May 2017, 04:13 PM
SINGLE EYE http://ompage.net/Text/singleeye.htm ;)

Spiritual Eye ... Kutastha

And...Mejda page 283 cited, scroll down board to member AncientSong post #6

Tracking this...following thru on it...Pairing It Out...

God The Divine Mother
Devi Siddhidatri

The bottom line is its all leading to, talking about The Divine Mother as Goddess, but more, even still, as Very God overseeing Perfections (Her Perfect Way). For lack of a more humbled term* (such as "Nothing"), She is to whom any Master* serves, causing him|her much patience beyond what seems humanly possible az patience (et)and so it goes...
Ref. James Ch.1

The (1000 Petaled) Blue Lotus Of Ages Pon Ages Is Her Seat Of Many Seats

Not all who wander are lost.


The Complexity, envisioning You to within Her Eye...The Whereof Apple Therein. -X- Marks The Treasured Spot • The Center Of...

Hard Sun http://youtu.be/1ED2PZIYSEs

Whether To Weather Her Weather...Answering Up You...To Be -or- Not To Be, THAT Is The Question. The answer LIES asleep to within the question. Let this shed new light upon "If possible, in az much as it LIES within you, be peaceable among men.". Awakening

And of course, "Wilt thou be made whole?". Per-Mission/FreeWill...your's...by your faith so be it for you...'as it is'...'jyon ka tyon' - in the actual state of affairs and often contrary to expectations.


Yay...though I do wonder, letting it be a testament of awe to what we are -spirited-hu-man, how that it is that any among us are yet standing, even me, given the state of our shared world within this our only day...the day at hand standing for us.

Are You Well-Met?

The Two:

The truth will set you free, but first it's going to piss you off.

The darkest hour is before the dawn.

Edited: That star ☆ just there....that's me...that's my star. This me here...well I am an ancient light just now, even momentarily my Self arriving...impromptu nn spontaneously combusting az embodied being just Tim (et)and THAT Is alright, even ben ari, by Me...even You.

11th May 2017, 01:40 PM
I knew you had it, Tim. :thumbsup:

11th May 2017, 08:08 PM
Thanks all.
I can take something from all of these examples.
A couple of times Ive clairvoyantly had an eye with the surrounding skin and that was creepy enough but at the time I knew if I kept focus something important was to follow and it did.
I think just absorbing all of your examples is better than deciding going down only one route.

Co-incidence again! Just as I,m writing this Joanna Lumley is on TV and has just shown a pendant she is wearing of A SINGLE EYE.Something about being used to ward off the EVIL eye.

Have found this

● One of our sources of trouble can sometimes turn out to be… our own selves.

There are things that are happening within our souls that we are not always aware of, and can not always predict or control. The soul is where joy dwells, and where love blossoms. It is an inner world of hopes and fears, which has a direct effect on a person’s Spirit (our source of will and vitality). Sometimes we harbor inner energies and thoughts that are harmful. They distract us from the path of G-d and can cause failure and bitterness. Such a process starts within, with fears and hidden jealousy or envy. These processes can be found and stopped by the right amulet or a sequence of ritual activities targeted to bring evil eye protection. Both practices are directed at the bearer’s soul and cleanse it by bringing it closer to our Creator.
● Another possible source is one that is directed from outside.

Unspoken grudges, envy and other negative emotions coming from people around us can (sometimes unintentionally) grow into evil eye and disrupt our life in some small and sometimes very significant ways. When it is increased by conscious hostile intentions and evil speech (such as gossip, malicious rumors and the like), the effect can be very bad indeed, and can sometimes grow into a curse.

Copied from
http://gershnubirg.com/evil-eye-protection/?gclid=CjwKEAjwl9DIBRCG_e3DwsKsizsSJADMmJ115KlQsIw _apGntTZKxKOlVUWtdsqwycu7LDWoj7wxJRoClRbw_wcB

It could be all of your examples plus this one. I just love co-incidence with the timing with this one.

12th May 2017, 11:15 AM
The Eye is highly symbolic, i read your post i had the intuitive immpression that it could be an aspect of your higher self observing your inner life. Maybe its an external entity, giving you a message, who knows. BUT, the very fact that you feel this as significant is a very good indication that it is important to understand because it comes from you intuitive heart. If the heart is in the right place and persists, the answer ALWAYS reveal theselves in time, its the way of the universe.

As for me everytime i meditate and raise my "waves of energy" (you can view this phemona in some of my previous post) i see purple static, like an out of tune tv. A purple "eye" shows up out of nowhere in the upper middle part of vision its sort of swaying around and moving. Its almost like its phyically there. At first i thought it might be my imagination, but the eye has stayed there for one year, sometimes more prominent than other times, mainly due to how much subtle energy i conjure. When mystical experiences can be repeated, and scientifficaly observed you know its real and not a projection of imagination.

Well... The eye. An important symboll, our third eye!

12th May 2017, 02:01 PM
In keeping with 'smeller is the feller', I smell bacon frying...I wake up...I go eat bacon. Holding to an "other" as the blame for my appetites is like waking up just to kick the cook's arse...to then eat bacon anyways. Superstition - beyond this, one always finds themself, though "blaming"...not to blame, just misunderstood to themself...thereby misunderstanding all "other".

Curse and be cur-sed...Bless and Be bles-sed.

Word chase: from sanskrit, in keeping with the topical subject matter...

Hamsa - Swan/Gander, refers to the Breath (Prana) as it moves with-in the body ~ the individuated consciousness (Jiva) propelled by the breath.

Parama-Hamsa - Supreme Swan...

Jiva-Atman, Jivatman - Individual self, the individuated consciousness, as opposed to the ultimate Self (Parama-Atman).

Parama-Atman, Paramatman - Supreme Self, the transcendental Self, which is Singular (One), as opposed to the individuated self (Jiva-Atman) that exists in countless numbers in the form/s of "other/s" @ "???"..."to be @ blamed"..."to be @ ashamed of"..."to be @ feared"...etc.

Good Luck
Go Fish - An hundred, fifty (et)and Three.

Body (et)and Temple


Even still...

Fire In The Sky
Smoke On The Water


What?! Is Love!?