View Full Version : Questions to the mystic

1st May 2017, 03:55 AM
Hi Robert,

I have one question to ask, with a "quick description" if through your experience and knowledge you are able to respond it would be appreciated. I wrote something similar in the "kundalini questions". perhaps here is more appropriate, and i am hoping to get a response within a reasonable time frame, as i have been waiting for quite some time prior.

"description" i am honestly keeping this as short as possible.

Since i was a child i have had a natural ability to raise some form of subtle energy, purely from intent and will of mind, i close my eyes and focus on any "spiritually transcending thought" and the waves come, music also resurrects the energy. being a child i obviously thought it was normal. It was only about one year ago that i started to raise "large amounts" of this energy in experimentation and in conjunction with meditation which resulted in much mystical phenomena, the energy is felt like "thick wind" hitting the back with no temperature enveloping the body, it effects the nerves of the body i know this because it can cause muscles to twitch. everything i describe is accurate and true, i want to make it very clear that i am not an attention seeker, and i am not writing out of the ego. the following list of symptoms, is the result of raising the this energy for the past 1 year.

* The energy comes in "waves" coming from the back area/spine and envelopes and interpenetrates the body.
* Raising a large amount of energy, accumulates approximately 5-6 days later as vibrations in the body.
* internal energetic movement is often felt, inner jerks and swirling sensations
* purple-indigo static like vision behind closed eyelids is seen as soon as i close my eyes (like an out of tune tv)
*faces, sometimes menacing is seen within the sea of purple static, this energy has attracted the attention of "alien greys" and there big black almond eyes is often seen behind closed eyes within the purple static sea, i have had some interactions with them.
* occasionally during energy raising sessions/meditation and energetic vortex like ball opens in the solar plexus region and expands into an energy body an exact duplicate of the physical body, it feels dense almost physical and is spinning "anticlockwise" (rhythmic breathing and more energy causes this energy body to last longer and spin faster)
* horizontal lines, grid lines, being in a bubble of hexagrams, like some sort of computer monitor is seen on the onset of sleep.
* I also feel "pressure" in third eye and top of my head (the soft spot) when raising energy.
*The energy is getting stronger these days, like bio electricity and i have occasionally felt heat being emitted.

QUESTION: what is this energy? through your study over the years and experiences does this resonate with anything you can think of? I'm going with concentrated formes of prana, but perhaps there might be some kundalini influences involved. I really am not to sure... all i know is that its a part of me, and its there to stay. there are many other symptoms, i have not written. a small example, sometimes if i relax close my eyes, a feeling of sudden moving forward like a thrust effect is felt, like a mini astral projection happens it can happen 2-3 times in 5 minutes

Robert Bruce
2nd May 2017, 02:38 AM
This energy is active Kundalini energy in its evolving state. The level this is felt depends upon the configuration of your chakras at birth, plus environmental influences. In your case, this level is higher than that experienced by most people.

Daily meditation, plus ework, and other spiritual exercises and activities will help.

Affirmations (spoken aloud and silent) should be used to steer this evolving energy into directions of your choosing. EG., if you want to develop non physical sight, clairvoyance, and or OBE ability, these should be affirmed as if they already existed.

As for your question... these sudden feelings of acceleration you are getting are astral projection exits. This is typical for someone with active brow/crown chakras. The mind split effect, however, still needs to be negotiated so you remember your OBEs, even if they are very short. I recommend my book, Astral Dynamics, for this. You'll also find articles on the mind split effect on this site. Understanding what is happening is crucial to overcoming OBE memory loss. This is normal for just about everyone. The mind split effect, relating to OBE, is a milestone that we all must pass.

peace, robert

2nd May 2017, 04:47 AM
Thank you Robert,

I am going to do some research and get to work immediately on "actively using affirmations". I am satisfied with the detail in your response particularly in using the affirmations to direct the energy in areas of my choosing.

Talk soon, Daniel.