View Full Version : Undoing Intense Psychological Repression?

29th April 2017, 02:29 PM
One enormous issue that I'm dealing with is what I believe to be psychological repression of negative memories.

These negative memories manifest themselves as automatic responses towards situations that override conscious control and produce extreme anxiety.

For example, I have a difficult time interacting with large groups of people. I also have difficulty "getting physical," being challenged by other people, and having to do work on a deadline. If I have to do any of these things, I begin to hyperventilate or breathe too little automatically, my mind becomes unfocused, my thoughts become malicious, I start going "dumb" as intelligent thoughts become too difficult to pull out, I get terrible headaches, I ultimately feel horrible in every part of my body, and I get poor sleep. These effects accumulate over stressful days and create terrible fatigue and depressive symptoms. These responses are absolutely automatic and no matter how I try to steer myself consciously, it happens regardless. I've come to realize that this mechanism is the biggest block to success in my life in all activities.

I've managed to overcome some of this anxiety in *some* areas by confronting situations related to the repressed memories head on, but that's only worked marginally. I still deal with this terrible mechanism in those situations, just to a lessened degree. "Confronting" the issues still hasn't seemed to fix it.

This might seem like an issue to ask a psychologist, but I'm not confident a regular psychologist knows just *how* to fix this. I suspect they might give me a few methods for controlling anxiety, none of which I'm not already acquainted with, and they'd never know how to get to the core of the issue and fix it.

I want to fix this issue at its core, rather than subdue the symptoms. What is the best solution for this? Is there any you can recommend?

Thank you.

Robert Bruce
1st May 2017, 12:19 AM
The first thing I would recommend is for you to go totally gluten free. I have worked with people that have very similar symptoms as yours and gluten free can be a huge help.

Wheat bread in particular is problematic for most people, although through regular intake from birth gluten appears to be tolerated well. But beneath the surface gluten can cause enormous problems, including anxiety issues. In some people, such as yourself, gluten can trigger massive anxiety on all levels.

Schizophrenia used to be called 'the bread eaters disease' for a reason. In a small percentage of society wheat can cause schizophrenia, and removing wheat stops the symptoms.

See this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbBURnqYVzw

Further to this, I have found that gluten itself also causes problems, and going gluten free will solve a range of health problems. This works because in all humans gluten causes inflammation in the GI tract, ranging from very mild (undetectable) to severe (Celiacs disease). Even very mild GI inflammation can reduce your body's ability to absorb vitamins and minerals. This condition is at the root of many health disorders.

It would also be worth checking out my book, The Practical Psychic Self Defense Handbook, especially the section on Core Image Work. This is a method to explore repressed memories and what might be hidden beneath. This is a very direct approach to soul retrieval.

I am gluten free myself, and this has greatly improved my health on many levels. It is pretty easy today as there are many gluten free products available, including bread and cakes and pies, etc. However, it is also best to learn how to cook gluten free. There are many alternative gluten free flours available.

An example... I worked with a young woman last year that had very similar symptoms as you describe. Severe anxiety, social phobias, etc, etc. Her life was a slow moving train wreck from age 15. She could not hold a job, relationships, or do anything to help herself. She had psychological help galore, but while some things helped her to cope with her condition, it did not address the underlying problems. Long story, but she stayed with me as a guest for a year or so, and I convinced her to go gluten free. Two weeks with zero gluten and all her problems disappeared. Then, she ate two slices of toast. This caused the worst anxiety attack of her life. 24hrs in bed hiding under the sheets with no sleep. Two weeks later, she ate some pasta. Same thing happened. It was then very clear she had a problem with gluten, particularly wheat, so she was more strict with herself. That was two years ago. She now holds a steady job, has a steady boyfriend, no social anxiety, and has not had any severe anxiety problems since.

Note, when you go gluten free, your body will become much more sensitive to gluten. So, after a few weeks gluten free you can expect stronger side effects from consuming wheat and gluten.

Gluten is found in wheat, rye, spelt, oats, etc. Its best to google this, and to READ all packet labels before consumption.

Let us know how you go with this....

peace, robert