View Full Version : Reconciliation dreams?

23rd March 2017, 05:26 AM
I've noticed a trend with a number of my most recent dreams. They involve me meeting people who are making some sort of amends with me. Usually it involves them apologizing in some way and or shaking my hand. While in the dreams I recognize them as 'people I seem to know well', but after waking up I can't relate them to anyone I actually know in real life.

any idea what this might relate to? Would it be some karmatic closure/resolution from a previous life?

23rd March 2017, 12:16 PM
The people probably represent feelings of alienation, anger, grudges, that sort of thing, and you are making peace with them. It's not necessarily important to know precisely what each represents. The theme is the important thing here.

I used to dream of living in a haunted house, and I had that dream recur from a very young age and most of my life. Eventually I worked out that the "ghosts" were lingering issues that I had not "laid to rest". The nature of the dreams changed to where instead of being fully incapable of going into certain parts of the house at all, to where I could pass through the haunted areas (though it was nightmnarish) to where I was able to speak to the ghosts and not be afraid of them to eventually cleaning out the house entirely. Those dreams corresponded with my own healing and growth with regard to issues from my childhood (the house represents "me").

14th April 2017, 05:04 PM
The people probably represent feelings of alienation, anger, grudges, that sort of thing, and you are making peace with them. It's not necessarily important to know precisely what each represents. The theme is the important thing here.

I used to dream of living in a haunted house, and I had that dream recur from a very young age and most of my life. Eventually I worked out that the "ghosts" were lingering issues that I had not "laid to rest". The nature of the dreams changed to where instead of being fully incapable of going into certain parts of the house at all, to where I could pass through the haunted areas (though it was nightmnarish) to where I was able to speak to the ghosts and not be afraid of them to eventually cleaning out the house entirely. Those dreams corresponded with my own healing and growth with regard to issues from my childhood (the house represents "me").

BW, That's such an interesting interpretation you've got there. I love reading your posts! I used to have dreams about ghosts in my own house, sometimes, in my own room, but I didn't give it any special meaning, I always thought it was because I was scared of ghosts... It was pretty much terrifying and it woke me up everytime. Maybe the meaning is different for every person, but it's an interesting perspective...
I wonder if houses represent the dreamer, most of the time...

And Honeybadger, maybe you feel like you deserve an apology from someone in your life? or maybe you forgave someone for doing something major?

15th April 2017, 03:50 PM
I've had a similar bunch of dreams- talking to people who I had issues with as far back as my childhood- so thanks for posting this, it kind of applies to me too.