View Full Version : Not feeling a lot of sensations in knees and hips

9th February 2017, 01:57 PM
Hi there
I'm quite new to NEW (heh) and so far I have only been focussing on mastering legs. I get strong sensations in my feet but not so much in knees and hips. Is this normal? Should I keep going and move onto energy raising or keep focussing on stimulating knees and hips?
When I try to raise energy, by sponging, or imagining an energy ball moving up through my legs to my energy storage below the navel, I can't really feel anything going up.

10th February 2017, 12:47 AM
Just keep going with your training
Sometimes it take some time for the sensations to come

10th February 2017, 09:20 AM
.........I get strong sensations in my feet but not so much in knees and hips. Is this normal? .

Hi brovakhiin, this sounds absolutely normal. Your feet are a sensitive part of your body, so it makes sense that as you practice they will be felt more than your legs.
Like WhiteMonkey said just keep at it. Your doing fine.

10th February 2017, 11:35 PM
I agree. The feet and hands are usually where most sensation is felt, followed by the legs and arms. The closer you get to the core, the less sensation happens. This is a physical thing and not a function of the energy body- our bodies just have more nerve endings there.

12th February 2017, 08:03 PM
Thanks guys. It's working. Will start on chakras soon.