View Full Version : Lucid dream or Astral projectionn? Plz help.

2nd February 2017, 09:12 AM
Hello. I'm new to this forum and am happy to have found it... English is not my first language so please bare with me... I want to start by teling you my experience so far, I first learned about astral projection last yeasr and I tried to achive astral projection with meditation (I never even reached the vibrations)so I decided to try doing it in the midle of the night because I oftenly wake up to use the bathroom, so I did and I have 2 experiences but I am not realy sure it's astral projection since it was in a dream-like state and it's all foogy and unclear ( like a dream ).

My first experience was 2 weeks ago. I remember waking up but I didn't open my eyes or move, I just sat there and tryed to astral project. I reached the vibrations, it felt like my body was numb and tingly. Take note that this is the first time I reach the vibration stage. I try diferent ways to get out of my body but nothing seems to work, exept for rollind side-ways ( I sleep on my back) I succesfully rolled out of my body but when I try to open my eyes I am back into my body. I repeated this once more with the same result and after that I'ved fallen asleep and had a false awakening dream. The next day all this seemed like a dream, it was all blurry and clowdy. It was like I dreamed of trying to astral project.

My second experience was last night. I woke up at 2 in the night because I'ved fallen asleep verry early( at 7 or 8). After one hour of Listening to some creepypastas I was on my side ( I usualy sleep on my back) I enter sleep paralysiss and I think to myself "I should try astral projection" ( I'm a little bit more aware and focused than the last time I was in this aituation) So I concentrate and enter the vibration stage (all my body is numb and tingly especialy my tongue) and try to roll side ways out of my body with little success , never succedeng complete separation(at least my "astral eyes" opened from time to time, not like last time)... I repeatetly lose my concentration and slip out of the vibrations and back into the sleep paralysiss... eventualy I fall asleep and lose conciousness. This time I remembered it beter ( not as clowdy and dream-like like the first time) but still verry foggy.

What do you think? Was it real or just dreams of me trying to astral project? Does the Vibration stage suposed to be this dream-like/clowdy? I expected it to be more clear and focused... and for my personal quriosity and expectetions, when you guys succed astral projection is it clear or dream-like, like a Lucid dream level of clarity or better?

Robert Bruce
5th February 2017, 11:57 PM
This is most likely astral projection.

What you are experiencing is quite normal for a new projector.

Doing this in early hours of morning is perfect.

You do 'not' need to open your eyes when you get out of body. If you do not have sight, command 'give me light!' a few times, as that usually helps.

It will help if you keep a journal of these experiences. That way you can look back and track your progress.

OBE memories are difficult and easy to forget.
