View Full Version : how to repair psychic injuries?

25th January 2017, 11:40 AM
ok, so I'm new here, hi, and I have a question regarding methods of recovery from different types of psychic damage. I actually have two different types of injury (I think). One of my injuries (the older of the two) shows physical symptoms when I try to... um... activate my abilities, if that makes sense? I feel some pain in the upper right area of my back. I'm pretty sure this is the result of an attempt at playing medium for an entity which I was never able to identify (and which has since lost interest in me; we seldom communicate anymore).

The other and more concerning injury, is, I think, the result of a long sequence of psychic and psychological traumas, which may have been started by a psychic attack at the time when I was beginning to become telepathically receptive (though not intentionally, but as a side effect of my experiments with meditation and energy manipulation). This second injury caused me to recede from human contact for a while, and regress "spiritually?", and now that I've started trying to manipulate energy again, I've found that I'm unable to build and shape energy in the way that I was able to about two years ago.

I don't really know how long it took me to initially develop these abilities, because it happened semi-naturally, and I just sort of went along with it, while not expecting much. At the height of my um.... "level of mastery, I guess", I was able to effortlessly move energy throughout my body, form psi balls, and develop somewhat complex and mostly stable thoughtforms/constructs which in some cases, receptive individuals seemed to be able to perceive on some level. For instance, I had sort of an aural exo-skeleton that I would wear at least 50% of the time, and which was mostly for aesthetic purposes (it looked cool and I miss it). I was also able to produce very subtle amounts of heat from my hands after studying the aura of fire for a few months.

At this point, I can barely generate any psi/energy, and so I'm unable to manipulate it much, and can no longer sustain constructs. Is there anything that I can do to speed my progress in reattaining this level of ability, and is there anything (or anyone) that might be blocking that advancement? (because I feel like there is)

ps. if you're telepathic, I wouldn't advise attempting to connect with me, as it's usually uncomfortable for everyone involved.

26th January 2017, 07:24 AM
Hi weirdo,

I have some questions to you if you can answere that I can see if my feeling about you are accurate...

When you started to explore your abillities did you do it by reading a book or did some real person advice you??

What was your knowledge about pitfalls what could happen when things started to happen??

What did you know about protection and how to protect you against energies, and what did you know about energies??

What is your thoughts about abillities and why do you want them and what are you going to use them for??


26th January 2017, 03:43 PM
Just a comment or two- not sure how helpful this is going to be.
First of all, don't try to create constructs (except shields, and they shouldn't be hooked up to your own energy, you should take from the earth or from the sun.)
Second of all, the best energy-replenishing techniques I have found either involve tactile imaging, mainly raising energy (the full body circuit) and energy breathing- breathing in energy from the environment iself, the air itself, randomly, in addition to when you perform energy raising. (Not just instead of).
Another form of energy work that I think might be good for you is Tai Chi- I find it very grounding, and it helps you connect with the earth's protective qualities.
But more than anything, rest, replenish yourself and don't try to 'do' anything, for as long as you need it. It can be months, if so, it's what it is.
I know it's frustrating, but slow and steady wins the race.

29th January 2017, 08:30 AM
sorry for the delay ia. When I started exploring my abilities, I didn't really read much of anything indepth concerning the subject, nor had anyone advised me. I read a few things online in various places, but information regarding the subject is scant and often conflicting, and I'm not sure how much faith I put in sources (this kind of thing isn't exactly a science). I never expected anything to come of it, and I sort of developed... instinctually, I guess?

I still know very little about any pitfalls, or protection, though I think that the exoskeleton/armor construct that I mentioned before initially developed as a fear buffer (I often find myself more anxious without it, and I feel more vulnerable to negative influences). It formed in dreams long before I was able to express it as an extension of my aura. Though now I seldom have lucid or semi-lucid dreams, and recently when I've tried, I've gotten stuck in false awakening loops. (when I was younger I often had vivid and often frightening dreams, and I learned to battle my "fears", though never fully lucid, I could influence the outcome of my dreams, and it was this process which eventually lead to the formation of my armored form, which I was later able to express as an energetic construct, for a time)

My thoughts on abilities is that they're interesting, and that there's a lot of stuff going on in the world that I've been lead to believe doesn't exist, much that I still don't know, and some that I probably don't want to know (for instance, the realization that my thoughts are available for others to hear/perceive has traumatized me).

I'm not really sure what I want to "use" my abilities for. I know that I'd like to explore the unknown (to an extent), and I know that I've found comfort in being able to work with energy and wear my armor construct (when I was still able to do these things).

29th January 2017, 08:45 AM
Thanks for the advice CFT. In the past, I have pulled most of the energy that I've worked with from my core, so it's entirely possible that I've simply depleted myself (though having a gaping hole in my energy system that refuses to heal isn't helping). I also haven't focused on my energy intake for a good long time, meditation, breathing techniques, and the like. I Usually prefer to do these things while in a meditative state, but recently, I've been bombarded with fears, which usually remain peripheral in normal awareness, and these fears interrupt when attempting to meditate. These fears are nothing new (they've always been with me, and my exoskeleton/armor construct initially formed as a buffer to protect me from them), and have always made it hard to exit a normal waking state, by which I mean, not just meditation, but also sleep. I will definitely try to put more focus into energy raising techniques, and try to utilize external energies when working with energy, but I will not stop attempting to work with constructs, as constructs are my main motivation for working with energy in the first place. I would however like to know why you advise against working with constructs, and also, I would like to know how to ensure that the source of energy when drawing (not raising) for energy work, is not other individuals, as I prefer not to be a vampire (this is a real concern for me at the moment, since I am mostly unable to store and utilize internal energy... not that I can really draw a useful amount at the moment either, despite being surrounded by nature).

29th January 2017, 09:14 AM
sorry for the delay ia. When I started exploring my abilities, I didn't really read much of anything indepth concerning the subject, nor had anyone advised me. I read a few things online in various places, but information regarding the subject is scant and often conflicting, and I'm not sure how much faith I put in sources (this kind of thing isn't exactly a science). I never expected anything to come of it, and I sort of developed... instinctually, I guess?

I still know very little about any pitfalls, or protection, though I think that the exoskeleton/armor construct that I mentioned before initially developed as a fear buffer (I often find myself more anxious without it, and I feel more vulnerable to negative influences). It formed in dreams long before I was able to express it as an extension of my aura. Though now I seldom have lucid or semi-lucid dreams, and recently when I've tried, I've gotten stuck in false awakening loops. (when I was younger I often had vivid and often frightening dreams, and I learned to battle my "fears", though never fully lucid, I could influence the outcome of my dreams, and it was this process which eventually lead to the formation of my armored form, which I was later able to express as an energetic construct, for a time)

My thoughts on abilities is that they're interesting, and that there's a lot of stuff going on in the world that I've been lead to believe doesn't exist, much that I still don't know, and some that I probably don't want to know (for instance, the realization that my thoughts are available for others to hear/perceive has traumatized me).

I'm not really sure what I want to "use" my abilities for. I know that I'd like to explore the unknown (to an extent), and I know that I've found comfort in being able to work with energy and wear my armor construct (when I was still able to do these things).

Hi wierdo,
I am happy to read that you felt the call from your inner to explore and come in contact with your inner Worlds..as they are what matters...

To inhale sun light is healĂ♥ng....for me at least....and is not as you fear other entities...

I believe that we have some kind of protection shield ..and to draw sun shine light into it will keep it intact...this is my experience and helps me.

I have just recently started to read ancient texts...I found them in the gnosticteachings.com site...The Dayspring of Youth by M..an spiritual Classic...talks about the atoms in us...and elementals what exists and how they operate...as we also have these atoms in us...I am getting a new understaning about nature...and my atoms too...and about the astral too...

I hope you keep your cool and step by step get back your confident and your strength.


29th January 2017, 09:47 AM
spells to heal the mind.

29th January 2017, 03:41 PM
Weird is a side-effect of being awesome

Is the Reverse (a Re-Turn) any less Real than the normal order.

Conversely, is the Inverse (turning inside out) any more Real than the abnormal order.

Abnormality vs Normality, yet I successfully identify my reflective face/image in audi-ence of me...mirrored.

Universality... You (et)and Me. Why just the other day to my reflection of me, I declared to my Self, "You Asshole!"...

Versialty - All Real@Once ... Uniformity ... Univer(sia)lity ... Sia = Tsi ... Tsade ... Sadeness.

Rabah - To Be, to become many/much, Rob/Robe - Abundance. Rebii - Fourth

He answered to Name in question...proclaiming, "I am Legion, for I am many."

Look Now...how many names for a nameless God...yet Ha'Shem IS The NaMe...THAT "name in question" be Sufficed@All.

I dare say friend...that any of us to a certain age..if turned inside out...would all uni-literally sight upon appear striped as tigers.

Injured...Weirded...Awe-Some...Joy-Full...Suffice not to suffer...Don't (suffer the suffering)(add insult to injury), for the suffering within it-self ought be enough sub-version upon...'as it is'...Love Endures All Things...As Love is not a thing@all, but rather IS all things@once patiently being healed....Whole.


SheMehS..."You gotta a HeMi in THAT?"

Hallelujah..."Well "it" goes like this: the fourth, the fifth, the minor fall (et)and the major lift".

AtMoSphereIc...cold|hot|cold|hot...etc. Well...I damn near froze to Daath UnTill Spoked The Sun.

Fore-Giveness Forgiven (et)and Forgiveness Fore-Given.

Fourth Coming Forth...

Aquarius http://youtu.be/l3QvYIx0mfQ

We Are Not
Our Bodies

Butt, Is/Are our body/bodies Us....To Be or Not To Be, THAT is the question.

Note: "It's" not called by to answer up az, A-Square-I-Us

Like G(agul)ta - Place of the skull

Stop Crying Your Heart Out http://youtu.be/dhZUsNJ-LQU

Agol...Even Aquor...Even D'vir

Ref. James 1:1-2 (et)and 2-3 ... (scattered broadly|di-verse temptations|holies)

Whole said, "I know Who I am, I don't need a bunch of Stuff to Re-Mind Me."

Hayyam HaRishon ... Rosh - Head

Hayyam HaSheni ... Shanah - Time

Hayyam HaShelishi ... Shalosh - Triad

Hayyam HaRebii ... Raba - Mate

Hayyam HaChamishi ... ChaMesh Note: Hand|Life, Even 15 The Power of Love, God IS Love

Hayyam HaShishshi ... Shesh, Sh¡th...as in Bere-Sh¡th...at/in the head (in the beginning...)Parsha, John 1:1-6

Hayyam HaSheba ... Shabua - Week/s

He said to Pilate, "Morning have come". Shabbas Shabbason

Have You Ever Seen The Rain http://youtu.be/pmTiK9jp970

Shemini Atzeret ... Ahavot!!! Shamayim nn Erets, Adamah, Am Ha'Aretz ... Ha'Aretz ... Eretz Yisrael

29th January 2017, 04:23 PM
Duplicated post :/

30th January 2017, 08:50 PM
Thanks for the advice CFT. In the past, I have pulled most of the energy that I've worked with from my core, so it's entirely possible that I've simply depleted myself (though having a gaping hole in my energy system that refuses to heal isn't helping). I also haven't focused on my energy intake for a good long time, meditation, breathing techniques, and the like. I Usually prefer to do these things while in a meditative state, but recently, I've been bombarded with fears, which usually remain peripheral in normal awareness, and these fears interrupt when attempting to meditate. These fears are nothing new (they've always been with me, and my exoskeleton/armor construct initially formed as a buffer to protect me from them), and have always made it hard to exit a normal waking state, by which I mean, not just meditation, but also sleep. I will definitely try to put more focus into energy raising techniques, and try to utilize external energies when working with energy, but I will not stop attempting to work with constructs, as constructs are my main motivation for working with energy in the first place. I would however like to know why you advise against working with constructs, and also, I would like to know how to ensure that the source of energy when drawing (not raising) for energy work, is not other individuals, as I prefer not to be a vampire (this is a real concern for me at the moment, since I am mostly unable to store and utilize internal energy... not that I can really draw a useful amount at the moment either, despite being surrounded by nature).
I'm not against working with constructs, just now while you're at a depleted state. Take some time off to replenish before you start involving yourself in creation, because that does take a lot of you, not just energetically, but psychically.
Connect whatever you build to the sun itself or the ground, and you avoid the whole 'taking from others' paradigm. Air is something else, it's there for everybody, and there's enough.

2nd February 2017, 04:31 PM
I agree, the greatest mantra (mind-heal) is not a word-grouping, it's simply realizing emptiness and that compassion filling in like an empty cup air filled. Remember the invisible. Grasping for what we've thought/known/visible...will come again. Relax with your cup of Sky...EnJoy....The Ride.

Breathe http://youtu.be/K-0EgzOWkvc

Slow Down...

Ave Maria (speed = -800%) http://youtu.be/hOVdjxtnsH8


Slow Ride http://youtu.be/GcCNcgoyG_0

Ethe-Real ... Real Easy ... Now

Mantra - Manas~Trai ... Mind Protect, the greatest protection for our mind is to let Rest the Mind that has always been left bereft in perpetual motion...thou(ght).

THAT THOU ART ... THOU ART THAT ... ART THAT THOU would ever pre-ponder err pondering motion.

THAT = REST, for what muscle skeletally tendoned tends to perpetual motion? None.

The Cup Holds...Aire ReMembered...BeHeld.

Ref: Matt. 23:26, 6:33, 20:23


Let Free ... Aire ~ Act of guarding, watching over, tending, caring for, notice, heed, attention. Aire-AchT ~ Ministry.

Remember...our first act was to breathe our first breath. Re-En-Act At Last The First ... BreaThe ... Begin THE.....

One More Time http://youtu.be/dwJUW2JDMNU

A perfect love is without fear. But Wait...God Is Love (et)and In The Presence of God there is no fear.

Newton's 3 laws of motion...say What!? of Rest?

Changes http://youtu.be/LCgzX7vwlFk


Ordinary Perception: Two BeCame One...Parental (Hy)Brid...One BeComes Two....Bodily Cellular Division (Duality)... Thou(gh) Being Within...Clothed In The Torah. IT IS All GOOD; All Things Work To-Ward The Good of God ~ Us All...having All these Equally in our CoMMoNNeSS. HuMan~>EmPaThy~>ComPaSSiOn

Protect The Mind from OrDiNaRy Per-Ception (OR): Being Free from the (senses) of Permanence (et)and Non-Existence; Being BeYond Externalism (et)and Nihilism.

Emptiness by today's CoMMoN definition seems a harsh and desolate term. It speaks of thirst, hunger...deprivation, SomeThing(Sum of NoThingNess) to be feared, a most impossible way of existence.

We've forgotten that before we ever were...that reality is empty and not fixed in any way. That the moment we enter into...IS...Is ComPlete O'PeNNeSS...UnObStructEdNess....Allowing Anything to oCCuR.

VoidNess ... An Absence of an impossible way of existing; while Emptiness ... the absence of inherent existence in all phenomena.

So wait...watch over...as understanding of emptiness EnDoWed with ComPaSSiOn ...IS... The Trans-For-MaTiOn

"Forgive Us our trespasses as we forgive those who've trespassed upon Us." ~ VoidNess

A Cup Sky Filled...WatchFully CareFully RuNNeth O'Ver. VerDant

My Life's Breath Freely Comes To Me Thru Pho-To-Syn-The-Sis.

There Is The Life (et)and There Is THAT which Lives The Life. Be THAT!

ReMemBer The In-Visible .. To Err Is HuMan ... To ForGiVe DiViNe


Con Ver

NVN ... VAV .... ET ... V'ET

G'Day ... G'ET, We GeTTEthe What!? We Gi'V'Ethe

Easy Be Given ... Easily Be Gotten

Be not decieved, for all war is deception. Therefore, decieve nought...EvEn You.

Be Still (et)and In THAT...Rest

iNNer Aire

3rd February 2017, 01:15 AM
Lungta ~ rlung rta

Aire-AchT/Stairway To Heaven http://youtu.be/78AhpI0laT4


...Of [Secret] Space In...

Young As The Morning, Old As The Sea http://youtu.be/clOExjMGfFQ

Superstition Obscures The Truth

When Laughter (et)and Tears ToGetHer Run...ReCoVered...BorNe Free

Tak ... Thanks
