22nd January 2017, 10:38 AM
About 3 years ago I noticed some Perfect Triangle indentations in the forehead. They simply appeared, as the forehead area had always been smooth no lines wrinkles etc.
If using the capitol A as representing the triangles and the plus sign representing the cross which is a constant, the below chart gives and idea as to what is showing up. They change, constantly.
There seems to be a constant of 1 large triangle on the left side then a DEEP INDENTED CROSS centered in the forehead directly above the nose and then a constant triangle to the right with 3-4 others triangles of smaller dimensions to the right side, sometimes there is an additional triangle making a double triangle the appears inside the main one on the left as well as others again of smaller dimensions on the left that come and go also. the smaller ones on both sides fall on either sides of the main ones.
These are DEEP in the flesh of the skin, they are like scars but are not hard and are soft. Many times people will come up and take a closer look wondering what is going on.
The patterns can vary as follows;
A + A
A + AA
Anyone else got this, or ideas as to what is going on..
22nd January 2017, 02:41 PM
For Your Thoughts...
L'dor V'dor
Let's say, Past + Future, wherein "+" = NOW
Let's utilize Linguistics, where "Mark" & "Makk" are "Accusative" & "Nominative". To say, NOW accuses Past, yet Hope-Fully looks to Future.
"My Dad had "it" hard in his day, but I want "it" to be easier for my Son in his day."
Till Death
Tone ~> Stress Domain ~> Single Accentual Unit ~> Closely Joined ~> "Where Two, or Three, are gathered in my name, there will I be."
Prefix•Word•Suffix = Motion Carried. The Word IS Always, Forever & Eternally...NOW...Time travels with You
Ramble On
Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Being You)
Consider 1Corinthians 13:7-13
Fore (Pre) = For (Suf) ~ The Givens (Fixes That Fix = You as The Fixed Positional = NOW ... Tri-Angulation
Yet, Be-Fore Me IS That Which For My Self IS That I May of My Self for Me...Have Done Mine Own Be-Fore Mine Own May For Themself Do.
Save Me
What creature walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, three legs in the evening, and no legs at night?
Matthew 16:24 - If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
Luke 9:23 - If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.
"I am the way, and the truth, and the life"
"+" ... Plus You
Who can deny that the way be-fore us all is, that the truth is us, that our life for us alone is our spiritual wealth?
As Sand Thruing The Hour Glass, Do A Thou-Sand Questions Equal One Answer. Now Even You
(29) Gospel of Thomas
•If the flesh came into existence because of the spirit, it is a marvel (miracle).
•But if the the spirit came into existence because of the body, it is a marvel of marvels.
•But as for me, I wonder at this, how this great wealth made its home in this poverty.
Thusly, why there is no pyramidal thrown away, though there be the key-stone that the arch Stand Up dispersing the otherwise stressful weight that it may, Even...NOW...Pass Over... radially all the way round.
One is the many (et)and the many are One, yet the Whole is more than the sum of it's parts.
L'dor V'dor
At night...Rest, yet all the day in your motions. Yay Yay or Nay Nay
Yay Amble On...Yay Even Ramble On
Ref. James 1:2-6, Hebrews 11:1, 3, 14-16, 40
Cried Wolf
Cry so deep they lose their watery state.
We The People...~>for~> Order to Form a more perfect Union.
Each in Every of One Body...The Body Of The People
There Received Every Man A Penny
Ps. 51:10
Verb - Create
Nouns - Heaven v'et(and) Earth
For Us
Verb - Create
Noun - Pure Heart
Verb - Renew
Noun - Right Spirit
As Me (Whole) ...v'et(and).. Within Me (in my inward parts)
...Ve'Ruach Nakhon
To The Moon ...v'et... Back
HOOP (hop, hoep)... Bind ... Encircle With...
...Twixt FAITH ...v'et... LOVE ... Stands HOPE ... Evidently So...
Ref. John 13:34 ; Matt. 22:37-40 ; Mark 12:32-33
Ach•Knowledged Self-Ach•Tualization
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