View Full Version : Fasting and deep trance state
21st January 2017, 07:16 PM
Hello Mr. Robert.
I hope you are doing well.
Today I have finished my second attempt to raise my kundalini manually after three days of fasting and unfortunately I didn't succeed so far. The problem is after three days of fasting I feel incredible weakness and I can't handle it. It is very difficult for me meditate and to do energy work in this state...
My question is, is it crucial fasting before attempting to raise kundalini? Are there any easy ways to prepare myself before I try to raise it? You know, fasting is really difficult for some people...
And my second question is about the trance state.
3-4 years ago I didn't have any difficulties to get into the deep trance state but now I can't do it, It doesn't matter how long I meditate I can't get in to the deep altered state of mind, I used to have vibrations and all symptoms of altered state of mind but it's gone...
As we know after 5-6 hours of sleep we can more easily get into deep altered state of mind and project from our body. Can I use this method to try to raise kundalini instead of projection or even combine these two things, projection and raising kundalini?
23rd January 2017, 11:43 PM
Hello WhiteMonkey.
I am fasting from time to time since 2015, mostly it's short sessions from 1 to 2 days. No, to tell the truth I don't eat any soups and I don't make any preparations, one day fasting isn't difficult but 2 or 3 days are difficult... but it's not the point.
The point is that It seems that all I was doing was wrong and I made a lot of mistakes during my practice.
The only thing I was doing correctly was my energy work practice but I really didn't know that kundalini is an energy that could only be raised in the deep altered state of mind in the state of very close to ''astral projection" state of mind wich is the deepest state of trance.
Мillions of people around the world practice the sitting meditation for decades and do not even know about existence of kundalini because кundalini is the energy of the unconscious and sitting meditation does not allow enough to feel relaxed to plunge into a deep trance in which it would be possible raise of kundalini energy.
Kundalini cannot be raised during the walk or sitting in front of TV, it cannot be raised even during vipassana sessions.... only very few people such as Robert Bruce can do it because they were born gifted. These are the people who can easily any time get in to the deep altered state of mind.
There are different ways of getting into altered states of consciousness far as we know, such as a direct or indirect methods. The direct method is when you are at any time can go lie down and enter into an altered state of consciousness, an indirect method is when you interrupt your sleep after 4-5 hours and start meditate.
The second indirect method is considered as the easiest to have an OBE and lucid dreaming. So my question was about these two methods. Can they be applied to raise kundalini by people who don't have predisposition to trance state?
What about the fasting... well, I think I have to fast more often )))
Sorry for my English.
24th January 2017, 12:04 AM
i was listening to music and doing my energy work like an idiot... instead of practicing deep altered state meditations and now I have what I have but I think 3 days of fasting also won't solve the problem for the people like me....
Robert Bruce
24th January 2017, 05:34 AM
Here is a good video with a lot of information about fasting on water only. This is my son, Jesse, who also has active Kundalini.
You cannot take anything, not even Asprin, and no supplements, while fasting. Pure water only, preferably fluoride free. (
Fasting is necessary for, at least, the first breakthrough raising kundalini. After it has been done a couple of times, this can be relaxed a bit. EG., a one or two day fast, plus enemas, so the gut is clean.
The main reason this is necessary, particularly the first time, is that any fecal matter near the base chakra will interfere with how it functions.
Strict cleanliness, inside and out, gives the best chance of success.
I know many lightweights that have done 30 day fasts on water only. So this should not put you off, not unless you are severely underweight. If that is the case, then use extensive purgatives and enemas to cleanse the gut.
Fasting is also a rite of passage, requiring mental discipline. This can be thought of as a test, to get the attention of your higher self.
I do not consider myself gifted or of having a predisposition for altered states. Sure, I started having OBEs and etc., age 3, but when I taught myself to do these things myself, as opposed to spontaneous events, it was very difficult. It took me a few months of daily work to achieve an altered trance state. This, mostly because of poor instruction... "Close our eyes and enter the silence" was all i got at the time.
After this, it took me several months or daily work to achieve manual conscious exit OBE.
I worked hard at this every day and night, until I succeeded.
It is 'because' it was difficult that I learned so much about myself, and how to teach this to other people. Because I made all the mistakes and learned from them.
Self discipline and mental control and all the things needed to progress in this area, and kundalini, come with time and perseverance.
There is no easy way to do all this. Nobody can avoid the 'boot camp' work.
The majority of people doing boot camp work gloss over and hurry through the seemingly boring work of deep physical mental relaxation. And everyone has to come back and redo all the things they skipped or did poorly. This often takes many years and a lot of work wasted before this is done.
So all of you that are struggling, master deep physical mental relaxation first and foremost. And work at this until you can achieve an altered state while standing or walking, or watching TV.
note. I did a lot of altered state and OBE training 'while' watching TV with my small children. I'd put on dark glasses and meditate and do practices while keeping them company
I would take advantage of any moment in my days where i was required to do nothing. Put on dark wraparound glasses and make use of any free time during the day for concentration practice, meditation, altered states, etc., etc.
Learning how to achieve altered states while standing, in the progressive way I teach it (start with lifting one finger, then two, and on until you can state, and eventually doing it while standing) makes your altered state very robust. This is needed when approaching kundalini.
As for the question concerning difficulty achieving altered states, when this used to be easy... First I would check yourself for, energy drinks, etc. These have long term effects that can confound altered state work. If this comes up clean, maybe see a psychologist and deal with any issues that might be at work.
If you did this once, like riding a bicycle, you CAN do it again. Find out why and then go from there.
24th January 2017, 06:26 PM
Thank you very much Mr. Robert.
I'll do my best.
25th January 2017, 07:17 AM
Hi Robert Bruce.
I just want to say that I am impressed by your son and off course by you too, to be able to fast only on water so many
I succeeded in my youth to fast on juices for 10 days, I thought that was something, but as older I become it has become almost impossible to fast more than 2 days.
Send my salutation to him and to you too.
Robert Bruce
26th January 2017, 04:02 PM
The difficulties of fasting are mostly internal. If you get your mind set on fasting and stay focused, and stay mindful of your self, that is most of the battle. There are of course some things to learn, for example, how to use water properly, how to get out of a chair, stand, walk, sleep, etc. Once these are known and practiced, they makes fasting much easier.
If it has been a very long time, I suggest starting with a three day juice fast.
I will be starting a 40 day fast on water only very soon:)
peace, robert
26th January 2017, 04:20 PM
The difficulties of fasting are mostly internal. If you get your mind set on fasting and stay focused, and stay mindful of your self, that is most of the battle. There are of course some things to learn, for example, how to use water properly, how to get out of a chair, stand, walk, sleep, etc. Once these are known and practiced, they makes fasting much easier.
If it has been a very long time, I suggest starting with a three day juice fast.
I will be starting a 40 day fast on water only very soon:)
peace, robert
WoW...that sayes it all....40 Days. I would want to see photo of you before and after...:shock:..:wink:.
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