View Full Version : Meditation to prepare for astral projection work

3rd January 2017, 12:07 AM
I want to know any good books (or online resources) where I can learn how to get into trance / meditation work. I need books / resources for a beginner.

I'm watching a video called "Spiritual reality power of meditation" on YouTube (I don't want / don't know if I can link to it because of copyright).

Any help (or anyone responding with books / resources / websites) would be good.


5th January 2017, 06:04 PM
This book is good for trance work

5th January 2017, 06:07 PM
If you are looking for something more immersive I recommend the Monroe Institute audio binaural beats-based gateway series. That has 18 cds of trance work

10th January 2017, 01:16 AM
If you are looking for something more immersive I recommend the Monroe Institute audio binaural beats-based gateway series. That has 18 cds of trance work

Do you know any hemi-sync cds that does meditation but with more time free from the instructions with the hemi-sync music?


14th January 2017, 03:17 AM
I checked out a book called "meditation for dummies", "Joy on demand" and "Journeys out of the body".

I'll probably try to read the dummies book and the Monroe book.

Also do you have any tips for head support with a foldable chair. One source I read said to put the chair behind a closed door.

Also should I practice meditation with binural beats?


23rd January 2017, 09:15 AM
If you feel comfortable with binaural beats use them but there should be always some meditations without too

30th January 2017, 08:19 AM
Do you know any hemi-sync cds that does meditation but with more time free from the instructions with the hemi-sync music?


i haven't tried any of the others, but there are nonlesson based hemisync disks out there


6th February 2017, 07:14 PM
I've been using an app (for android) called "Brainwaves". It's free and has a timer and preset ranges (waves to listen to). I usually use the meditation one that is theta.

If I can give a link I will. I don't know it it's against the rules to.

Also I've been timing myself for deep physical relaxation and trance work for a 20 minute goal. The highest I've gotten so far is 17 mins out of 20.

Any advice for deep physical relaxation and peoples experiences with the trance state is good.


8th February 2017, 06:26 AM
I've been using an app (for android) called "Brainwaves". It's free and has a timer and preset ranges (waves to listen to). I usually use the meditation one that is theta.

If I can give a link I will. I don't know it it's against the rules to.

Also I've been timing myself for deep physical relaxation and trance work for a 20 minute goal. The highest I've gotten so far is 17 mins out of 20.

Any advice for deep physical relaxation and peoples experiences with the trance state is good.


Here is the official site / program link for the program I use to meditate.


11th February 2017, 07:07 AM
I'm in the process of doing meditation / trance state work. I timed myself for 15 mins and got 13:18 out of 15. The only reason I got this was because near my arm / hand areas it started to feel hurt.
I made sure that I was very physically relaxed. A little bit into the trace induction falling effect I started feeling pain I couldn't ignore.

Doe's anyone know what this means?


13th February 2017, 08:55 PM
The usual reasons for pain in meditation is: You have gotten tense, and it is noticed after you go back to normal awareness. The other one is that you had a preexisting issue that came out when you started shifting your awareness. The other one is bad circulation, or prolonged holding of the position in which you are.
Another possibility is that awareness is causing your nerves to shoot, kind of like when sometimes I go to sleep and get a sudden stabbing pain for no reason somewhere. The brain decides to 'test nerve function' at that moment, just for the heck of it.

15th February 2017, 01:08 PM
The usual reasons for pain in meditation is: You have gotten tense, and it is noticed after you go back to normal awareness. The other one is that you had a preexisting issue that came out when you started shifting your awareness. The other one is bad circulation, or prolonged holding of the position in which you are.
Another possibility is that awareness is causing your nerves to shoot, kind of like when sometimes I go to sleep and get a sudden stabbing pain for no reason somewhere. The brain decides to 'test nerve function' at that moment, just for the heck of it.

I've been practicing for a couple of days now and the pain is reduced / has been under control. I've been getting into the trance state and tried practicing the exit. During the exit I kept going through different techniques (exit / visualization based) I'm going to try to do the rope technique, but instead of pulling up I'm going to pull forward.

This is the type of chair I've been practicing my meditation / trance / practice exits in.


Thanks any advice would help.

Edit: This is a picture of the space I use in my home for trance work / meditation / exit technique practice.

This is a drawing of if it's possible to do the rope technique this way.

Thanks any advice would help.

15th February 2017, 04:38 PM
If you can project from that chair kudos to you. I use a comfy recliner, 'cuz I know what my body can take.

15th February 2017, 04:40 PM
If you can project from that chair kudos to you. I use a comfy recliner, 'cuz I know what my body can take. I have used the rope tech that way, but for me it's easier to have it coming from the 'ceiling'.

15th February 2017, 08:53 PM
If you can project from that chair kudos to you. I use a comfy recliner, 'cuz I know what my body can take. I have used the rope tech that way, but for me it's easier to have it coming from the 'ceiling'.

I did multiple 15 minute meditations / trances / exit trainings that lasted 15 minutes (that's what I timed each of them).

The first one when I tried the exit my body felt still and energized (running electricity through body).

The second time I felt tugging / pain in my neck area. Also my body (especially / mostly the chest) felt like a gum rapper (inner body) being removed / going forward / separating - while doing exit tech - rope.

The third time tried exit rope felt tingling in head / 3rd eye area (couldn't tell if real). Later felt body moving forward / felt a slight physical disconnection from body - couldn't tell if real or imagined.

My body felt like it was moving and I couldn't tell whether it was real or not.

Also everytime the 15 minute mark came I either quit or stopped the process.

Any advice / help on what I should do how to get out of body?


16th February 2017, 06:51 PM
It seems to me you're doing many exit attempts in one sitting. I don't advise that.
I usually meditate, do energy work or work on my routine (do the steps all the way but not the exit attempt) routinely, but pick one or two days in a week, when I think I'm going to have time and less interruptions, and then commit to an exit attempt.
Too many exit attempts are exhausting and draining, and it wouldn't surprise me if it were the cause of the tension and achiness.
When I do an exit attempt I don't give up after 15 minutes, I keep trying until I get out, and if I'm too exhausted and think I'm going to pass out then I get up and go for a walk. If I float off I know it worked and I didn't notice, and if I can get up and walk away I know I wasn't ready yet.

17th February 2017, 01:41 AM
It seems to me you're doing many exit attempts in one sitting. I don't advise that.
I usually meditate, do energy work or work on my routine (do the steps all the way but not the exit attempt) routinely, but pick one or two days in a week, when I think I'm going to have time and less interruptions, and then commit to an exit attempt.
Too many exit attempts are exhausting and draining, and it wouldn't surprise me if it were the cause of the tension and achiness.
When I do an exit attempt I don't give up after 15 minutes, I keep trying until I get out, and if I'm too exhausted and think I'm going to pass out then I get up and go for a walk. If I float off I know it worked and I didn't notice, and if I can get up and walk away I know I wasn't ready yet.

So you're saying just try one exit attempt every 1 or 2 to 3 days. And only do one exit attempt every time I do it.

I'll try that.

Thanks for the advice. If I have any problems I'll post.

17th February 2017, 06:57 PM
Ok cool.

21st February 2017, 03:09 PM
Early morning hours - 2/21/2017

Did counting / deep physical relaxation. Got into trance state easily / to light / normal trance state.

Once I tried the rope pulling technique my body began to feel hot (might have been the heat that was on). Also hair / head area began to get hot.

I got a shaking in my head area couldn't tell if real or fake.

My neck area hurted during the exit technique / attempt.

It was basically too hot (physically on my body / self) to continue.

21st February 2017, 08:04 PM
That sounds like valid perception. Instead of heat I usually feel pressure and weight- as if a baby elephant had decided to park itself on my chest. It makes it difficult, but it's a sign that you're 'doing' something, and are in the appropriate level of trance for what you're doing.
Keep it up.

21st February 2017, 08:10 PM
I was going to ask can I practice deep physical relaxation / trance and the exit technique separately multiple times a day?

An example could be doing the exit first. Since that is the most difficult for me then doing the dpr / trance another time.

Edit: I also wanted to ask if I should have support my for neck / head area. Can I put a pillow? If not a pillow then can I get one of those things that goes around the neck?


22nd February 2017, 01:34 PM
Deep physical relaxation / trance / exit - 2/22/2017

7:22 - meditation time total

Had to quit because body pain / being too hot (heat).

Body pain felt like parts (hurting) being stapled.

Is this because I haven't done too much energy work / haven't done any energy work at all?


22nd February 2017, 06:15 PM
I was going to ask can I practice deep physical relaxation / trance and the exit technique separately multiple times a day?

An example could be doing the exit first. Since that is the most difficult for me then doing the dpr / trance another time.

Edit: I also wanted to ask if I should have support my for neck / head area. Can I put a pillow? If not a pillow then can I get one of those things that goes around the neck?

Thanks. There is no 'right' or 'wrong' way of sitting when meditating- do whatever feels comfortable for you. Those neck things strangle me, but I took the stuffing out of the side parts and sewed it smaller. Do what works for you.

22nd February 2017, 06:19 PM
Deep physical relaxation / trance / exit - 2/22/2017

7:22 - meditation time total

Had to quit because body pain / being too hot (heat).

Body pain felt like parts (hurting) being stapled.

Is this because I haven't done too much energy work / haven't done any energy work at all?

Thanks. Some people feel heat when they get into trance, as a side effect of the sense of touch going to sleep. Others get cold. I get cold. The 'staple' thing sounds like a symptom of numbness, like when you sit too long in one position and a nerve gets cut off and it starts to tingle or stab. Is this kind of like that? If this is the case, try to find a more relaxed position, and move if you need to while working, after all, you should achieve the body asleep part at the end of your preparation session, and pain is not a good thing.
You may also have to change the way you dress or turn the AC up if necessary.

24th February 2017, 03:45 AM
Is / are there any other threads I can read so I can see what other people have done to get an obe?

I'm still going to ask questions, but need to see other people's experiences like me.

Are there any terms I can search under?


25th February 2017, 03:13 AM
I want to know if it's possible to do energy work apart from the sequence? Like instead of doing the process doing / listening to an audio of a chakra warmup. The only reason I'm asking this is because I've been having a hard time memorizing / the NEW / chakra points.


26th February 2017, 03:18 AM

I'm not going to do the exit until I master NEW. Which I have set to master from now until April.

39:20 - left

1. NEW - Have felt energy tingling waves go up my legs. And to an extent thighs. Also worked on stomach but haven't felt as much. Also had some feeling in arms. Tried to do in chest / neck / head area but haven't felt anything.

2. 24:06 left

NEW - Started feeling knees got energy sensation. After this started getting sensations up legs. Then for some reason my brain / mind focused on entire boy. Started having a strong(er) sensation(s) in 3rd eye / head area / chest. Couldn't feel breath Stopped doing exercise.

3. 03:22 left

NEW - Did relaxation / feeling of knees. Brain / mind felt whole body (at once). Body felt like a tickling of a clocks hand. Energy (a little bit to medium) felt like going through (most) of body.

Decided not to do / for now do / practice body exit because I want to master / learn NEW system.

1. Dpr / Trance - 19:38 of 20:00 completed.

Counted to 100 multiple times. Did dpr. Got into trance at 1st felt heart beat go quite a big fast. This continued and felt a tinkling all over body after / during this mentally fell / felt
separated / disconnected from body. But could still feel body was deeply relaxed / felt still at same time.

9th March 2017, 03:02 PM
Does anyone know / can tell me how to manage trance meditation with NEW meditation / practice?

I try to do trance meditation up to 40-45 mins in one sitting. And try two separate 20 min sittings for NEW.


9th March 2017, 04:00 PM
I want to know if it's possible to do energy work apart from the sequence? Like instead of doing the process doing / listening to an audio of a chakra warmup. The only reason I'm asking this is because I've been having a hard time memorizing / the NEW / chakra points.

Thanks. Yes, in fact, Robert recommends it, especially if you're practicing at night. Energy work tends to energize some people and this might cause problems with sleeping later. I prefer to do energy work separately from the projection sequence, unless I'm so awake that it's going to take me a long time.
BTW, you don't have to 'learn' chakra points. Just associate them with a body part and start at the bottom.
Like perineum, uterus (or bladder for the gents), solar plexus, heart, brow and head. And if this is still problematic or causes anxiety, just do energy raising (the energy circuit) which will cover all the chakras and energy storage center.

9th March 2017, 04:02 PM
Does anyone know / can tell me how to manage trance meditation with NEW meditation / practice?

I try to do trance meditation up to 40-45 mins in one sitting. And try two separate 20 min sittings for NEW.

Thanks. That seems too technical for me. I don't time it, I just meditate until I feel a change in how my mind works, if I start hearing my thoughts, that type of thing. Then I know I'm in trance.

9th March 2017, 04:11 PM
I also wanted to ask about the awareness hands. How do I get started with them? Do I / Can I use my real hands to get a feeling? Or do I / Should I just do / use what Robert says in the NEW section of AD?

And I wanted to know what way does anyone know how to tense muscle groups? I usually just relax from my head to feet. Is that good enough or do / should I just tense muscle groups then relax them?


10th March 2017, 05:54 PM
If you read Robert's Treatise, he gives specific descriptions on what to do with the awareness hands. What is in NEW is just more varied exercises. Do what suits you. You can start with your real hands the first few times, but the point is to gain awareness of the energy movement in your own body and to have it react to your thought. Using physical hands is only meant to give you an initial feeling you then move through your initial area with your mind. If you use real hands the whole purpose of the exercise is defeated, which is to learn to move energy.
You tense muscle groups by tensing them, as when you make a muscle- the whole foot, is a muscle group, the leg is a muscle group, the buttocks are a muscle group. You're supposed to tense and then release, relaxing even more on the release. YOU DON'T HAVE TO tense if it causes more discomfort, just relax the muscle groups if it is easier.

13th March 2017, 01:45 AM
I do two deep physical relaxations a day (most days) and sometimes out of boredom might try to exit the body. I know the feelings that I'm supposed to have (or most people from reading AD). But I don't know what most of the feelings people get. Also I need to know what's a sign that I can tell when I'm out or have astral projected?

I just bought the 2nd edition of AD ebook from Amazon. I haven't read it yet (I also have a physical copy from the library) because I'm so attracted to the first edition.

If I try to exit I'll write down all my feelings and share the main points on the board once someone has responded. Thanks.


13th March 2017, 05:21 PM
I do two deep physical relaxations a day (most days) and sometimes out of boredom might try to exit the body. I know the feelings that I'm supposed to have (or most people from reading AD). But I don't know what most of the feelings people get. Also I need to know what's a sign that I can tell when I'm out or have astral projected?

I just bought the 2nd edition of AD ebook from Amazon. I haven't read it yet (I also have a physical copy from the library) because I'm so attracted to the first edition.

If I try to exit I'll write down all my feelings and share the main points on the board once someone has responded. Thanks.

Thanks. You're welcome.

14th March 2017, 08:46 PM

Counted to 100 multiple times; Did deep physical relaxation / trance. Upon bouncing (bounce loosening) my body physically moved forward. Felt a part of energy body separate.

What should I do to get a separation?

Edit: could someone also explain the projection loosening exercises in Chapter 19: "projection technique", Once they've given me a suggestion on how / what's the best way to separate?

I could be in a second post once I ask what each projection loosening exercise means?


15th March 2017, 04:29 PM
could someone also explain the projection loosening exercises in Chapter 19: "projection technique"
If you mean AD the old book version (1999 edition) is the energy body loosening tech. You do normal energy body work (prestimulating with the sponge or whatever you use in the arms and legs), and after that's done, you create an energy ball with your imagination, and get it into a bounce (like bouncing a basketball at first, then transfer it to your body, and get it to bounce 'up' (to the head) and 'down' (to the feet) through you.
Once you get the mental technique down, and the bounce is more or less repetitive, you start bouncing it higher than your head, and lower than your feet- a few inches or feet and have it progress to whatever surface is present, like walls or ceiling. Pretty soon, you're shifting awareness through your body and out of your body, making your energy body less body-centered. You then can do this with your head (bouncing the ball sideways (a small one for your head) from temple to temple, slowly extending the area from wall to wall and so on, the same from front to back.

What should I do to get a separation? An exit technique. Here's a few: http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?3977-Exit-Techniques
There are various and there is no 'best', everyone has a favorite. The rope tech works for me well when I have vibrations, but I taylor mine to whatever exit symptom I get.

16th March 2017, 12:24 AM
Could you explain (or give a link to someones experience with) the point shift technique?

(I'm going to try to search for it, but it may have a lot of results)


17th March 2017, 05:44 PM
I tried doing the bounce loosening technique. This is what I felt. I tried doing multiple views for a second to a couple of seconds per view. It's hard to keep from switching from my body and back to / in-between the views. Is this what's supposed to happen? I know I have to eventually get it to a point where I have / feel my awareness outside of my body.

These are pictures of the points in my room I'm visualizing / practicing with.


24th March 2017, 03:00 AM
I've decided that I might buy Mastering astral projection (I'm going to check it out from the library first) and try that program. I don't have a job and most days I don't have to watch the child in my household.

I want to know how to split the program (schedule time) so I can do it Monday through Friday and have weekends off?

Please if anyone can offer help / advice on this (the scheduling part).
