View Full Version : Auras

20th November 2016, 09:13 PM
Hello Robert ill get straight to the point as to not take up to much of your time. I read your essay on Auras and afterwards felt inclined to share.

When I first began seeing auras I mainly used crystals and trees as points of concentration. That was about 3 years ago now. At this point in my development I now see faces in the objects I gaze upon. They appear to be friends, guides, enemies ect. The faces appear as animated versions of the individual they often blink, move their mouths and sometimes the face will alter into a picture of them doing some kind of action.

My question for you is should I focus my attention on these images and try and depict them further or should I ignore them and continue trying to simply focus on the aura.

I would like to further develop my clairvoyant abilites and was wondering if these images are helping or hurting my development. I want to do what ever is better for my peace of mind and I don't wanna meddle in anything that may harm another. Thank you for your time Robert.

Sat Nam.