View Full Version : Pleiadian lineup

18th November 2016, 05:25 AM
It's Pleadian Lineup right now. Has anyone had any interesting experiences the last couple of days or any previous Pleadian Lineup?

I had an interesting last couple of days.

a couple of days ago I was starting my evening walk, wearing headphones like I usually do. Anyway I caught this glimpse of an energy being walking beside me, corner of my eye. Just a glimpse. I really didn't pay much attention. It isn't that un-normal for me to get a glimpse of something though it's more often at night when I'm meditating.

Anyway I start listening to an podcast episode about Pleadian Lineup, something I honestly knew nothing about. So I listen to the episode and they talk about all the Pleadian activity that happens in the short period of days around the alignment. I live in California and my walk is on a college campus at dusk. I walk past a couple of people hanging out around a couple of cars at the far end of the parking lot. I get a whiff what theyre smoking in the breeze as I walk by. Again I don't really think about it other than it is a little surreal that it's a legal activity they are doing (because of the election a couple of days ago).
I eventually make it home and that night start my meditation work. I'm working through the hemisync gateway series of binaural beat entrainment and I continued where I'm at in the program (which coincidentally happens to be the nonverbal communication tracks at the end of the 4th set. (The NVC tracks have been a real eye opener for me so far). Not to far into the tracks I start to hear telepathic voices). That I heard voices wasn't the shocking part. The interesting part was that the first voice asked me "if I like smoking pot"? Not that he was inviting me too, more that he was curious as to what my response might be. (Which was that it was something I tried ages ago when I was younger but it's something I don't choose to do now that I have young kids). Just a weird sort of question to be asked by an astral voice. Normally they are "telling me something" and not really asking me oddball questions.

Putting 2 & 2 together, I'd assume that the voice who asked me the question was the entity I glimpsed during my walk which went past the people imbibing. That's like only reason I can think that I would be asked that question.

Yesterday evening's meditation I felt more voices and entities (none of which have been malevolent), though I did sense that one of them stuck a pointy shaped thing (not as pointy as a needle) into my nostril. For minutes afterward the one nostril was extra tingly / itchy, (just the one nostril, not the whole nose).

Anyway that's my Pleadian Lineup experience so far. I wonder if what I'm experiencing is related to Pleadians or just a side effect of my hemisync nonverbal communication practice (or both) 👽

18th November 2016, 08:55 AM
Hi Honeybadger400
You have had me thinking deeper now . It may just be a coincidence but we both experienced something similar.I've copied it down below and felt the tingle as Iwoke up.

Yesterday evening's meditation I felt more voices and entities (none of which have been malevolent), though I did sense that one of them stuck a pointy shaped thing (not as pointy as a needle) into my nostril. For minutes afterward the one nostril was extra tingly / itchy, (just the one nostril, not the whole nose).

Anyway that's my Pleadian Lineup experience so far. I wonder if what I'm experiencing is related to Pleadians or just a side effect of my hemisync nonverbal communication practice (or both) 👽

Posted this in journal section this july

Is it possible to have your energy body worked on by the other side whilst asleep?
I don't know ? This may have just been me dreaming but I know what I picked up suddenly afterwards.
In physical I'm taking everything I can find suggested to help with third eye .

I seem to be lying on my side and can see 3 people upright near me but shadowy and someone is at my side at my level. I Cannt see any furniture or landscape but the person next to me has inserted a fine wire?tube? ( current?) and it seems to be fed through where my nose would be but instead of this leading down to my stomach as a naso gastric tube would be I could see it floating upwards to the sky.
I felt a little tingle like a mild electric current and woke up.

Ive never invested in the gateway cds , but often thought about this. Would you recommend them? Or anynone reading this who has tried them?

18th November 2016, 06:20 PM
I only listened to one when I was at TMI, but I don't remember which one it was. This was years ago, during one of Robert's workshops he did there. I liked it.
Other people recommend them too, I've spoken to many people who have had them for years and still listen to them.
I might be wrong, (it's been a while since we had a conversation) but I think Korpo was a big fan.

19th November 2016, 07:31 AM
the nose event seems similar, for me it was kind of a slender cone-shaped end that they used.

The gateway cds have been pretty good so far. The first impact for me was that it took all the self inflicted stuff one might do that jeapordises your exit attempts away. Everything becomes repeatable, which is what I wanted. I still need to work a lot on exit technique (and there are exercises for that). They do a lot with the roll technique.
The nonverbal communication work has been an interesting reveal for me. Didn't realize how much the solar plexus aids in that.
Ive been working slow through the tracks, there's 18 disk if you buy all 6 sets lol.

That said, i suspect that the actual classes at TMI would be a little stronger than just listening to the tapes

26th February 2023, 02:23 AM
are Pleiadian human cousins?