View Full Version : How does learning new things in the Astrals work?

27th October 2016, 12:44 PM
I've heard you can learn new information in the Astrals but how does this actually work? Do you summon a mentor who will teach you? Or do you just say "I want to know how to make cake" and then you know how to make cake?

Can you also learn new techniques for things like sport, art and other activities that require motor skills? I'm someone who likes to draw a lot and I think learning new and interesting techniques would be really cool and fun. But how would that actually work out? And can you replicate it in our dimension? Also, could I just think "I want to be a magnificent sketch artist" and then I'm an amazing sketch artist? I'm sorry if these questions are weird but I find this stuff really interesting. Do any of you have any experience with learning new things, be it knowladge of skills, while Astral Projecting?

27th October 2016, 03:08 PM
In my case I have gone to dreamstate schools, been taught different things, and I also have had 'trance lessons'- someone has dictated information to me that was later verified to be accurate. In projection I have gone to places where learning is done, and have been given assignments to do, like 'make' things, 'attract' things, and solve 'environmental' issues, such as getting out of a difficult place, for example.
I have never learned any skills, only 'character building' and 'problem solving'. In other words, information.
Just remember, information doesn't create skill. I can go to many schools to learn to read music or learn the names of the notes, but to learn an instrument you need hands-on experience and practice of the things your learned. Building muscle memory and integrating it with whatever memory you have of facts.

29th October 2016, 02:50 PM
In my case I have gone to dreamstate schools, been taught different things, and I also have had 'trance lessons'- someone has dictated information to me that was later verified to be accurate. In projection I have gone to places where learning is done, and have been given assignments to do, like 'make' things, 'attract' things, and solve 'environmental' issues, such as getting out of a difficult place, for example.
I have never learned any skills, only 'character building' and 'problem solving'. In other words, information.
Just remember, information doesn't create skill. I can go to many schools to learn to read music or learn the names of the notes, but to learn an instrument you need hands-on experience and practice of the things your learned. Building muscle memory and integrating it with whatever memory you have of facts.
Ooooo, that sounds so interesting! I'm guessing these 'dreamstate schools' aren't like you typical HighSchool? How long would you be in this school? And would you be the only one attending or would there be others? What happened if the projection ended in the middle of class? (Would you get a detention for skipping class? :p ) all joking aside that sounds really cool and interesting, I'd love to learn more about them and visit one when I project!

31st October 2016, 03:33 PM
No idea. For me it was around three or four years. Now, not so often, but every once I get one. I guess we never stop learning, and never stop needing to learn.

6th November 2016, 04:28 PM
You can actually learn and practise everything you like. Since motoric skills depend highly on the subconciousness to function(or do your really understand how your hand holds that pensil to draw a straight line?). Also cause the time in a obe is longer than in the real world. Mostly cause we use more of our power u can learn and do things much faster than in the physical.

Just try to draw in obe or go to a special teacher there to lear drawing. How to go there? Go through a door or window and imagine behind it will be your teacher waiting for u.

7th November 2016, 09:26 PM
I was going to eventually ask this question.

Except, can you learn things you've never learned but from a previous life. Like speaking another language or knowing certain subjects (like drawing, math, English grammar)etc...

I had an experience where I ended up talking German with a person and I've never spoken it (or studied it) in my life.
