View Full Version : Am I in danger?

11th September 2016, 10:56 PM
Hi. I want to share my experience and I am looking forward to any input. I am a complete beginner. Most of this I do not know how to explain.

I have met a guy and we connected instantly. I have broken up my long term relationship and was easily manipulated by him. I think he hypnotised me and not only I was in a trance state with him feeling orgasmic just by looking at him, but weird thing started happening. I do not know how to call him, magician, shaman or whatever, but he looked like a demon for a moment and then both of us started acting crazy feeling dark sexual energies. After that we felt like we are weightless.

Later on, I was in a trance again and he evoked visions in me. Also I have been seeing symbols. He showed me mind-blowing things and disappeared. He tricked me into thinking we are soul mates. We don't see each other any more but he keeps in touch.

All thoughts are welcome please. I decided to physically get away from him because I don't feel balanced. Even though he is not here physically, is he or some entity doing something to me in astral?

12th September 2016, 11:45 AM
How have you felt since you left him? Has it been normal again?

12th September 2016, 02:01 PM
How have you felt since you left him? Has it been normal again?

I love him no matter what so it's been hard but I have to move on and think about myself.
Normal how? I've started practising magic so weird things are happening to me. I don't know is it me or him?

I ignore his messages. I saw him accidentally and caught him in a lie as he told me he is not in town. So I pretended not to see him at some event. He stared at me but did not say or do anything. Creepy.
You think he'll give up or might try something in reality, or in astral?

12th September 2016, 03:59 PM
I'd consider doing a cord cutting ceremony to break his attachments to you and verse visa. I'm not well versed in magick to talk about the other bits.

12th September 2016, 04:21 PM
I would add a few things to this, having been in a similar situation to yours, many many years ago (I am an old woman, you know.)
There are various elements when you have been 'fascinated' by someone like that, and just ritual work might not be enough.
It's like being hypnotized, and not knowing why or how you could be taken over like that.
I recommend a bit of counseling, with someone you can talk to and trust. Not a psychiatrist or anything like that, but with someone that can see patterns that you might need to break (like codependency) and who you can trust.
When you talk to most friends 'regular' friends, their concern is to make you feel better and agree with whatever you say, but might not be of much help except for venting- but venting has to be done with the intention of releasing the energy that binds you to him- and most people don't vent that way, they do it to continue to relive certain moments and establish a relationship with your pain body, which then becomes the surrogate for that person- and that relationship is even harder to break.
I do recommend to talk to someone extensively, but every time that you express some feeling, to do it with the express purpose of ridding yourself from the feeling, and do not talk about the things he has done to you. This reinforces the reasons why you feel bound to him, and the object is to liberate yourself from the psychic hold.
Making a soul mirror (I'm sure you can look this up) can help you deal with energetic imbalances you may have in regards to what made you vulnerable in the first place.
On a more passive note, cord cutting and salt baths are great ways to end any ritual that you have done, it clears stuff up after having purged yourself of ties and whatnot.