View Full Version : Grim reaper come to me?

6th September 2016, 07:28 PM
Hi all i dont know if i can tell this here if not please move it to the right place . Thanks

Ok so in my dream or maybe not a dream,
I was sleeping when i woke up and felt something strange then looked to my door and saw a big mass of shadow/black smoke.Then i tried to wake my girlfriend with some push and talk,even screaming at some point but not even an ounce of strenght came out and i watch the mass of shadows come slowly to me and then he vanished and reappear ,his face about 5 to 6 inches from mine. For what i saw was pitched black and only three big white dot to make eyes and mouth ,holding his scythe in the back with his arm he dis swing it behind my neck and slice my head off

When i came to, or wake up to, i was in sweat/feared/stress even on adrenaline...trying to figure it ou if i was dreaming but im not even sure now

Can someone have been in a similar situation or know what it means thanks you

6th September 2016, 07:50 PM
This is what's known as a "Guardian on the Threshold" or "Watcher on the Threshold" or "Dweller on the Threshold" experience. The usual term we see around here seems to be Dweller, but it's the same thing, just different names for it.

The Wikipedia article on the phenomenon is pretty good: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guardian_of_the_Threshold

There are a lot of explanations for the phenomenon, and I wouldn't be surprised if the classic figure of the Grim Reaper is based on the experience. First time it happened to me, I happened to be extremely sick at the time. I thought for sure it was Death, and I tried to call out for help and couldn't.

Here are some threads/posts that might help:


Essentially, if you're worried, you don't need to be. It's a pretty common experience (so common it's got a name and everything!) and it's pretty much always harmless, though it can scare you pretty badly. That experience I mentioned happened when I was fifteen. I'm in my fifties now, and I still remember it very clearly and remember how terrified I was. So it's definitely a thing, and a real thing, but not a thing you need to worry about.

6th September 2016, 08:28 PM
Thanks for the quick reply butterflywoman
If i read and guess corectly..when the dweller cut my head, it was that i wasnt ready for what is coming or acsend to.

7th September 2016, 06:13 AM
That's as reasonable an interpretation as any. Understanding the kind of symbolic language of dreams and the subconscious is always a subjective thing. :)