View Full Version : qstn regarding UFO "structure"

28th August 2016, 03:47 PM
about 85-95% of the UFO sightings I watch have UFO structure that's glowing or has a "fire ball" appearance , I mean these things are like globular lights.

how come UFO look like lights? why do they emit lights? shouldn't lights be inside the craft? why are the lights so strong as render these things a "globular light" or a "fire-ball" appearance ?

29th August 2016, 01:34 PM
BC they're reported sightings. Those who aren't seen won't be reported.
But I'll play- maybe the craft is of the kind that breaks some sort of barrier, and when it does, it interacts with our atmosphere and lights up. That would be what we're seeing, but maybe it's not all the time.

29th August 2016, 04:04 PM
BC they're reported sightings. Those who aren't seen won't be reported.
But I'll play- maybe the craft is of the kind that breaks some sort of barrier, and when it does, it interacts with our atmosphere and lights up. That would be what we're seeing, but maybe it's not all the time.

I didn't even think of that , so if one looks it that way , i.e that "unseen crafts aren't sighted" that means there are UFOs in our atmosphere , not visible to us , now lets take this possibility and posit that if add this unknown quantity of UFOs and assume it to be the same frequency of appearance of visible UFOs then the number of UFO actually present goes up by 50% more.
That means the UFO phenomena is twice as common as we think or assume it to be.

If the fireball or globular light UFOs constitute 80% then the remainder of 20% is made by metallic type UFO ......and then going still ahead are the invisible UFOs , coming and going entirely un-noticed (lets assume for argument's sake that they have very superior stealth technology)

mind blown :shock:

29th August 2016, 07:48 PM
Could be, the literature certainly supports the possibility.

30th August 2016, 04:07 PM
I believe the number / percentage of invisible UFOs is way higher. They are here and have always been. Always watching us from different 'levels' of reality. Just a feeling I cannot prove of course. But I go by intuition most of the times.

31st August 2016, 05:00 AM
I believe the number / percentage of invisible UFOs is way higher. They are here and have always been. Always watching us from different 'levels' of reality. Just a feeling I cannot prove of course. But I go by intuition most of the times.

I believe the same , also there are many many areas on Earth where there are 3rd world countries , so the people aren't just educated on the UFO/ET phenomena , but they lack modern equipment like cell-phones -- thus making documentation impossible.

That are there are other things like people not speaking about there UFO encounters out of fear of prejudice and fear of mockery and ridicule.

So statistically speaking , the odds for un-documentated UFO visitation is significantly higher then we assume.

31st August 2016, 04:47 PM
I believe the same , also there are many many areas on Earth where there are 3rd world countries , so the people aren't just educated on the UFO/ET phenomena , but they lack modern equipment like cell-phones -- thus making documentation impossible.

That are there are other things like people not speaking about there UFO encounters out of fear of prejudice and fear of mockery and ridicule.

So statistically speaking , the odds for un-documentated UFO visitation is significantly higher then we assume.

Yes, I agree. The amount of undocumented visible sightings is way higher too.

What I meant though was that the totally invisible ones are much higher, too. They can't be documented because they are completely undetectable, not even by special cams or whatever. I just have the feeling that we are watched over by different kinds of beings (physical or not) 'all the time' and almost everywhere on the planet.

2nd September 2016, 06:29 AM
that's very heartening to hear , I think that also makes "UFO encounters" much more often of frequency then we assume (we all know that many many people have encounters - but only a minute faction comes out and says we had it) , it's always the same thing : fear , fear of ridicule , fear of prejudice , fear of being the butt end of every joke.

We are such a progressive world , yet most of us still treat the UFO/ET phenomena as "science fiction" or "cheap thrills in the Sunday headline column"

very saddening because , this issue not matter how conclusive the evidence , remains a controversy.

3rd September 2016, 06:13 AM
about 85-95% of the UFO sightings I watch have UFO structure that's glowing or has a "fire ball" appearance , I mean these things are like globular lights.

how come UFO look like lights? why do they emit lights? shouldn't lights be inside the craft? why are the lights so strong as render these things a "globular light" or a "fire-ball" appearance ?

DC, a craft, ship or structure is a constituency of energy first. Though as we associate "structure" as say a table first...simply because we've borrowed from nature to build or mold our structures. In so doing, having done, we're are lost to the original order of nature which borrows from the invisible to within nature form the visible.

The electro-magnetic spectrum, as far as matter is concerned, is first and foremost...minute invisible to the naked eye atomic to one end, yet farther ended is structurally atomic...molecularly bonding into visible material natural structures greatly larger than ourselves.

Deeper in is visible color, deeper still is vibrational hums that resonate into naturally bonding structural life abundantly forming into living eco-systems.

Systemic life-forms....agreements naturally formed...simultaneously and continuously forming within predispositional agreements. Literally music to the ears of which might hear to see...see to listen.

We do not even begin to understand how "it" is that our own structural human body is upheld. How does our body mature? Why does our body age out...leaving us without a body? The answer "lies" asleep within the question.

If the answer truthfully awakens, does the body cease to unquestionably uphold "itself"?

Within the gamut of vibrations is both the structuring invisibly upholding, along with "it's" visible structural counter-part/s wholly upheld. Therefore, just as one rolls the radio dial...so "it" is that music frequently sings along the entire spectral gamut. Just as flour is sifted...so "it" is that the refined seeks the lower and out as the more coarse layers upward. Yet, flip that over and see the heard wind blow the dust of ages into airborne properties....leaving the more denser properties behind.

What is visible light if not the lightest airborne? Did you see the dust partical gather the ice fractally around "itself" to fall homeward to the NAP of the earth? "It" melted...yet from high on...the dust returned.

Sleep....Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, yet against all odds...even the very Pho-e-Nix rises from the ashes.

Smoke signals rising..... SOS ....like misty mountains feed slipping-thru clouds streaming over the grounding contoured scapes...a-napping...deciduous leaves bottoming up within the Ex-Change...of Energy/ies...i.e......etc....etc....etc...et all....ad infinitum.

What....pray tell...Me...twixt heaven (et)and earth...IS? Creation...Beresh¡t

Ave nn Art....Eat nn Resh

My Mother feeds Me...The Father like Me Is

David in the Temple ate of the tabled THAT.

There is the Life (et)and there is THAT which Lives the Life.

Tat Tvam Asi

Against all odds...What is not the Mother, even THAT which allows for...I am of my Self wholly vested in Me...of an Entirely Unbankruptable Completely Systemic Economy Sychronistically in AGREEMENT. EBB nn FLOW

My Self asks, Who is there?

"It" is Me...Tis I Who IS here.

I Am THAT I Am. In the end...What of "it" is any body's business to begin with?

I shall be WHAT I shall be. Of what-ever you've gone thru within your persona-lie-zing declines (et)and regrowths...get over "it"...THAT in a truth...You having come...THOU ART.

3rd September 2016, 07:26 AM
about 85-95% of the UFO sightings I watch have UFO structure that's glowing or has a "fire ball" appearance , I mean these things are like globular lights.

how come UFO look like lights? why do they emit lights? shouldn't lights be inside the craft? why are the lights so strong as render these things a "globular light" or a "fire-ball" appearance ?

DC, a craft, ship or structure is a constituency of energy first. Though as we associate "structure" as say a table first...simply because we've borrowed from nature to build or mold our structures. In so doing, having done, we're are lost to the original order of nature which borrows from the invisible to within nature form the visible.

The electro-magnetic spectrum, as far as matter is concerned, is first and foremost...minute invisible to the naked eye atomic to one end, yet farther ended is structurally atomic...molecularly bonding into visible material natural structures greatly larger than ourselves.

Deeper in is visible color, deeper still is vibrational hums that resonate into naturally bonding structural life abundantly forming into living eco-systems.

Systemic life-forms....agreements naturally formed...simultaneously and continuously forming within predispositional agreements. Literally music to the ears of which might hear to see...see to listen.

We do not even begin to understand how "it" is that our own structural human body is upheld. How does our body mature? Why does our body age out...leaving us without a body? The answer "lies" asleep within the question.

If the answer truthfully awakens, does the body cease to uphold "itself"?