View Full Version : Can angels enfold first timers with their first (OBE) ?

18th July 2016, 10:49 AM
So nothing can appear and materialize at first when spiritual eyes are completely open - but you are learning the fear lesson at the side of your guide learning you things safety (such as overcoming your own fear and confusions.) This is a possibility right??

18th July 2016, 07:40 PM
What you intimate is hopefully being enabled in and of your fears, so that you either don't have to face your's or only have to face a fractioned portion while other does the bulk for you.

However, given your constant present yearnings, you'll most likely get the extreme opposite of your desires, and whatever will throw you into your fear of water so to speak, where you'll sink or swim. Whereas facing your own would be as you gradually wading out to realize your natural buoyancy that allows you to easily swim. Metaphor

To have said, leaps of faith into what is already all set for fearful you, i.e. natural buoyancy and such like. Not angles, but angels. Be human, it's what you are. Life ain't a video game. ;)

19th July 2016, 02:31 PM
Goddamnit i'm getting so sick of this

19th July 2016, 02:34 PM
There's no way i'm enablimg this since i have already surrenderd myself to the higher aspects and THEIR aspect of reality. I want to surrender my will to the higher forces, so it will happen that absolutely NOTHING can manifest against my will.

I'm getting so sick of this website - after this I'll expose them for what they really are.

19th July 2016, 02:55 PM
Please don't get angry because you don't agree or like what we all seem to be saying.
We only give you our personal opinions based from personal experience.
You may have a first time projection and love it. But your asking us questions and the answers your getting are not taken from a book that's taken from a book that's taken from a book.... Your getting answers from experiences.
You have based your beliefs on what you've been told or read as you have already stated that you have not had a consciously induced OBE yet.
We can not change our answers to suit as that would mean we have to lie to you.
Please accept with grace that your not hearing what you thought it should be like and take time to ponder on this.

19th July 2016, 04:40 PM
Not you enabling, you requesting that you be enabled. La Diffe`rence ... deferring of your's upon an other's taking.

Do the sounding loosed dogs hounding, keep the fox run into his hole?


Does the escaping bird wingedly sounding, fly to sanct-u-aried nest?

Ref. Gal.6

Hold your breath long enough and you'll pass out to an autonomy yet breathing.

Choke in your sleep and an autonomy wakes you to clear your throat, you yet breathing.

Oven - http://youtu.be/zmjH907nkHk

Even still, the gingerbread man...


"Faith is patience with mystery.(R. Rohr) It's the willingness to abide in a place that you don't fully understand."

Ref. Hebrews 11:1

19th July 2016, 06:29 PM
I'm getting so sick of this website - after this I'll expose them for what they really are.


In your intentful disrespect for others..you've merely exposed your dismissed lack of self-respect.

My friend, why don't you go somewhere else, to show your intolerable ass that for no apparent excuse or reason ... would deliberately fvck with well intended hospitable folk.

You apparently ain't got enough good sense to fear your own troubling self.

Been there and done that too, in my day, whilst in The School of Hard Knocks.

It is as hard as you yourself make it, and you are as easy going as is your calming breath.


19th July 2016, 08:42 PM
I'm getting so sick of this website
Then it's time for you to find one you like better. This is not the first time you've lashed out against the members of this forum.

I wish you well in your search for truth, and I hope you find what you're looking for somewhere else. And so it is. And so it shall be.

20th July 2016, 03:03 PM
As RB has said many times before, a good first OBE is a brief step out to look at your body and then right back in. It confirms the ability to OBE and chances are with a short one, you'll remember it too.

my first OBE was like that and it hooked me on the pursuit of going to the astral