View Full Version : Is eating possible on the astral planes? And more questions!

6th July 2016, 03:27 PM
Is eating on the astral planes possible? And how does it taste like? Also are negative thought forms and fears being hold back by the source/creator until you manage to overcome the fear with guidance of higher forces? I just don't want to see faces and beings coming at me immeditaly, why do people keep saying they see scary faces on the astral planes? Are things ordered for me when i'm out? Otherwise it would really piss me off how imbalanced and disordered the planes are. Anyone experience????

6th July 2016, 05:16 PM
Hi confusionOrillusion,
I can only answer from my own experiences, some may have a different opinion to me but here goes,
When I have had an experience it has been very meaningful and at the time because I knew what was happening and trying to concentrate hard not to loose it the thought of eating never crossed my mind, but on saying that I never saw anything to eat. I think I only saw what I was meant to see.
You can create instantly with thought. I seemed to be in water at one time so blew bubbles and it was a lovely sight. Therefore you can also create your own monster faces or whatever just with instant thought.
This is why we advise not to try to project if you have a lot of fear or negative thoughts going on at the time.
I found that once the practice of being in my bedroom or house had happened a lot then all my excursions seemed to be controlled but couldn't see anyone helping me until much later. Therefore I believe we are looked after and monitored even if we cannt see them therefore we are protected.
However on saying that at some stage fear tests were introduced, but these weren't a problem because I had already learnt that nothing could harm me and all I had to do was decide ' Back to Body' and I was.

If we are going to attempt this consciously then we have to be confident and eager with control of fear.
Please don't try until you are and then have a ball.

6th July 2016, 07:51 PM
I don't want to do that and i have no desire into eating astral objects... i just want to be on an ordered plane! Is this possible???? can this get fixed for me? yes or no??? i want this!

6th July 2016, 08:44 PM
I don't want to do that and i have no desire into eating astral objects...

When I said have a ball I didn't mean eat one I meant ENJOY

6th July 2016, 08:48 PM
There are kind of astral training zones and astral training facilities. Also exercises. One is that you can test and apply all senses you have in the physical: smell, vision (enhanced too), acoustics, touch ... and also taste.

I tasted a chocolate cookie once. Wasn't too good. But maybe this only showed me I still needed sensing or manifestation practice in the astral.

7th July 2016, 01:56 AM
When I said have a ball I didn't mean eat one I meant ENJOY

That's priceless wisdom. :lol:

7th July 2016, 05:11 AM
Can you please find out for me if someone can order my experience within their own plane? so nothing can get manipulated or manifested by myself? Like a dad that's holding his son strongly and safely while being at the lion cage at an zoo?

7th July 2016, 05:25 AM
I really want to get ordered for my first time! Is this possible????

7th July 2016, 05:26 AM
I even ask for it so it's already being planned by the higher forces, right??

7th July 2016, 06:47 AM
I even ask for it so it's already being planned by the higher forces, right??
I just want to say that how thorough you try to be there will always be surprices, so be sure you are conscious about that.


7th July 2016, 09:13 AM
Is eating on the astral planes possible? And how does it taste like? Also are negative thought forms and fears being hold back by the source/creator until you manage to overcome the fear with guidance of higher forces? I just don't want to see faces and beings coming at me immeditaly, why do people keep saying they see scary faces on the astral planes? Are things ordered for me when i'm out? Otherwise it would really piss me off how imbalanced and disordered the planes are. Anyone experience????


Eating & drinking are possible while 'lucid-dreaming' since i have done this, both were more 'real' than eating & drinking in 3D physical or Earth sim reality.

7th July 2016, 04:08 PM
Do i not stand alone?

7th July 2016, 05:40 PM
Do i not stand alone?

As 'physical' beings, don't we all 'stand alone'.... ?

7th July 2016, 06:01 PM
I will get guided my first time right? Not seeing stuff popping up immeditaly to frighten me... the rooms are also light according to many projectors... can i be 100% sure my uninvited fears can be holded back by angels or something like that? I really want this protection!

7th July 2016, 07:03 PM
I will get guided my first time right? Not seeing stuff popping up immeditaly to frighten me... the rooms are also light according to many projectors... can i be 100% sure my uninvited fears can be holded back by angels or something like that? I really want this protection!
Seems your real topic is not the one that appeared in the subject title. As regards fear, I would ask my guides to guide me (that's what they are for.. guiding) when you do your exit. If your fear is too great then maybe I would wait with projection practice and work on my fears first. Fear will hold you back in the first place and prevent protection but if you manage to 'exit' and are still afraid it CAN also create negative experiences / beings or stressing situations you would rather want to avoid. Therefore, imv, you should not 'go out' if you are too frightened.

7th July 2016, 07:35 PM
Is eating on the astral planes possible? And how does it taste like? I just don't want to see faces and beings coming at me immeditaly, why do people keep saying they see scary faces on the astral planes?
Hi C.O.I.
I have eaten on the astral planes, but I'm not sure if the word "possible" applies. To me, experiences like these are symbolic- eating means taking in energy, ideas or concepts. So learning something new can be experienced as eating. So taste depends on what you are assimilating, there is no 'object' with flavor in the astral planes.

Also are negative thought forms and fears being hold back by the source/creator until you manage to overcome the fear with guidance of higher forces? In my experience, negative experiences are created by my own aspects, precisely to process and overcome these fears. Sometimes the negative experience is the guidance, sometimes guidance comes from other beings, be it light beings, angel or saint-like beings, or just my own guides. It all depends on the experience and what it's for.

I just don't want to see faces and beings coming at me immeditaly, why do people keep saying they see scary faces on the astral planes? There are sometimes experiences in the hypnagogic states in which you see faces. They are not scary per se (usually they look like normal people you'd see in any crowd- but unlike looking at a movie or photograph, sometimes one will turn and look at you, and this can be disconcerting, even scary. Sort of like looking in a mirror too long. For some reason, it happens to people when they are in the beginnings of their practice, and it stops being scary when you get used to it. I've engaged in staring contests with them when it happens, and usually the experience turns into a dream. It's really a psychological thing, I think.

Are things ordered for me when i'm out? Otherwise it would really piss me off how imbalanced and disordered the planes are. Anyone experience???? I do not believe there is order in the way an architect would call order. Although the planes are represented in a very organized manner, I believe the order is more about psychological input. Some people, when they first get out see their room as it is (the real time zone.) Then they either experience reality fluctuations (which can be portals to the astral plane) or simply are transported away from the real time zone into the more dreamlike astral plane, but this is not a rule.
There are people who go straight into the more subjective part of the astral straight away, and others who take a long time before getting there. The order is given by your mind, not like going to a city where things have a place and direction, because the planes beyond the real time zone are subjectively created by the collective unconscious.
If you want more information, read Robert's Treatise on Astral Projection, which is located in the 'articles' section of the site.

7th July 2016, 07:44 PM
I will get guided my first time right? Not seeing stuff popping up immeditaly to frighten me... the rooms are also light according to many projectors... can i be 100% sure my uninvited fears can be holded back by angels or something like that? I really want this protection! No, this is not the usual 'first time' experience. You should see your room and every once in a while you may see someone who you don't recognize. But if you're expecting trouble, or are very afraid of something, you will more than likely get it, because the astral is a thought-responsive environment.

8th July 2016, 08:22 AM
I don't want that

I want to go to other planes and overcome my fear with a guide at my side

8th July 2016, 04:39 PM
When you create your experience consciously, this is possible. But the experience goes where your emotion goes. If the feeling of dread is strong enough, it'll give you the experience you don't want. If you can lose the fear, then you will get what you want.
It's a standoff, because sometimes you get what you need, not what you want. And there is no better way to get through a 'supernatural' fear than to experience it and come out unscathed. Your subconscious knows this.

12th July 2016, 01:42 PM
I don't believe this!


12th July 2016, 01:53 PM
This is STILL true. 100% true. I completely agree with CFT. This isn't a recipe to give you exactly what you want in the astral. All you can do is go to the mirror, look into your own eyes and ask the experience that which you want.
If you want to understand what OBEs are truly like, I suggest that you'll read Robert Monroe's book, they're online and they're a real classic. And don't read about any scary OBEs that people had, this isn't going to do you any good! it's just going to scare you into createing the experience for yourself by focusing on it too much. If you don't believe in it, I believe you won't be able to experience it.
Good luck!

12th July 2016, 06:17 PM
My guides will be there for me and they will help me to overcome my fears and doubts within their own realms! I don't need that book anyways, is that the reason i get answers that don't feel right to me? I will see what will happen this night.

Also the thing which bothers me is that within the earth planes, nothing can materalize at will, but at the will of the cosmos because RULES exist for those that live within this realm. I think the planes I will experience will be the same kind! Otherwise i would have seen those scary (deities) in great detail anyways in real life and the dream world! Yes even the dream world is being ordered, FOR ME. I noticed that! Because i remember my fears, and they won't get materialized in my dreams. Even when bad experiences occur within the dream, everything turns pitch black and there's an entirely new surrounding a few momemts later and sometimes some people are gone.

If Earth is bounded by the universal rules, i am sure those rules can imply on me as well within the astral planes! I surrender myself to this powerful force even more right now and it will help me... for sure!

Deities just aren't allowed to come over you to frighten you. I don't believe in this anymore because higher forces would guide and eventually shield you for this until you aren't afraid of it anymore and understand it. Reality!

12th July 2016, 06:45 PM
Good. Keep that positive mental attitude .
I'd like to just quote some notes I took from Abraham Hicks on THOUGHT.

A thought creates energy.
Emotion is energy in motion.
If you move enough energy you create matter
Matter is energy conglomerated.

Every thought we've ever had is creative- never dies.
Heads into the universe, all thoughts congeal.
Like energy attracts like energy.

If an individual's thoughts are strong enough, they can produce results.

Thought is creative
Fear attracts like energy
Love is all there is.
The realm is a creative realm that we have between us devised between us in order that we may know our selves experimental.

Sums it up in a nutshell. Keep that positive attitude and if the time comes for fear tests from your guides I believe it will be further down the line when you have some experience and confidence.
At the beginning if you experience anything unpleasant then I believe it will be because if the explanation above.

12th July 2016, 07:57 PM
Not true. Sometimes i have the same kind of fears within the dream world and it won't get materialized over there or otherwise my dreams turn pitched soundless black and i am somewhere else in a better place 2/4 seconds later. I notice another co creator decides over me and takes care over me. If there is order over me in the dream world, there is order over me on the astral planes where my fears won't get manifested as well!

13th July 2016, 12:21 PM
I just thought about something. Maybe you can try Virtual Reality Projection, a process by Robert Bruce. But I don't know if this will work right away.

Here is a simple, reliable method, I have developed, to create your own personal realm: Get a poster of a pleasant scene, something bright and sunny.
The bigger the better, but standard poster size will do. Hang it on the wall of the room you are going to project in, or another room close by. Get a small spotlight and set it so the poster is highlighted when the main light is turned off, a normal directional bedside lamp will do.
Place the light under, or above, so the light spreads out over it giving a diffused effect illuminating it, a bit like a movie screen.

There's more, here (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_astralprojection.htm#Virtual_Reality_Proje ction).

And BTW- Susan- loved, loved your notes from Abe Hicks! :redface: thanx for the reminder.

19th July 2016, 02:39 PM
I don't need that book anymore. Anything is possible within the astral planes! You can overcome your fears within the higher realms anyways - if you ask for it. There's always protection availibe!

20th July 2016, 03:16 PM
Listened to a recent interview of RB, and he was talking about eating in the astral as one of those anomalies that can help you determine that you are projecting. His example was along the lines of:

let's say you find yourself at a bar with a mug of beer and a bagel in front of you. You take a bite and a sip and put the food / drink down. Then you look at it and see that the bagel no longer has a bite in it and the beer glass is completely full again. Then you know you're in the astral.

3rd April 2018, 03:40 PM
Eating and drinking is definitely possible during phasing/ OBEs/ Lucid dreaming.
My sense of taste and smell seems more acute during phasing. It's like there is minimum noise to interfere with the sensory perception of consuming food and liquid.
The subtle flavours of drinking coconut juice seems more refreshing and intensified when compared to my ordinary (primary physical focus) experiences.
The aroma of coffee is so appealing. The sensory experience of drinking coffee was so immersive and delightful.
Similarly any food I consumed in this consciousness state, such as ice-cream, roast pork is experientially more enjoyable and flavoursome.

I have not yet manifested food.
However when the opportunity to eat and drink presents itself, I urge all to indulge. ;)

22nd April 2018, 09:05 PM
try drinking a bottle of vodka in your lucid dream it is so so good

I know any substances such as marijuana can be taken in the out of body state

(non physical THC)