View Full Version : cutting 6 corners off a bar of soap for protection

30th June 2016, 07:35 AM
Ok it sounds odd and I don't really understand how it works, but I attempted this strange technique in a "dream" involving a neg. Well it was 'like a dream', except it had some characteristics I don't associate with dreams. At one point the color in the dream faded to black and white, it involved a neg that really didn't fit into the dream, and I confronted the neg using my highly unnatural "chakra voice". When one or more of those characteristics occur in a dream, I tend to consider those dreams as 'more than a dream'

So I'll start off by talking about my evening before I went to sleep. I had a light meal earlier in the night and drank a glass of water before closing my eyes. Before going to sleep I get this perception of a dark goulish being on the side of my bed breathing black smoke on me. I did some basic white light energy work after that and then I went to sleep.

so now I'm in my dream. I don't remember what led up to it, but I'm in this very violent scene. I'm in a room with my back against a wall facing my Dad. My Dad is yelling at me and has a gun pointed at me. I'm panicked and yelling back telling him not to do it. This isn't my actual Dad in this life (he wasn't violent and never owned a gun), but it's the Dad of who I am in the dream and I'm in his/my house (not my actual childhood house), possibly the kitchen. I remember there was some sort of fruit wallpaper motif on the wall (oranges, bananas on white background) with an old white wall phone. Anyway my Dad is at his whits end. I know he's going to shoot me any moment. It doesn't happen yet. Suddenly, he's handed a second gun to me and dares me to try and shoot him with it. I scream "I won't" and drop the gun. I turn to face the wall. This is incredibly intense and I'm uncontrollably shaking in fear and horror. As every millisecond ticks by I'm anticipating a bullet to shatter my head to smithereens.

suddenly I open my eyes. I'm not in the kitchen or even in this house. Instead I'm in my actual childhood home. I immediately run up the stairs and into my room still wanting to escape my Dad. I lock the door and soon my Dad is pounding on the door to get inside. Again I'm scared, full of terror at what might happen if he comes in. Now I suddenly get this odd bit of knowledge in my head. It wasn't something told to me, it's just something that I "knew" first hand in the dream. What I realize is that to protect myself I need to find a bar of soap and cut "six corners out of it". In the dream I'm thinking "how do I cut six corners out of a rectangular bar of soap"? I think my intent was to cut out 2 corners out on one side and "double-cut" the corners on the opposite side (so that those ones are more "pointy"). I instantly find a knife and some soap which I pick up. Unfortunately, I realize that the soap I find is not actually a full bar. It's just a small sliver (like an almost used up remnant piece from a bathroom). In desperation I think to myself "How am I going to cut 6 corners out of a sliver of soap?".

Before I can figure that out I turn around and realize my bedroom door is open (or it might be missing altogether). I panic but then realize that my dad also isn't outside. So I stick my head out and turn to look down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs I see what I would call a "neg". This neg is a tall pale figure with a pale face. He's wearing a top hat and an older style tux (one with tail flaps in the back). It's at this moment that I realize all the color in the house has disappeared. Everything is black and white from this point forward. The neg beckons me to come down the stairs. As scared as I am, I go down the stairs. He walks around the corner into a room and I follow him there. It's at this point that despite my terror, I confront him. I start talking / growling at him with my "chakra voice". My chakra voice can only be described as very bold and "unnatural" (think of a deep bold voice Gandalf's "you shall not pass" voice from LOTR but sounding much less human, less 'linear' and more "etherial" sounding). I ask the neg in his voice what he wants. He doesn't respond to me, but I see he has a wand in his hand which he raises at me. He mutters something and flicks the wrist with his wand at me. A instinctively pick up my sliver of soap and hold it like a shield and shout something like "back to you double!". At that point nothing happened after that. The neg was just staring at me for a moment.

That was the end of the dream. Oddly enough as disturbing as the experience was, I didn't wake up panicked like I would be with suddenly waking from a bad dream. I felt more like I accomplished something. I only had the sense to try to remember what I could and write it down in a dream journal.

I thought about the experience afterwards and figured it might be one of a few scenarios:

This is some sort of training exercise one of my guides is teaching me on how to deal with negs
This is part of me working out some issue from a past life experience
I'm helping out a neg, perhaps with an issue from his life and I'm experiencing his childhood to better understand his problems

but the real question I have is about the soap. I've never heard anywhere that soap offered some sort of protective shield against negative energy. Yet in the dream I instinctively look for soap and want to cut six corners off of it to protect myself. Has anyone heard of using soap for this sort of purpose or might understand what the six corners are all about?

30th June 2016, 03:42 PM
There were old threads (back in 2005 or 6, probably don't exist any more because of forum pruning) which talked about using a bar of aromatic soap (something that smells good, aromatic, I remember lavender and lilac being mentioned) put in the sheets by the feet of someone who needed protection. I remember using this and having it work for me at the time.
I'm curious about what the shape of the soap ending up as, a six pointed star, or something totally different?

30th June 2016, 07:21 PM
I remember it looking octagonal, and the double notches were on corners of the 2 verticies of one of the short sides

30th June 2016, 07:39 PM
Some quick googling and it looks like octagons are protective against negative and dark energy


it looks like soap is protective and octagons are protective.

I guess that means I'm unknowingly doing protective magic in my sleep and I'm doing it all macgyver style - on the fly with household items!

{mind explosion}

30th June 2016, 07:44 PM
No issues last night. I put the black tourmaline I carry in my pants pocket under my pillow, sprinkled a little salt around the bed (and some pepper by mistake lol) and I concentrated a little more on my white light technique than last night

30th June 2016, 09:26 PM
I more see that your 3rd scenario is the closer to what happened. But I am curious of your thoughts that connect the neg to a/the person as being one and the same. "Helping the neg with an issue from his life" ??

Interpretation of the soap: cut corners but don't forget that ... that even as your eyes may see "unclean" ... treat that which is unseen or yet to be seen ... as holy. Cutting corners may oft be expediently necessary, however not at the ex-pence of quality.

In for a penny ... in for a pound.

For with mercy, even Archangel Michael said, "the Lord rebuke thee". For from mercy comes peace ... from peace ... love. Victorious

Likewise...it is written...that it is not a one that chooses God, but rather... God chose they. Peniel


deus amicus dari

1st July 2016, 12:37 AM
i read Ali Wylie's book "Astral Dancer" a while back. She seems to be someone who tends to be willing to work negs through issues. In a lot of the scenarios she records, the neg presents itself in multiple ways or shapes in a "session" or series of sessions. They could be separate, but there really wasn't a time gap between the first part and the second.

The thought of it being a test is that the neg didn't react after the soap handled the spell and you could look at that as kind of "end of simulation" event

the thought of it being a past karma was me in the dream recognizing the villan as "Dad" in "my house", and the second part happened in my actual childhood house, so I was thinking that was some tie in to connect it to a previous life.

that said I never looked at the neg with the top hat as dad so I I'm leaning towards the "working a neg through his issues" possibility.

1st July 2016, 12:45 AM
Interesting, I see your points. Be gentle with your self...then.;)

"If I am not for my Self, then who will be for Me? But if I am only for my Self, then who am I? If not now, when?" ~ Hillel

1st July 2016, 12:57 AM
i looked up your Hebrew reference and I think it refers to the place where Jacob wrestled an angel. It's funny, I've had this desire to wrestle my guardian angel. I figure he'd wear kid gloves and go easy on me, lol

1st July 2016, 01:27 AM
i looked up your Hebrew reference and I think it refers to the place where Jacob wrestled an angel. It's funny, I've had this desire to wrestle my guardian angel. I figure he'd wear kid gloves and go easy on me, lol

Save for a bum leg limp, sometimes an angel don't fight fair, but I reckon a limp is better than that averted very real force to take one down. Mercy