View Full Version : My love, my attempt of ascension and bandits-elementals

27th June 2016, 09:27 AM
Hi Robert

I'm 26 years old, from Russia.
In 2010 I was in love with a beautiful girl who was having no interest in me.
I was in despair. I said: "I will sacrifice everything in my life in order to be with her."
I said: "I'm a nothing, but I'll find a way to become a man of knowledge, a man of wisdom, a man of power."
I spent some time learning modern science, philosophy, politics.
I invited a good friend from the Middle East, he is a shrewd man and I like that quality in him.
I shared my pain with him. He said by the chance he have phone number of a man of miracles. How about a love spells?
I said: "It sound like a shortcut, but let's try it."
It's a long story, what happened next.
But in on day I started to feel pulsation with pain a little bit above my nose between my eyes. That's the Ajna awakening.
I said: "I'm no more sceptical about the invisible energy body. It's about time to start the exercises of Robert Bruce."
I said: "From now on I want to be a man of miracles myself."
I was quite dedicated and for many months spent 24/7 on training.
In process I was visited by the spirit of a woman. Then I was assaulted by the elementals. Then I was visited by an Angel. A then I was again assaulted by hundreds of elementals. Several men of miracles have united for saving my life.
One of man of miracles have said elementals do a lot harm to me when I do the exercises. They have a foul mouth. They are liars. They trying to use me. It's a good idea to stop the exercises. I said I want to be like Robert Bruce, I have to do the exercises. My friend and man of miracles, they said me, move in the country where they, the men of miracles live (Europe), and under their control, under their protection they will make me a man of miracles too. They said because I'm born to be the man of miracles it will be easy. And I will be able to communicate with my beloved girl by spiritual way. They said also it's a very nice girl and she herself is a very strong magician, that is why it's not easy to make а love spell on her.

Well, I have no idea, what will happen next.

By the way, on question, what are you thinking about Robert Bruce, man of miracles have answered: "He's a superman."

Robert Bruce
28th June 2016, 09:43 AM
The Golden Rule of my work is that if you get any negative side effects, to take a break for as long as needed until you feel normal again.

So, take a break from all exercises and focus on your real life and grounding yourself in this reality.

So called 'miracle men/women' are usually more interested in your wallet than your spirit.

There are several billion women on this planet. I am sure the next one will be even more amazing than the last.

Love either works of it does not. Trying to force people to love you can have disastrous results.

I recommend that you move on and focus on personal growth.

peace, robert

29th June 2016, 02:38 AM
Well, I will try to be more explicit. (I know you are busy man, so in my comments I'm trying to be laconic as possible.)

First off I'm not so naive. Let's call men of miracles as magicians or astrologers or men of evolved spirit or men of extrasensory abilities. As you wish.
It's only matter of terminology. I was attacked by negs in your terminology. The Angel have said about negs: "That was elementals." Between my friend and me we call them djinns. From now on instead of term "man of miracles" I will use the term astrologer. In the beggining we made a call to the astrologer. He said: "I see him and her on vision screen. She have a strong desire to be with him. But she not confident in herself. No need for magic. Let him try a careful letter to her." Well, I'm even less confident in myself. Many times I was writing letters to her trying my best and she was not responding. I was having no clue why and I've become irritated. And in anger I have written a quiet bad letter to her to find out does she even read my letters? No response. I said let's call the astrologer find out what's going on. Astrologer said: "He hurted extremely her feelings." Oh God, Buddha was right, life indeed is a suffering. I strongly regretted. I so sorry. That's disaster.
The astrologer said to my friend about me: "He is a very simple man, I will develop him a little bit."
The astrologer is armenian by nationality and Christian by religion. At the very beginning he said we not find a help from him if I want only sex from the girl. But that's not the case.
Around 2013 I asked the friend about the astrologer. He said it's very probable that the astrologer is dead. Because he was living in Syria and the country was torn apart by a war. It's a very sad to hear such things.
Around 2011 my friend moved in his country for business and visited 5 different astrologers and spent around 4 months with them. Putting to the test their spiritual powers. Astrologers was casting love spells. You are right that indeed costed a lot of money.
Then I called my friend. I said I'm tired of waiting. Nothing works. It's time to stop it all. Go back.
I had a feeling what my life have no meaning anymore. It's time to end my life.
And a few days later when I wake up I started to feel a strong pressure a little bit above my nose.
The last astrologer visited by my friend is a good friend of him from his childhood. The astrologer is a student of the armenian. From now on I will call him astrologer M.
Astrologer M. have moved to live in Europe where he befriended two astrologers from Morocco. They work together and help each other in spiritual matters. Astrologers from Morocco are your age. With my friend we was in touch only with astrologer M. On my question: "do you know Koot Hoomi?", he answered something like: "I have seen a lot famous people and know them by the face not by the name." My friend was a translator between me and astrologer M.

I'm your most faithful follower. I carefully have read everything written by you what I've found on the Internet and also by your ex-wife Catherine Curran. (Well, you have quite different ideas about what is a Higher Self.) So I'm very familiar with your worldview. Also, I have a great respect for Catherine Curran, she is a woman of very good heart and great passion for spiritual path. Also, as we know she have a rare ability of clairvoyant sight. And she used that well. In particular I was impressed by her observations of devolpment of energy body of you and her and her friends under kundalini. She took care to meticulously to record that things and she made a lot pictures of that. Basically that's a protoscience of biology of the spirit. That's a truly unique gift to humanity. Sadly most people don't able to appreciate.

to be continued

1st July 2016, 06:12 PM
"Trying to force people to love you can have disastrous results."


3rd July 2016, 07:03 PM
I'm myself right now under attack by negs. So I have to postpone a little bit...

3rd July 2016, 09:09 PM
Robert, because I want to have more trust between us, I have decided to publicly share my name and the name of the girl.
My name is Alexey Ilyushin.
And name of the girl is Aleksandra Bespalova. (https://goo.gl/78KdHT, https://vk.com/albums1946543)
That's the girl whom I love so much.

Robert Bruce
15th July 2016, 06:17 AM
I still recommend that you put this behind you. No means no. The girl would have responded towards you by now, if she had been in the slightest interested. And you cannot make someone interested in you in this way. Put yourself in her situation.... imagine a woman that you have no interested in becoming obsessed with you and pursuing you. This would soon make you feel very uncomfortable, and you would avoid her and not return communications, etc.

If you cannot let this go, I suggest you go and ask her in person. Then you will have a final decision and can, hopefully, move on.

I am sure there are lots of young women out there that would love to be at your side.

peace, robert

Robert, because I want to have more trust between us, I have decided to publicly share my name and the name of the girl.
My name is Alexey Ilyushin.
And name of the girl is Aleksandra Bespalova. (https://goo.gl/78KdHT, https://vk.com/albums1946543)
That's the girl whom I love so much.