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View Full Version : I would very much like to get your opinion on this "new" LBRP

17th June 2016, 04:58 PM
Hi Robert,

Since you have recommended the LBRP for a while now, I was wondering if you could give me some insight into a variation of the LBRP presented here: http://hermetic.com/osiris/nbrp.htm

From the little I understand of magick, the changes make sense to me. From your knowledge of the subject, does this make sense? - and does it feel right to you. If you could take some time and give me your opinion on this I would be very greatful.


Robert Bruce
15th July 2016, 06:47 AM
I have not tried this particular version. I recommend you try it and decide whether it is worth repeating based on results.

The reason I recommend a simplified version of LBRP is that a full version is beyond the vast majority of people.

Even the simplest rituals can be very complex and difficult to perform, and often rituals are written with 'blinds', as a real magician is supposed to know this and make corrections.

I only recommend a full version of the LBRP be carried out daily where persons have very serious neg problems.

For most situations, a simple Earth element banishment in the four directions is sufficient.

And people are not only more likely to do a simple version, but there is less chance of screwing it up.

peace, robert