View Full Version : Lucid Explorations 5 - Mannengias

14th June 2016, 02:09 PM

Please leave feedback on what you think is going on

14th June 2016, 03:06 PM
Let's see....Typing as I'm watching....
Having beings grab/touch is pretty normal to me. It's a nice que that we(my spirit guide, or extended spirit family and I) use as a prompt to hop out(or something pressing to address) if I'm fooling around in the tween states.

Then there's astral wildlife(mostly a recipicol curiosity there), a few times a family member(s) who have some ability visit and annoy me as I'm out, and a couple times a deceased relative from a neighboor who wanted me to pass on a message.

I'm pretty sure Robert talks about similar in his book Astral Dynamics, but I believe it was actually himself(energy) touching himself(physical body). which caused the sensation of "other." This is also highly likely. Monroe also discusses such phenomena in his book.

The roller coaster description is very reminiscent of when I call out to my higher self/soul monad/family, and whisked around on these amazing adventures.

I need to get going, but will come back and comment more later tonight when I get a chance to watch the rest of the video. So far, it all looks very normal to me. Often times, especially at first, more questions arise with each answer, or experience than fall away. With proficiency it becomes much easier to discern, and understand directly what's going on, which is super fun. Nice video too btw!

14th June 2016, 07:12 PM
Hi Qess,

You might find this interesting.
We had a similar discussion a couple of years ago and we've talked of the experiences.


I came to the conclusion that I was being encouraged to get as far away from my physical body. I was literally grabbed by the ankle when in my corridor outside the bedroom and tossed in the air and thrown out my bedroom window.
Also fear tests were very common. Treat them as fun and you'll sail through.
When I had the corker of all fear tests and had fun with this they stopped.
I believe every stage we go through is a learning process.

15th June 2016, 03:04 AM
So here's some questions, for you..Have you ever asked them who they were(didn't catch that if you did)? what their purpose is? What do they need or want? Even nefarious wildlife I've met are honest when asked(answers came by as: I'm interested in energy or power), cue lesson on how other lifeforms live, consume, etc. or learning something about one's self.

Also, like Susan said, fear tests are common, in retrospect they may have the "paper tiger" feel.

15th June 2016, 03:15 PM
Thank you so much susan for the settling words, I read most of the posts and was amazed to find someone had asked Robert Bruce about this and his response was very settling as well. I didn't feel as threatened by this, just annoyed haha but I'll keep at it and hope my sight comes to me and these entities don't show up as much

15th June 2016, 03:19 PM
thanks Zecora and yea I eventually became more at peace with it as it went on. I just need to keep experiencing and im sure these beings will become more easy to get along with haha also I think its AMAZING that you can call out to your higher self. I've tried it a few times and still haven't gotten a response :/

15th June 2016, 03:21 PM
So here's some questions, for you..Have you ever asked them who they were(didn't catch that if you did)? what their purpose is? What do they need or want? Even nefarious wildlife I've met are honest when asked(answers came by as: I'm interested in energy or power), cue lesson on how other lifeforms live, consume, etc. or learning something about one's self.

Also, like Susan said, fear tests are common, in retrospect they may have the "paper tiger" feel.

Yes I did ask them more than a few times but never got a response, they never speak unfortunately. And I do think at times they are fear tests. Especially the hands, once they dragged me around a few times and I got used to them they just disappeared

16th June 2016, 03:24 PM
Yes I did ask them more than a few times but never got a response, they never speak unfortunately. And I do think at times they are fear tests. Especially the hands, once they dragged me around a few times and I got used to them they just disappearedHmmm. I've had that problem before too. Even resorting to blending/merging, sign language, etc. sometimes successfully other times no. Do you know how to pick up on energy signatures yet? Or feeling tone? That might help in discerning who's who(and later on refined, the subject's mental capacity, capabilities, etc.)

I've only started interacting with the whole monad/soul group/higher self stuff these past few years(been APing since I was 2yo but aping as a kid is different than as an adult in objectives at least), but your rollercoaster experience totally reminds me of when I ask my higherself for experiences or to guide the AP, I kinda lean back in a giantoid hand, and whoosh, through galaxies, star systems, etc. I'm sure you'll have some interactions with your higherself rightly. :D When you get a chance to move past the astral body, it'll open up to some more experiences/avenues that are different than form experiences, though eitherway, there is an infinite amount of experiences/challenges.

I like your videos though, also how your so balanced in your perspective(skeptic, but in the old-fashioned open-minded, discerning way, not the modern skeptic). Keep up the good work!

17th June 2016, 04:05 AM
Hmmm. I've had that problem before too. Even resorting to blending/merging, sign language, etc. sometimes successfully other times no. Do you know how to pick up on energy signatures yet? Or feeling tone? That might help in discerning who's who(and later on refined, the subject's mental capacity, capabilities, etc.)

I've only started interacting with the whole monad/soul group/higher self stuff these past few years(been APing since I was 2yo but aping as a kid is different than as an adult in objectives at least), but your rollercoaster experience totally reminds me of when I ask my higherself for experiences or to guide the AP, I kinda lean back in a giantoid hand, and whoosh, through galaxies, star systems, etc. I'm sure you'll have some interactions with your higherself rightly. :D When you get a chance to move past the astral body, it'll open up to some more experiences/avenues that are different than form experiences, though eitherway, there is an infinite amount of experiences/challenges.

I like your videos though, also how your so balanced in your perspective(skeptic, but in the old-fashioned open-minded, discerning way, not the modern skeptic). Keep up the good work!

Thanks alot Zecora, I try to be because I find being open keeps me growing. whenever I think I know it all I get stuck in my ways and dont grow. And man that experience sounds beautiful! seeing galaxies and star systems while out of body would be life haha your so lucky, hopefully I'll experience that soon! And as far as the energy signatures I think so but it takes me awhile to feel the beings out, I have to interact with them on multiple occasions. But I have experienced other more benevolent beings that I knew off the first interaction they were benevolent so its interesting when I think of it like that

17th June 2016, 04:50 PM
I try to be because I find being open keeps me growing. whenever I think I know it all I get stuck in my ways and dont grow.Makes sense.

I'm sure that you'll be experiencing APing through galaxies and star systems, most probably even more profound, mind blowing experiences that no words will aptly describe, it's more of a matter of when, than if after a certain point. :D Keeping an open/discerning mind really helps in that realm, especially when meeting new, and unheard of challenges that tend to pop up with these things. That being said, I do know that practice(rather than inclinations, or luck) makes a deeply profound difference in both occurrence, and duration aps. Also, that it is entirely possible to AP at will and even every night through choice/awareness/practice. So those are just some words of encouragement.

Interacting with other benevolent beings is really interesting, plus it's so much fun to learn about new ways of being or whatnot. Anyway, nice chat!

18th June 2016, 05:07 AM
yes I agree and I plan on keeping at it so maybe we'll meet in the stars one day haha thanks for the inspiration!